Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Really, another shooting

 What is the world going?

Another child with a gun.

In the old days, children were taught to hunt for food and sport.

But today, they are not even taken to a range where they can get real training on the use of a gun.

Instead, they watch movies and tv stars picking up guns and fake shooting their colleague.

These things are not meant to be used for real or accidental shootings.

Even an actor on a set can't be certain of the gun's reality. No real bullets are allowed on the set.

I am not sure what Tom Mix nor the other old cowboys did but even the Lone Ranger knew respect for his gun and used his silver bullets wisely.

Blame needs to fall on all those prostitutes such as Gail Gadot and her former coworker Rodriguez.

No way those girls got their jobs through acting. 

They do great fight scenes though especially with the use of the feet.

What they are not are princesses but public nuisances.

Almost no modern actress is actually good enough. Thier contrite expressions and facial farts might be pleasurable to adolescents but not adults.

The old girls were either theater trained, true dancers or someone's girlfriend.

These self-made queens are causing too much trouble.

Instead of getting an abortion and a job, most girls are getting money for getting pregnant.

How many children died over Thanksgiving?

Did keep a count, I didn't but yet one more took a bullet in the chest from her male relative and only five.

Another fifteen got angry over the weekend and took out his mother and then abandoned his child at the doorstep of his grandparents.

Did not like the way his mother was raising his child?

How many more high school shootings are there going to be?

Guns are not easy to hide. I know I was given a gun for protection but ended up being dropped off at the wrong school.

Before I knew what to do, which was leave school my own mother approached me and she was not supposed to be there. 

She was one of those bad girls who never graduated from high school but her mother did and she simply lied about everything using the third person.

She purposely got in an argument with me, as always, she just wanted my wallet and my money I had earned for herself to give to someone else as she had lost her mind to cancer.

Her determination paid off, and she pulled out a gun and put to my shoulder and pulled the trigger. 

Thats is the day I learned about the empty chamber and not to leave a shell inside. 

I had to have a bullet pulled out as my mother rifled through my wallet to see where I had been after she through me out one more time. 

Usually, it was knives that kids carried sometimes openly and then used on others.

All these shootings must have a source and perhaps even a commonality.

As for those queens they are just inciting their men to get killed so they collect millions from the court.

Like the old insurance schemes. I don't have an insurance policy, not after the first one I was given when i turned of age and had a car with car insurance.

The extra policy was used immediately. I had so many accidents and incidents, it was canceled out of fear for my health.

My little African girl who insists i had sex Barack and gave birth before I was old enough pulled a gun on me and shot me with it, she just wanted to have her way.

I was actually told, that according to the newer African black children view towards their world, I was not trained right. 

You see, I am supposed to give in to them at all times and give them everything of mine, even the things they don't want but I hold precious. 

The children don't see a way out of their lives except by killing is due to the adults being indulgence and not taking care of their own world.

Everything was once at peace among the world, and then the Pandemic hit, and everyone curled up inside their houses until they could not take it anymore. 

Now the world is no longer at peace, and even the Ukraine President is showing signs of schizophrenia, fearing the Russian President is going to invade.

It might be true but it is his paranoia that is causing concern. He might just be a little to contained compared to his former career.

Of course, there was those who feared another German uprising. 

They were called idiots and mental patients, when in fact their fear turned out to be intuition.

Who knows, the world that was once at peace has turned in on itself.

Maybe, the only person or individuals who can save us are ourselves or those committed to peace such as the Dali Lama or even the Pope and Patriarch, now that they are on speaking terms. 

Or perhaps we could just get rid of all the bimbos on television who protray heroes but are in fact nothing of the sort.

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