Thursday, January 28, 2021

Betty Whites Love Child and Hillary

 One of the better known actresses of the world is Betty White. She was born in 1922 and was petite.

She is better known for being  mouthy and sophisticated and before Golden Girls was also a regular of the game show circuit.

Although she was in a number of films from the early years of Hollywood, she is not remembered for them. She was twice married in the 1940s, one a talent agent and another a marine of some sort.

She does not say  much but she went a whole decade without getting remarried and then began to go through the game shows as a smart and sophisticated female bacherlotte board room member.

She was also being chased by Alan Ludden. He was a well known personality and his wife died of cancer in 1961. One entrance he is knocked over by her beauty as he enters, messing up his own introduction.

She refuses him, as I recall for two or three years, meanwhile, he shows up on a variety of things similar to the Love boat. In other words, wherever she went he would follow. 

We remember him before his death from cancer in 1981 as a very good looking man with grey hair and large attractive glasses making him look like a genius. His early days as one of the  main hosts for the game shows was a skinny freckled kid with glasses. 

Not unlike Charles Jennings, handsome Peter Jennings father who also did interviews prior to his sudden death in Central Park. The typical smart guy who still got the beauty.

Alec Trebec followed in his footsteps and was one of the better known successes of the genre of game show hosts. I am not sure his successor is going to make it except of sympathy.

Anyways, what if Betty White had had a love child?

It took a force of nature to get her to marry again after two unsuccessful marriages. During that decade of no marriage, what if she had had an affair? What would she have done? After all it was the era of no abortions and dont tell, in other words the child was put up for abortion.

I notice she has a long nose and a long chin with a quirky personality and death in those eyes if crossed. 

Lisa Kudrow actually matches her specifics, long nose, long chin, quirky personality and she was born in Los Angeles in 1963, just when Alen Ludden finally got her to agree to marry him.

Hmm, maybe they were already a couple and had to get married.

Or maybe, he could not divorce his wife and the result was a quiet relationship while waiting for her death.

As it is she said she had three lovely step children and meaning them no harm, how come there was not one more for the family?

On the other side of the road, where is Hillaries birth certificate? She is not also a love child brought home from WWII by dad to be inserted into the family home? Or maybe already present when he arrived after a long absence?

Maybe, she was his first wives child and the birth certificate is in another name such as Green? Maybe she is Russian and actually knows Mr. Putin or worse related to him.

Maybe, a love child does not have to be acknowledged or a person not forced to deal with publically with an out of date situation. Whatever, these two have a story to tell us as they are both alive. 

I am sure I will be scalded by both of them if they could read my personal blog.

But I am tired of turning on the television and seeing all of the children brought over to a young innocent reporter who also did some work in Hollywood as her grandmother was an internationally known radio reporter who became a Hollywood announcer during the war.

My mother was really bad with her mind deterioting and I am at the homicide stage with the two dozen plus girls who demand they have it on good authority I gave birth to them. I was on the news or in front a camera most of my adult life and adolescent. I was never pregnant. 

And my mother was considered crazy.

I want to know where all the birth certificates are, especially the big time celebrities. 

I want my revenge on being kept from having a love child as I was never allowed to go to far with any of my interviews and my colleagues were always risked off before I could get acquainted with them.

I was better known for beating off lesbians who insisted we had an agreement or being considered a bigamist with too many marriage licenses showing up, some of them with the same date. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Turtle eyes and trying to ride the metro with a vacuum cleaner

 Has anyone ever wondered what Diana Spencer daughter would have looked like if she had had one?

I say Emily Wickersham who has turtle eyes just like Diana is a good pass and almost exact match with William before he lost his hair. She was also born months apart from Harry and could easily have been a hospital switch as girls tend to be smaller than boys.

Have you ever tried to get on a city bus with a vacuum cleaner?

Our new complex had two vacuums we could borrow while leaving our licenses at the front desk. Two weeks ago I returned my vacuum borrow and made sure to get my license. I have a gold bear, the new form of ID which requires a real birth certificate among other things.

Now the vacuums have gone missing and no one knows where they are. No one. The carpet in the hallway is getting dirty looking and one of the maintenance guys was good enough to vacuum at least once a day.

The fire alarms keep going off and I know from experience that dust can set them off. And the entire building has to exist when the one apartment sets off the alarm.

So I went to the thrift stores on Saturday ahead of the rain. The one which has the best prices was closed due to the COV on the weekend. The next one I had to walk around the corner and missed the third one because I found one in the corner. 

A large deluxe plastic one with the removable items and no sacks to buy. It was only 10 dollars and not 90 as the one I had seen at Salvation army. So, I bought it on the spot. 

Then I had to get on the bus with it and I had already gone shopping and had my water bottles in my former business computer case. 

All I had to do was cross the street to the bus stop at 7-11. It began to ran and I could not figure how to mount the vacuum properly without it falling over which it did on to the wet cement.

I got across the street to find it occupied with homeless men keeping out of the rain. But I flagged down the correct bus and he did not stop and it was raining. 

I had to be informed by the men I could join them and wait to the next one or walk to the other bus stop.

I was at the wrong bus stop, the one bus to OLD TOWN did not stop the entire first length of the street. It was at least a quarter of a mile to the next station where the grocery stores are and a single lonely tree with no foliage stood.

It began to rain hard and my electric device and I were not happy as I had to carry it and pull my traveling business bag without my walking stick.

I have a broken back and spinal scoliosis. I now have a c curve and lean like the tower of pisa to one side.

I had to wait with my umbrella over my head and the vacuum resting on my feet while two other routes went by me. This used to be the last of the old places where they still drove trucks on saturday nights and swung danced at the bars. 

It is now LGBT central and the men prefer to walk thier dogs while holding hands. Girls are suspect if you are not doing business inside the hold overs of the older community. I had to be yelled at by a white man about his black boyfriend, I am not sure why I was being yelled at but he was yelling and describing and I was shaking my head. 

And waiting for my bus. And Waiting in the rain. And not in front of the store I had exited.

Finally, the right route came and I got on with hands full and met an unmovable object. My mother was one of those that would not move out of the way. The woman was on crutches and I could not see with my glasses fogged. 

I managed to get around her and was sitting and waiting and the rest of the ladies were yelling. It seems she would not sit down and was blocking overbody and the driver had had enough. He would not move until she got off.

She would not get off. The supervisor got called and the police. She would not move nor get off. The bus driver would not move.

I moved to another space away from the front of the bus and told her she could stand there as I had but the chair up as if she was a wheel chair.

She refused me and the other ladies were yelling at her. They were African and she was not. We were the only ones on the bus and it was raining outside. 

We all wanted off the bus and if another bus had come, we were wiling to get off and walk to the other one while she and the driver continued their standoff.

The supervisor arrived and saw us all angry and it was raining outside. The woman with the crutches won over the driver. She got to go her one stop, she said she had scoliosis and could not sit. My back had begun to spasms out and I was trying not to yell at anyone because it is hard to have ones rib cage get disconnected over the stressfulness of dealing with everyday situations.

the two ladies jumped off as soon as they could cursing the driver. I waited. And got to go down hill very fast in the rain to the trolley station. 

I also remembered to get off at the last stop on Washington where the trolley stop is and not wait until we got around to Oldtown. Here I boarded scaring a man and his daughter as my vacuum fell over again and again as I tried to board with my glasses all stemmed up. 

I only had to go one stop and then all I had to do was step off and wait for the shuttle. I did not have to walk around the parking lot or go under the trains with stairs. 

I had arrived where I wanted to be, an hour later than I should but there was the shuttle coming. All the people under the bus cover told me to go first and I loaded my vacuum up the stairs, as shuttles have stairs and the man behind me handed me my bag of water bottles with a tilt to his back. 

I did thank him, although I prefer my belongings not to be touched. I also was informed of a new bus stop. It was just put in, right at the bottom of the hill leading to my new apartment.

IN other words, I got off at the driveway where I live with my vacuum cleaner, only having to walk in the rain to the grocery store bus stop and not having to carry it anywhere else. 

It did load on top of my business case and with a lean, I managed to go up hill to the apartment. I remember pushing my mothers car with others up this same driveway. 

I got yelled at as I tried to enter the security door. I turned around and got, you got a Vacuum! 

A hero's welcome for a long day of journey and almost being thrown off the bus due to my vacuum because I was sure it was me the lady with the crutches was complaining about. 

Anyways, could someone do a DNA sample of miss Emilie's beautiful long bleached blond hair and see if she is royalty or something?

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Well the squatters finally left

 How many times my family found squatters on our property. 

In fact, most of the places we paid taxes on our being squatted on and I have no access and my father was being arrested for trespassing and he was the legal owner according to the court but not the local police. 

Just a matter of opinion it seems. Who is the legal owner and who are the squatters.

In this case, we are talking of the Trumps. He won the electoral college and was invited inside and even given the keys to the place and yet he was seen as a squatter on someone elses place.

It seems Hillary never took her civics course because she never did concede she did not win the election. Of course, she never has come forward with a birth certificate either. She was the first one to claim Barack did not have one and that was because he was African and not seen as naturalized to this country. 

As it is his mother is part Native American whereas hers is supposed to have stepped of the boat from Germany. A search of available public records has not brought forward a birth certificate for Hillary Rodham.

Unless, it is in another name, perhaps Green. My non brother Jim loved this woman and said he had a zillionaire and other things, he also used the name of Green. Her father seems to have had two wives, one said the name was green or zillany in Russian. It appears to be Greenburg or Greenhill and of Jewish origins.

Imagine that, Hillary with a Russian connection. I wonder if she ever went out with the young Vladimir before either of them married?

As I said I did not vote against Hillary and actually did work in New York. I am not unfriendly to either party but did think the vultures were whether obvious.

Such as Jenifer Lopez, now she looks like something other than African or Latino. I notice the catholic communist Mexican community has embraced Biden. I do hope they don't expect that wall to come down because there are issues with collaborating with criminals to be dealt with in high court. 

As for the coup, not since Rutherford Hayes who succeeded Ulysses Grant has something but so staged. Remember, the south refused to accept Abraham Lincoln and staged an insurrection. They then arranged his assassination's and his successor Johnson was Impeached. Grants administration was full of corruption and scandal and he left disgraced. While his successor had to forestall a filibuster in order to get his electoral college votes accepted.

I am still not sure why Hillary's march on the Capital which included an invasion of the capital has gone unnoticed but then she is a woman and has had the kid glove treatment by the media who grew up worshiping her. 

I would like to know why the tradition of the President stealing away in the middle of the night is not accepted by the media. After all, only Washington who was elegant enough to accept the Presidency after resigning his commission of Commander and Chief and they did not immediately install him as President rode through town with his successor. 

Adams, left town in the middle of the night and his son left the night before. In fact there have been about one in four or five Presidents who have not made it to their successors inauguration which seems natural. 

Does it not?


I have had a number of people knock on my door and claim to be related to me. 

This includes the Captain Kangaroo look alike kid who claims his name is James Wheat and there is no  birth certificate for this name at all. 

Jenifer Lopez has also shown up before she was famous and said she was my families long lost child. My parents had a number of children. I am the oldest, the first born died in embryo stage or still born. 

In 1969, they had a boy whom they called Jesus, but he calls himself by the British equivalent of Hugh. Not uncommon to change that particular name. 

Sorry Jennifer and Kate, by the way who also claims to be the blond white girl from 69. It was really a boy and not a girl. 

In fact, they were all boys after my twin sister was born and died with my face. But not until after she had convinced people she was me and even got some to give her the title of Princess. I hate to hear people argue about this title and who they are bastards born out of wedlock but came out of my vagina and they are little princesses. 

Hmm, Jim tried a fast one back in 1973/74 when he married a girl at the age of 12. I remember her being called Sonja or Sonny but we all know her as Ludmilla. The former Putina, was an airline stewardess who had a husband in every major city and could not get a marriage license with this one guy named Putin but then he was a KGB agent.

Anyways, their baby was going to oust my sister and I and the little brother was being abducted and threatened and finally raised on the other side of the world. Their kid came out all black, apparently, Shawns or Keshan's wife walked into a room blindfolded and did not know her impotent husband was suddenly a man. Maybe she got Jimmy Hendrix of Seattle where we were living for awhile.

The roach as we call her shows up still on my doorstep, not five feet high in heels and always with a baby carriage. This seems to be the best form of extortion that her baby needs my money food stamps and anything else she can think of or spy and she always cashes my checks with my name on it as her mother used to do and probably still does. 

After all Camille and Ludmilla are the same name? Cash  checking companies are strange they will cash checks for the wrong people but not the correct ones who have called the bank.

But then all those illegal aliens who are white and from Germany have not been asked to return after their wall was torn down. They kept crying about it, their wall and how they were separated from their families but they never went back. They are also Catholic and communist. 

Good Luck Kamala and Best Wishes on not being called Camel but Lotus flower! 

Really, I am being nice....

Saturday, January 9, 2021

And I have the pictures to prove it!

The white house was marched upon, the capital surrounded and then some. I have the pictures to prove this actually did occur, that the sanctuary of the politicians was entered.

It happened almost four years ago, when Hillary was not made President due to this thing called the Electoral college. She might have been more popular than Trump but he got the votes and the Congress agreed giving him the presidency.

The populace did not agree, half a million people arrived the day after his inauguration in the District of Columbia. The women's march is what it was called and Hillary was called upon to mention she expected no violence.

They swarmed the streets, leaving those on the sidewalks plastered against the walls. And they had children with them. It also left one old time journalist, camera in hand seen standing across the street under a tree while she watched them hanging off the upper floors of the capital building. 

And they gained access to the building as well. The tour guides were asked and it was laughed off, there were no worries, after all it was just Hillarie's protestors. They meant no harm and no harm was done to them.

I have pictures of the children in the middle of the march on the capital. Of the mall swamped with people and no crowd control and of the capital being entered from above the security check points.

But there is no interest in my photos nor my stories. I did not even vote against Hillary, but it is the odd fellow out who sees things and goes unreported while waiting for that deeper rumble to occur.

If only someone had listened four years ago....

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Numerologist galore

 The twenty-first century is upon us and we are in the 21 year of the 21 century.

What should we look forward to in this year? Anything new and exciting and what do the numerologist have to predict about anything with a 2 and a 1?

Well on the 21 day of the 21 year of the 21 st century, the new president and his female vice president will have been sworn in unless Donald has his way in Georgia. 

Is this something special the first female elected official of the White House will wake up on the 21 st day of the 21 st year of the 21 st century in her new digs as the first ever Vice President female.

It might be something else which will turn our heads this year and there are alot of things to consider. 

With numerologist it is not unlike second guessing. 

After all, everyone predict 2012 to be the end of the world according to the Maya calendar, maybe they got the numbers reversed? 

I might just wait until the 12th month and the 21 st day of the 21 first year of the 21 st century to celebrate the Winter Solstice and take a deep deep sigh of relief.

Friday, January 1, 2021

A man in a boat and a baby squalling

 Her whole life my mother squalled about everything. She even adopted grandchildren who were not hers and then sent them to the real family members in order betray them. 

She never could understand to betray her own father, cousin, brother, or anything else remotely related. Sadly, most of the men in her life wished not to be related to her at all and the little girls doing the damage should be shot on sight starting with Candance and following through with the blond blue eyed ones who look just like tipper gore once looked.

My mother of course has led a lie her whole life.  Her birthday is not the one listed on her drivers license, not that the drivers license is actually her drivers license. She failed every drivers test she ever took, including the one when I was 16 and she stoled mine in order to keep from being kept from driving, then she hid the car from me and I had to walk to school.

Hm, anyways, the man in the boat was my grandfather and his wife went into labor when they were traveling in Scandinavia. One of them got on the wrong boat, and she gave birth as they were entering Saint Petersburg then called Leningrad. 

She had just sent off a telegram to her parents announcing the birth as January 12 when her husband asked why they were not celebrating new years on thier boat and she of course new it was because it was the wrong boat. The difference in the west and east was 13 days in the calendars they used, so my mother was born on the 31 of December.

And so as they got close to port and she would have been registered in the USSR, my grandfather stoled a dingy and paddled out to sea with his new born daughter squalling. I am not sure he avoided the authorities with her noisy mouth. 

But he did make it to Stockholm, he was aiming for Copenhagen but got turned around. His in laws were not amused, they were in Copenhagen and very Danish a little bit old Russian, not Swedish.

She is listed as being born in Salt Lake City Utah, LDS style. The Mormons have a monopoly on their people, no matter where you are born or die, if a parent or grandparent is Mormon as in Rome, you get citizenship. 

So Jack also had to join his parents religion instead of staying neutral to his wives new found faith. What a trouble maker the little one was squalling for her mother who was hanging of some authorities arm explaining she did not know about the sound of a kitten nor where her husband had disappeared to nor where they spies just good old Christians, unfortunately not the right religion and she was almost sent to Siberia.

i on the ohter hand, always ended up in Siberia as my mother went in labor in route from Paris to California. They landed somewhere in the Artic, I had a Canadian passport. But my mother always put me down as Russian! Sigh, I might just execute someone if they approach the wrong person and claim to be related to me. 

After all, I survived COV 19 in an isolation unit without any medical staff, just me and my Thermator. And a phone in case my temperature went above 101. 

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...