Sunday, December 12, 2021

One Latern or two?

 The famous ride of Paul Revere after the rebellion of the Stamp act brought rebels out of the shadows to stage a revolution. Americans had been promised many things but life was not easy and the final straw was being charged a tax or forced to use a stamp in order to mail letters to their families back at home.

Riding through the countryside yelling the British are coming, not unlike the Russians are here for many.

The lanterns indicate if they were coming by land or by sea. Seems silly now, because they would have to come by boat. But then there was those who supported them and wanted to take thier neighbors hard work away from them.

Not unlike the People who were protected from the Nazis, the Fascists, the Islamic terrorists, the Ottomans, the Turks and the Mongols. Every time things get good; the nationals rise up forgetting they benefited from the hard work of others. 

Not that I am a communist, I am not. I am however the type of individual who understands that there has to be a form of government or anarchy rules. And that means instant death to my kind, the freedom lovers who don't encroach on others. 

Home grown terrorists are evident everywhere, even the librarians could be accused of undermining the American government with their forbidden books. All those school shootings had to start somewhere and the librarians have a commonality in all instances. Don't they?

Paul Rever was also accused of being a spy, he was actually, had his own group at the Green Dragon. He was accused of many other things when he was part of the militia. He worked at his silversmith and copper making to help the ships be more successful. 

Anyways towards the end of the war, he got his court martial where he was acquitted of all charges brought by his nay sayers. Not all court cases mean a person is guilty nor do the innocent often get a day in court where explanations are exchanged and the false reporters finally get caught causing trouble.

Auctions of ten get to provide earnest admirers of artifacts. Napoleon's sword sold recently and Capone's gun. The Romanov sapphires and Josephines cameo tiaras have also been put up to auction. 

There was a house in Canton Pennsylvania that was found a few of his items. Not his horse's bridle or a silver cup to drink out of but other personal objects. Twenty thousand, ten times what they were estimated is what they were bought. 

How does this make a person feel to own and hold someone else's items? What does it mean to actually own a piece of history? When will it not be an issue to have seen a house where someone slept or view their interior closest or view their accomplishments through paintings and statues?

I don't know why they are after Thomas Jefferson; without him we would not have the Declaration nor the fear of those in Europe who thought they could own humans. He was not cruel to his staff nor expected to be given more than he deserved. 

He was not a sex trader nor a human trafficker, which is so common today that woman can't travel anymore. Even a port side hotel might lead to a ride in a container on a ship headed to areas where humans are not seen as valuable.

What was the ride about? Freedom to pursue our own interests and to be allowed our own religion. Someone else peace of mind is not the same as their neighbors. Keeping people off the streets by providing a job and a place to stay is something many would appreciate today.

As is the safety of the borders, there are so many who don't understand they don't own America. Mexico did not extend to the north nor the western coast. They were southern or central and east coast raiders. They did not have time to explore, it was the outlaw monks who built missions for the Indians who could not go home to Spain nor live in Mexico. 

The same for Ukraine, I am for their freedom but not for terrorists who use the internet to control others by misinformation as well as actually leading the government authorities to believe in things that are not true.

Misinformation of the masses is not unknown and has been used since at least the times of the Hebrews in Egypt.

Where will it end? When we are all forced to surrender ourselves as slaves as those who went to Egypt during the time of the great drought that Joseph ruled over as he rose in rank above his own brothers and even the Pharaohs heirs?

Go get vaccinated for god's sake and don't endanger your neighbor. Go to whatever church and beg forgiveness for not being merciful to your own family. Get an education so you can understand what the news and media are telling their viewers. And don't listen to the nurses, they only do what the insurance companies want.

Hope for peace and have faith that both sides of the big picture are seeking ways not to end the world in a ball of fire.

Don't use candles to light your computer when the power is out because the wifi will also be down. 

Flashlights are a great help in lighting the way. Maybe the cities have built too many tall buildings, causing all these freak weathers.

The good guys always stay at the ground floor and have their own wishes for life and family. 

Where would we be without those that lead the way or cry out in darkness?

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