Friday, April 30, 2021

Whose the Queen know?

 There was once a little girl named Candy, sweet as nothing, but got her way anyways.

She liked to be called Queen Candace after the Ethiopian Queen in the Bible.

Someone had to tell her that Ethiopia is in Egypt before she would stop making people call her Queen.

As it is the white girl with the frog lips and really bad personality has no idea of where she comes from and it isn't Germany nor is her real family Aryan.

Her mother likes to tell the story of how when her husband died when her baby was two months old she threw a big party and bought her children all sorts of gifts from the insurance money.

The part she misses is he was incarcerated for over two years and without any conjugal visits.

Oops, well, as it is Norma was from a German immigrant family and they enjoyed having their way in all arguments. 

In her case, she decided to argue with a man on stage or at least back stage about his race and ethnicity.

She said he was not white and she said his skin was pure as snow. He knew better but along came Candy and her daughter is named Splenda, fake sugar just like her mothers skin tone, because hers is not white as snow.

This story began in Africa, during the homestead days when Germany thought they owned the continent and decided to carve it up. 

While, restless natives were getting rid of their neighbors by selling them to those ships bound for Jamaica, the white people were being sold property in their neighborhood.

A lot of people believed they owned Coffee Plantations and other things and built houses and did things such as build club houses and entertain themselves by bringing their women from the old country. 

Some also had their own local wives, some of whom might have been descendants of African Queens.

One family, their name lost, the mans wife decided to go whom to have teh baby in Europe. While, she was away he moved in his local wife and she also had a baby. He now had one of each color and was proud of it.

The Great War ravaged the world and even affected Africa. The local wife left with the family jewels to a safe spot inside the city walls, while the foriegn wife came home to find the man had gone off to war, leaving her a house but no money on hand.

After the war, when he was declared dead, the two girls who had been raised together were brought before the lawyers. The man had acknowledged the local wife child because it  had been born in front of him, while the white daughter had not.

Therefore, they had an equal share in the estate, which was being sold. The family was returning to Europe and they had to take both girls with them, as they could not find the local wife, nor would it do any good as she was the responsibility of the white wife anyways.

They had both gotten accustomed to the parties at the clubhouse and fancy dresses. The one girls mother must have been important to the locals as she was protected and she learned enough to know her way through the world.

What she did not know was what to do once on board the ship bound for Europe to find it heading for America and her lawyer not knowing her new location nor her how to get to him before they arrived. 

The mothers may have died by now from the Spanish influenza as they seemed to be alone and young adults or teenagers. They fought and argued but only one knew where she was going and the other not even a clue as to what awaited her in poor rural America.

The slaves had been released but her plight was worse than that. The white girls friends had arranged for to meet in Georgia, and there take her to one of the really poor neighborhoods where no one would believe she had a white daddy or would not care if she did.

Her life was spoiled to point among a local population in Africa where she had a measure of freedom, but in rural America she had no freedom nor was she ever going to get out of the life her half sister had sold her into out of revenge for not inheriting the entire estate.

The white daughter might not have been the mans daughter but she was certainly his class of greed and hatred. She should not have been allowed to go to the club house where she meet more greedy white men who were not going to show her respect for having a half sister but kept it from her.

Her difficult decision in leaving her sister behind while she drove away in a brand new 1920's automobile was short lived. She needed money and had acquired at least a portion of the jewels her father had hidden from her mother. She needed a buyer so she could go back to Europe and forget the whole experience.

One night she came back into the same community where she had left her sister, and entered a hotel. Her sister was quick and had her silk dress as soon as it was off her back and the keys to the car.

In her sisters dress and hat, she sat honking the horn in the fine automobile, screaming, whose the Queen now!

Without her clothes any white women in the wrong neighborhood would be arrested. As she was led out of the hotel after someone had phoned the police, she cried out in frustration to her maid, only to find it was not her maid at all.

While, she was waiting for the police to arrive, a man had come along to take from the female what he thought was his, only to find the black legs were not stockings. The young girl was not a virgin but surprised at this episode when all she wanted was to go Europe as planned and meet her fathers family as planned.

Meanwhile, the white women was arrested and taken to the police station. 

When they stripped her down, they found the missing jewels on her person, she was apparently attempting to sale them, but through an adventurous affair.

All things went wrong for the pair, the one went to prison and the other to an insane assulym. They both claimed to be descendants of queens. 

Neither of them could prove it but the white women eventually got out and then never went back.

The other had her baby, but it came out all white, pure as snow except for a little bit of telltale signs around the mouth and ears.

Her grew up watching his mother be bathed like a queen in the insane ward, which she never did leave, since she could not explain how he had come about.

He went on to travel with the stage crews as a performer with talent that was expectable at the time for his station in life. He might have even been a rich man, certainly richer than expected and maybe as rich as his grandfather. 

AS for his white daughter, she was born poor to a mother who was not successful at lying. But married a man who was a safe cracker and they got along fine, using extortion on others. 

Candance is crafty, never having learned to read well enough to understand much of the magazines she holds in her hands, and has gone through a number of husbands.

She has at least two mixed race children born to her and she only has white men for husbands. 

Lisa Eric, came out feet first, everyone watched her sitting down on the beach screaming about her little dick. Hence the name Ricardo is often attributed to her child, which was finally born in a hospital but only after the husband kept taking her back to the beach. 

He was a cheap sort and did not want a retarded backwards born bitch. He put the baby in the garbage can with the embillical cord still attached. Duane or Dick as he used to be called had a different wife and had failed to mention this before, she still does not know the girl who is so friendly to them is actually his daughter.

The Gordon family removed what they thought was a dead infant and took it to the police to say they had been robbed by this family down the street and then lied it was one of the little girls who had given birth. 

Candance was and still is just a little girl in her behavior, especially her promises speech and her denial of others human rights. Stealing is the main thing she knows and how to get herself into trouble.

Sweet aunt Candace has told a number of girls they have the wrong mother and this other girl just wont acknowledge them or remember giving birth to them, getting them insane in their behavior and willing to commit murder for some title that will never be theirs. she always has her hand in the till, and your wallet as well as your bank account, anything with a secret code has to be given to her or else.

Meanwhile, her last little product is all grown up, African coffee bean colored and looks and behaves just like her mother. She also has issues with reality, it is not breeding so much as a bent personality of perhaps the original German grandfather.

Always wanting to be the Queen and never knowing how to do it right which is not go go after a native American nor believe a white woman at all, but to find her own roots and just go home to Africa where they just might make her Queen.

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