Friday, May 28, 2021

YGGDRASIL-Tree of Life

There is a huge tree at the old Lutheran church in Lemon Grove. I remember playing in the small yard when I was little. My cousins and I often went to the Lutheran church and its children's activities instead of the Latter day saints as the family were divided and Scandinavian.

Trees are special in Norse mythology, the oldest story involving is Yggdrasil, the tree of the nine worlds. Similar to Dante's Nine heavens and hells, they have a variety or disparity of other world views of the after life.

The old religions based their views on ancient wisdom that some call witchcraft but most endure as nature and survival. 

Burning bodies or sending them on voyages in ships were more common then burying in the ground. 
Asians practice this and are considered a cleaner society and yet we are seeing India burning their dead in city parks as there is not enough room to do so elsewhere. 

They have also found them in the waters drifting down the once sacred river of India used to purify humans and might have even been used in Biblical times to cure.

Life has turned the corner and everyone is hoping for a revival of our daily lives. The fight to find a place to live, turned to getting proper medical treatment and not being seen as criminals. After all, these virus began in the very same countries known for their cleanliness, and yet have had a lot of international travelers. 

Whether or not it started in a lab as an experiment remains to be seen. There was once more concern in getting medical instruction to internationals, and some locations have international schools of medicine open to those from Asia and Africa. 

This is in order to encourage the more main stream medical practices the Western nations have adopted since the times of the Crusades and the advent of the plague found its way through ships traveling to and from Asia and Africa.

The same today are the planes which fly across the globe with passengers with questionable medical practices and cleanliness. One never knows what guest they are bringing home with them, used to be the motto of travelers. 

And then there are those cargo ships with containers of unknown items, destined for ports unknown. The quality of these places is supposed to be under inspection, but when ones local dumpsters begin to take on a third world quality due to the survival skills of those tossed outside in Western countries. 

Now we are having floods going down three floors of unknown origins. The clients had to be vacated and the carpets are being dried while the overflow of water is supposed to be a clogged drain.

 Meanwhile, living just across the hallway and having just missed the water slogged carpet, the visitors arrived last night. Scratches in the walls could be heard, along with those tiny slaps of the tails, indicating rodents were residing on the other side of the building and now have vacated their premises for dryer grounds. 

There was a shortage at the weekly food hand out in our building. Due to the Covd virus, many locations have made their own distributions and our building usually has an enough for those who need it, and I have less resources than most of the others due to my disability claim not being settled yet.

So, I went to an old neighborhood, to where the gleaners used to provide for their community. The Samoans have taken over the operation and they had plenty of fruits and vegetables, including a few canned items and just enough to get through this holiday weekend when I am short due to being quarantined last month and not having anyone respond to my request for help. 

There was the old town of Lemon Grove and one of the last train stations. The trains used to move across America at the will of the locals instead of the corporation of Amtrak which has not kept its promises as a monopoly approved by the Federal government. 

Anyways, my great-grandfather used to build small little routes for his own usage and his family of LDS and Scandinavians. He had a dozen different little ones which provided movement for religious persons, farmers, and markets or importers of goods. 

In other words, they ran from a port or a river and then towards the agricultural area where his friends and family reside and included small towns and churches. When he died, his dream died with him, and everything went commercial save the trolley system which goes to the Mexican border where many Mormons attempted to settle and there are churches in Tijuana and Juarez for the LDS.

But, the other side of the family were mixed in their religious views and the private schools were often Lutheran or Orthodox instead of Catholic. Here was an old neighborhood, where they was once heavy traffic and plenty of foot traffic.

The times have brought everything to a halt. The JC Penney has been replaced by a store associated with cheap and Mexican goods. The only grocery store is boarded but has an open door as patient customers attempt to get a few things, but most travel to the big places and get their good by the case instead. 

When this all blows over, the credit card industry is going to have a problem. I have been living on cash for awhile now and am grateful. I was planning on paying off my student loans with my disability settlement but have yet to get it, and might not owe anything at all. Soon, we will all know what we owe, when this next year is over, but the virus might linger. 

Our food giveaway was not known to the bus driver, who was friendly enough as there are almost no clients this far away from downtown. He picked me up afterwards, when I was simply given a number and asked no questions. I was one of the few with a bus pass, and a small cart, most had large hand carts for their cars. 

The giveaway took over an hour and processed fairly calmly considering how many shootings there have been throughout the nation and boat accidents leading one to wonder when it will be over if at all.

The place is different, I remember sheep for the children and a time when we were educated in how to care for ourselves, growing our own food, including animals. We all made an effort and lost a lot to those who arrived over the border demanding their drugs were meant for our kids and our food for their kids. 

It was both sad to experience this harvesting of the foods left over by others and the free giveaway by those I could even recognize as well as seeing the change of the faces in line. 

I also noticed our fir tree which had arrived from the old world as a present for true Lutherans with a Scandinavian spirit when this still meant something and not a show on television where even a black child wants to steal a stuffed dragon and pretend she is related to some actor on the show.

I got kicked down the stairs because I wanted the Africans to be treated fairly,  humanely and as adults and not as "gods children" or "just monkeys" with mouths to feed. The girl Violet, had already stolen my wallet and those who attempted to speak to me and then wanted to show off by taking something I had bought for a boy of a woman I once knew as my foster child.

It was her mother who died on my trip through east Asia, and now she is all grown up with children, having survived in Tijuana instead of California due to Jim and his wife Teresa insisting on owning everything including a child awarded to me by the social services. 

She kicked me in the face and yelled racial slurs and then her mother said I was her mother to the police so they could do nothing at all about the situation. It is the current culture of getting even through the Queens who are still not paying for what their men are paying with aggressive behavior. 

The Roach as we used to call her, because she always appeared when food or money arrived and disappeared with your food and wallet. She calls herself, RA-shell instead of Rachel which is a term meaning she was adopted through the Catholic church. 

Rachels house deals with pregnant teenagers who cant raise the child, giving up the child and offering the mother a chance at a life and the child a life instead of an abortion. They are not allowed to have access to their mothers records.

I once worked in the office and my name became associated with at least two hundred different children in the San Diego area alone. I was only given custody of my younger brother and one or two other relatives but instead non relatives have moved in demanding to control these people.

She also claimed to be Barracks daughter and said he drugged me when I was twelve. He would go to prison if it was true even as an elected President. I ended up in a Body bag, after having my face kicked in by the little bitch of the roach.

The man with the empty body bag, was seen looking for the former occupant as I was dragged to my bed by those inside who did not understand to treat their own kind as children instead of adults. 

Allowing her to get away with so much and then not have her leave me alone. I now have an eye that is going bad, after complaining of the pain on my left side and being made fun of by staff when i asked for an ice bag or frozen eye patch. 

The little girl will never understand robbing someone of their eyesight over a stuffed animal that was not hers nor given to the intended child as the mother yelled at me afterwards and ran away with her bronze colored children, knowing her life was over if she allowed her kids to accept the presents I had bought for them. 

Meanwhile, Bill Cosby who once everyone's hero, is now being denied parole over refusing sex treatment. What did those dirty girls with their stories want his penis removed or something? 

If they had not ventured where they had gone they would not have gotten in trouble, if their stories are to be believed. 

If Sonja or Ludmilla had not played games on everyone, she would not have gotten pregnant with an impendent husband nor would it have come out black colored instead of pure white as herself. 

I would like to send her unwanted daughter and grandchildren back to the point of origin which is not Berlin as herself, when really her mother is from Brooklyn NY, but Jonestown Guinea in South America. 

Jones began in Sonoma County where Sean or Jimmy operated as he falsely claimed to be born there instead of Brazil as his real mother said he was, but was also probably Berlin. He was known to Jones and knew about the Kool-Aid, I was actually told not to drink it or tang, when I don't like sweet drinks. 

I did make it there as his guest, and escaped, taking with me those I knew did not belong in that type of non Christian cult. The little roach was one of the children and now is ruining my life but seems to belong to this woman of at least half a dozen husbands. 

Most of their social services of Sonoma and San Diego seems to have bought into this man and his inability to perform his simple functions as a guru. 

While, there is missing money out there from this cult, probably in Brazil or even an African country known only to Jim and Ludmilla, their 12 year old marriage is a reason to make people wait until they are adults and in some cases over 40.

Anyways, Ludmilla as she is now known owes me at least one eye and her grandchildren are going to become shark bait if they don't know not to show up on the beach the same time as myself.

Someday, the world will right itself, but right now everything is turned upside down and sidewise at the same time.

And there standing at the Lutheran church, instead of the imported Fir is a metal replica. The modern trees ae metal, as replacements to the bug eating trees and other environmental unfriendly conditions especially in sunny California where the lemon groves once populated an entire community that made lemonade out of them. 

A tall towering sixty foot metal tree, with fist size screws at the bottom, and six foot limbs lifting upwards to the sky line or heaven as a representative of our modern world is not a bad example of a community incorporating its own belief system with the world at large. 

Creating their own Yggdrasil of steel, timber, and vegetables along with whole hearted forgiveness of the human spirit while allowing the crowd to alter its face over time, if not their behavior of conforming to the ideals of being human. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

A complete fraud, One Vladimir Lenin

 How many times have we been told that a great leader is really a puppet for someone else or just a complete fraud?

Most of our presidents come out smelling of roses or at least smelling.

As for those who considered worse than worst, well there are a few of them worth noting.

Napoleon for instance put on much bravado and might have been mistaken for a mad man.

But as for Hitler, he was definitely a puppet for others to deploy their devices on humanity.

Now Lenin, on the other hand was a self made man and one who was a complete fraud. 

For instance, I once saw a photo of him with his wife, dated December 1917. This was just after October revolution of 1917 and right in the middle of the great war. He was in Switzerland at a spa or nursing home but the elegant ones with lawns and fancy dress. 

Anyways, he was standing there with his wife smiling and right behind him was a nurse who was very pregnant looking. Next to them was another group of women of whom most were Russians and wealthy ones. He had no problem associating with them nor having a joke on his aristocratic wife who felt slighted over her family loosing their money and blaming the Tsar or the Romanovs.

Included in the photo is also a young woman and a small boy just the other side. It is hard to tell if they are part of the group or sitting nearby. She is one of my great grandmothers who is never spoken of due to the fact she was listed as dead and not found for a whole decade. During this time her husband had been encouraged to remarry immediately as he still had small children. 

The news used to be shown at the old film theaters, in between the main film and the comedy. The old going to the theaters included about six different items to be viewed and took hours to watch. One of the girls of the family sat fascinated during the news showing the new ruler of the new Russia. She also noticed the young woman turn her head and the boy was about the right age for her having been pregnant. 

She had been thrown from the train they were riding on while her husband had been giving lectures on his designs of race cars. She was listed as dead and he never was able to get the body. She had amnesia they said and could only remember certain things. She knew her husband when he arrived but not the other members of the family. He did go to her, when he was shown the film but she did not come home. He died a decade later having finally put her to rest in Europe in the middle of a world war.

I have meet a man who looks just like Vladimir Lenin, his name is Michael Herdklotz and he is very annoying. He thinks of himself as handsome, but he does have the same resemblance. Tall, skinny, geeky in style and throws himself at women but does not have a good way of dealing with his own wives. 

As for Mister Vladimir Lenin, that is not his name. The family name is Ulyanov, they dropped the U and ov and got Lenin. His grandfather was a doctor who converted to Christianity from Judaism so he could practice. His name was Isreal, and one imagines the grandsons was as well, but he used a variety of nick names. There is no birth certificate and he went to Unversity where he got his strange ideals from Marxist which had already begun to destroy British society and would later undermine Americas democracy. 

His genealogy read like a whos who of the wealthy and the famous of Europe. He has a very strong line of Jewish family which at the middle ages was not uncommon as they were the ones who had freedom of travel as well as access to money or money lenders. We call them bankers today and traveling merchants or antique specialist.

Christians were required to stay within the confines of their community or have a really good reason for going somewhere else. In other words, they were under suspicion if they went to the theater or plays in another town much less the market and most were not the arts types.

Remember they began to burn the bible in Europe and almost no icons were allowed outside the church. Therefore, the Hebrews and Muslims had more freedom of movement but were also kept at a distance by the real Christians. Scientist or Doctors had a similar problem of being allowed freedoms but also not seen as real Christians, it depended on the community, the ones in Eastern Europe were more mixed.

As for the others, he has some really old Russian families which are upper class, such as princes and counts. He also had some relatives who married into the Romanovs and the German courts. There is a mixture of upper Irish or Scottish names and men who were known to the King of England, as well as the German families of fame and fortune. 

It is surprising that he did not have any American relatives but perhaps he did. He seems to have been well versed and seemed to know how to get others to go along with his philosophy. He married above his Jewish station, meaning royalty but he was also related to royalty. His family had money and he had no need to work in the factories nor the fields. 

The Tsars had had a bad run of late, and two were assassinated. Perhaps he had a help from places many did not expect. Enough of the upper class made it to France and Switzerland where he seems to have connections.

The peasants were starving in  the fields from lack of agricultural knowledge, the town suffered disease from lack of doctors, and the factories had no where to go after the long hours but whoring. The cities had the same follies but not with the same decorum.

Moscow was burned down so many times, it is difficult not to wonder why it was built where it was, except it was far away from Kiev and Berlin. They may have been Islam as many of their names and Tatars which he had a few great uncles were more from the wider Eastern Culture than the Western domination of the Catholic church. 

His influence is still felt, but as a poor man from nothing, this is not true, nor was he a Christian man. Nor a moral man, nor an honest man, he was deemed a great leader which is what Vladimir means. 

What would his wife say if she saw this herdklotz or saw his real ancestor list. Would she have married him, would she have stayed married to him? Would it have mattered if he was unmarried, or was she part of the bargain, the sophisticated aristocrat willing to give up everything for the poor Buffon who was inspirational in his speeches and his application of Marxism into Communism? 

How quickly everything slide into the secret police and the inquisition and the forced allegiance to a power without knowing where it was going, and a blond future at that, just as Germany wanted blond blue eyed children, not dark eyed Jews nor Muslims. 

A fraud at the least and a terrorist at the most, converting an entire country into atheisms and then demanding the neighbors be in fear if they went to one of the hated Orthodox, onion domed churches. Fear of being caught as  a Jew himself after they were expelled, or of loosing his control over the hidden Islam descendants of the original Tatars turned tsars?

Friday, May 14, 2021

Yes, Moby Dick ?? Roberta and son have been dealt with properly....

 Where do the admirals of the largest navy go to retire? Just across from the Naval station in San Diego, one  of the oldest in California, is the Coronado island and its marina golf course. 

This is so they can an eye on those "guys" across the bay at the Naval base and port of San Diego, not the marina nor the ferry station nor shelter island where most of the housing used to be for the navy, but the administration of the Navy, just the other side of the Coronado bridge.

And these guys have been around the world, and most of them have acquired one of the older homes or better homes on Coronado with Ocean views. But is the marina view that the golf course has, straight across from the docks.

Hmpf, there goes another ball. YO, ho HO! Moby Dick has come to play! What! Or my !!!

What ship brought that in! Oh, look there's a little one as well! Mama and baby !

Great, got to get across before they do something really bad with those two.

Plankton! You thought only thought you had plankton! 

It is 65 feet long and six stories high! That's how much in weight, about 100,000 pounds!

No, no, really, the little one is a baby! Its only 25 feet long. Any idea how old? 

Probably a new born, or she would have let go of it at some point. 

They are both dead and no one noticed the smell, the sound, the waves, the drag on the ship!

My that's quite a bumper you guys brought in to our little marina!

Another hit and run! 

Wow, you guys did not even stop to check to see what you ran over?

Oh come, on there was a really big game on and every one busy...

No, there was a pandemic, and we were short handed. 

Everyone has the same pandemic shortages. 

Don't tell me you have body bags to unload! Its the Navy, they are called sea burials!

Were you out of contact for the last thirty days?

Why, did someone important die?

Only the Queens spouse!

All ships should have been scrubbed and swabbed before entering any port, especially one of the friendlies!

What did you do with the bodies, since you didn't hide them first?

Under the hull, was clever until you bumped into something hard such as the dock. 

Don't worry, we took one to the dump and one was dragged out to sea!

Well, the welcome wagon out for your men. Here are some swim trunks for you, in case you feel like swimming back to Australia. 

Unless, you are thinking of defecting to America.!

Shark bait, if steps foot back in Britain, but them let them go, really its not as if they lost a submarine or something, like those other guys!

And on endangered species list!

You didn't tell me that!

His men didn't tell him it was there!

Hmm, wonder what Scotty would have done, "excuse me, Captain!" "We seem to be dragging something through space." "I got water coming down from, god knows where..." 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Beauty and the Beast

 There is a bear in town as part of a show of force. Politics is never sure, the sweet guy becomes sour and vice versa. There is no magic pill to make it all go away in the world of the I wants and the they wants.

The campaign is being run by Cox one of the oldest names in America and he has classified himself as a beast and has a bear to ride around with, a real live California Brown bear. 

I cant remember the last time I have seen such a show and I had to see it on television. I am usually out and about and I should have been going towards Shelter Island yesterday but I am still waiting for xrays from my foot and stayed closer to home.

How is it this guy thinks having a real bear is going to get him elected and he is trying to run the other guy out of town. 

The beauty is Newsom, the young handsome, former Mayor of San Francisco. He has four cute kids and a pretty wife and looks like Boxleitner. He sounds like the old Jerry Brown when he talks and is not unfamiliar, his father was a Judge.

He is on the pretty side and he seems to have the perfect life. What though is the issue? The world wide Pandemic that no one can do anything about? The wildfires that have ravaged much of the areas around housing that should not have been built in the first place? 

Or is it closer to home? I am not sure as I am no longer following the inside line of the California politics. I am an old Brown family member of Pat and Jerry, they were California, and I liked this guy as a close match to them.

Not that I did not like Pete Wilson nor Ronald Reagan as home grown boys, but really showing up in town with a live bear, that is like the guy in Russia being seen riding a bear, after his airline stewardess wife leaves him and his brobuddy gets in trouble over not giving up his chair to the lady with Russian relatives. 

I still like Hillary and I appreciate her health care reform as well as her international State relations to developed during her husbands administration and the past President. 

But really, did Putin deserve to be put off his horse riding in the wilds of Siberia to a Russia bear? 

California state animal is a bear as is the Russian official one is a bear. 

Not that I am comparing the two men, nor am I saying the guy is wrong, I just don't know what the recall campaign is about. He is probably a nice guy, and the Newsom have been in California from the beginning of statehood and also have Plymouth colony ties. 

Now comparing California and Russia, well that is also another issue. After all, this is still considered Russia America. The Russians stepped foot on the West coast before the Declaration of Independence on the East Coast.

They later had a Fur trade company everyone knows as going belly up out of starvation, but that was later when the Spanish followed the outlaw monks who built missions to get out of the Inquisition and were unable to go home to Spain. 

In other words, Baja was never part of Mexico, in fact it was invaded a number of times. Even a Civil war Veteran named Walker invaded and won the right to call himself President of Baja and Sonora. 

Too bad, he did not stay, but moved on to Nicaragua. Baja was simply walked into by a number of poor individuals form foreign countries just as most of the Californios who took Vallejo's family hostage, were ship jumpers, not even fulfilling their contract to complete the work on board a ship.

There are so many illegal aliens in Mexico it is funny that America and California except undocumented persons. Most of them are also illegal in Mexico such as from some Muslim nation as Morocco or even Iraq and Iran. 

When things go bad, people move on but have little ways of proving whom they are and were they came from only where they want to go.

The Wall should be built to protect America from invasion form these foreign powers from overseas, now that America is pulling out. But short sided ones, only wanted to see one version of the turth and i am sorry for Hillary but Trump was not wrong about the wall.

As for Russia, it is also been overrun by foreigners and has been invaded a number of times. In fact, the Romanovs were not the original rulers, but the Rurik's in what is now called Ukraine. Even they had problems in keeping their rulership.

The stories of the Tsars, who also had to deal with Muslims as did Iberia or Spain, were well known. Drugging, beating, robbing, rapping and duplicity was used throughout and many wonder, if there was any real descendants.

The last two tsars were assassinated and their daughters supposedly raped, while Prince Philip was one of the last Romanov, I am afraid little Archie's DNA will not match despite what Meghan has to say about skin color it is the blood type that is important. 

Well, Putin's grandfather was the chef for the Lenin's, a Jewish family of unknown origins. Ruling among a primary Muslim eastern group of people and a Western group of Orthodox Christians. They outlawed religion, making themselves atheist with their Marxist belief system which only excepts White people with Intelligence above most athletes and celebrities, which would exclude almost anyone with money in California.

As for California, Vallejo's, spouse's family the Carrillo's were descendants of Moctezuma and had a right to Mexico but not California, which had been populated on and off for a thousand years by a variety of sea goers, including the Japanese and the Russians. 

There is probably even some Romanov and Rurik blood running through the veins of some Californians.

However, this does not help the current campaign of the Beauty and the Beast. What ever, the recall is about, I hope it turns out right. I did not dislike Arnold, but Grey was also a nice guy. 

Most of the politicians who make it to that level, have got what it takes, it is the those who get caught before the big league who have real issues. 

Most of the movie stars in Hollywood on the other hand, could use a push back to where they came from. Such as Gal Gadot, and Lily James not mention a few of the others who are clearly crazy but get jobs because they are good in bed and not on screen. 

I bet most of them claim a heritage which is not real and have no way of proving it except by forcing a situation with the use of needles and cameras to give the appearance of having won the right to sit down next to some one, when in fact they already have convictions and have violated their probation. 

This mans they have also violated their agreement with America, either as visitors or as naturalized citizens and could even be considered harmful as well as unhealthly to be around. 

I wonder how many of those beautiful people are really beast inside and should be excluded from intelligent conversations as well as any government employment but allow themselves the right to create an atmosphere where they have to have access to training in special facilities in order to present themselves as something they are not, healthy sane individuals with real paper work and actual relatives instead of imaginary "I am the real princess" behind your back routine?

Best to the Beast or to the Beauty, may the best bear win as long as it is good for California, which has always been to easily accessed by foreign powers. 

Shiver to all those conversos forced out of Spain into Mexico, even the Conquistadors, appear to have abandoned their religion of Jewish in order to survive prosecution. 

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...