Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I do recall a tornado came calling at our door....

 I woke up in a bed with a wall on one side but not the other. I was confused for a long time till i decided to move and found that the wall was gone and the outside was right there for me to just walk around.

I did walk around for awhile in just my night dress. Some people talked to me and tried to get me to tell them who i was and whom to call. 

I could not stop thinking i needed to keep walking around, and allowed them to take me back to the house I had woken up in which only had two walls standing, the ones where I had slept.

The rest of the house had collapsed. I could hear something in my head and kept moving until I found it mewing in a tree. 

As he plopped backwards out of the tree, he asked "what took you so long?" I replied "I did not know where you were."

Then he saw the house and got really scared. As we were talking about the tornado that had come through, another one got out of a truck. 

He said, "he had flown way, way over there" and someone was dropping him off.

He asked "where the parents were", I had not thought of them. 

I assumed they were not home or they would have had us all in the bathroom or something.

Then I remembered the lump in the bed and ran around to find out what it was. 

She had slept thought it all and was grumpy to be woken up and brought outside.

She wanted her mother and I wanted my dad.

Instead, a wail let out of someone, who it turned out was me, according to the others.

I knew all of a sudden where they were, in the basement.

The house had collapsed on top of them and they might not be alive!

As I scrambled towards the house, the others got upset as well. 

We were just enjoying being alive and not really caring to go back into the damaged house.

There it was, the door to the basement just outside the kitchen door. 

We were all trying to pick up timber and move things around as we desperately needed to know if they were inside.

Others came by and started to help us move things once it was apparent what we were doing.

Looking for the missing adults. It took alot of hands to simply hold up timber as we crawled through.

Once we got to the door and knocked and yelled and kicked, it suddenly sprang open with my father's head sticking out. 

Then he disappeared, and a baby was held up to the world. 

"Another one", I whisphered, " you let her get another one". I was one always away visiting the grandparents. The first born and still attempting to be explained, while she kept having another one without still knowing where they came from.

My sister grabbed the baby and said it was "her doll", and went away sulking, it should have been her idea to look for them. She was very good with new ones, cared for them tenderly until they got too big for her little arms to hold.

Meanwhile, Mom was hauled out by many, many hands. While I stretched as far as I could to let my father out of the whole in the ground. 

He was going through a performance of handing out one after another of us. 

Although we were not in the basement with them. She had dragged him down there before he was awake, just her and the baby.

The boys said they heard the yelling but one went on way around the house, and one went the other way.

Both ended up getting to fly "Peter Pan" style.

Finally, we all sitting in front of the house that no longer was a house.

My mother did the nose count and found one extra, me.

I must have been dropped off in the middle of the night by a grandparent.

Which made my father begin yelling that he needed to find out where his in laws were, one of them must have been in the area and should be in a car.

The friendly people came back, she found her family! 

It turned out they were a news crew, and were happy to help send out messages for the now missing grandparent. 


I was quietly remembering I had once been with kids in a school yard. The entire group were put into a basement and the big guy. stuck on top, attempting to hold the door down.

It did not hold, but sent him flying as if he was surfing the air. Some of us followed him through the air watching to see where he landed. 

He went around complaining afterwards, collecting his charges.

Walking for miles looking for more little bodies. 

Not all of us made it that day back to the churchyard. 

That is why we were not supposed to be living in Tornado alley as it was called. 

She must have been desperate for a house to live in with the new baby.


Lucky seven we were once the grandpa's car was found with him in it under a covert waiting till the swirling stopped. 

Thats when he asked where grandma was, she was there the night before.

Again, we had to hunt around to see, if there was a chance, and yet there was that nagging sound coming from under the house.

A few things were moved and the kitchen window was squeaking back and forth, and there was a hand attached.

She had been standing in the kitchen when the house she said was picked up, and tossed back down again. She had been laying on the floor, which was then layered under layers of debris, and calling quietly in a hoarse voice. 

Good thing we found grandpa! Or mom would have forgotten her own mother had come to visit!


For years later, after my sister died, a different girl would always show up with the story, telling how smart she was instead of scared to death, as I was. 

Afterwards, when the family separated. we were all scattered like the wind to different parts of the world, when the parents could no longer stop blaming each other, instead they lived apart blaming themselves.

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