Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Winter solstice a time for the spirit to be reborn

 It is the end of the year according to the old ways. The shortest day of the year, called the solstice.

Often, they replaced their celebration of earths renewal with the Christmas or Christ birthday.

Really, is there much difference?

The solstice is the shortest day of the year and then regrowth or longer days occur. It is almost the same as the Christ being congratulated for being born in mid-winter. Actually, the bible says late fall or October but who cares.

Many used to walk or visit special sites on this day, I usually like to be there at the first rays of day and wait until the last of the sun is visible.

I prefer the beach, or a special old door place such as the Japanese Gardens. 

The Bidens are not the Obamas who kept running off to a National Park every time i came to town.

They have revisited the Nantucket area of the Plymouth or first Europeans arrival. 

And now they have introduced a new puppy. What is wrong with cats? I could offer Commander a basket full of free kittens. They at least will not wet the carpet nor hide their truffles behind the couch.

Poor socks, he was mistakenly brought home and then abandoned when the Clintons moved out. 

Dogs, dogs, and a few ponies! Cats are good at ratting and making sure there is nothing else lurking in those walls, such as bats or possums.

Tiny little spies!

My twin sister and I often went places together during the holidays and then were separated to different households; mom could not take two of us. But the boys were always taken care of and one winter day...

We went out to visit some Christmas farms. My father knew a lot about trees and the boys wanted to get into farming those poor little twigs into revenue for themselves. 

I always think it is sad to see the trees cut down, I also don't like paper bags. 

In the old days, decorations from outdoors were brought in but the trees were left out of doors. 

The White House now has to have a dozen or so of the poor little things, not allowed to grow up to really big trees.

But this day, we all meet up for hot chocolate. It was my parents wedding anniversary the next day on the nineteenth, so someone suggested we go home with a different family.

Or at least my parents were going to disappear, and we were to be dropped off at the grandparent's.

Anyways, I was the visitor this year, and did not get all of the facts. But over hot chocolate my mother sold her entire crew to another woman to travel back to town, while she ran off with dad one more time.

Stuffing too many little bodies into the same vehicle and with trees on top. There was at least two of them, as one was for the office of her husband's new job and one for home. 

She was a nice woman and had no idea to allow so many kids, but it was one of those things, a country road.

I awoke to teh sounds of not singing holiday songs, but the engine being turned over and over again.

And then, the sounds of screams and agonizing silence.

The children spilled out of the car, while I wrestled with my sister's body. The boys began running around looking for help while others were terrified. 

In the end, we all ended up at the hospital, where she was laid to rest in the morgue. Both the nice lady as well as my sister.

It was up to me as the oldest to make phone calls and attempt to get an adult to come. I watched as the different sets of boys were taken away just before the holidays.

It was assumed that the family might not be available until after the holidays and they were actually being adopted for the holidays, some of them might have stayed the rest of their lives.

I knew they were not getting the real story at the desk and some of the people showing up were those who followed certain types of people, waiting for an advantage. 

That is why there are some many children who claim to be related; they were dropped off at a hospital waiting room with my family's name. 

It is hard to convince abandoned children they are not wanted, nor should they come back, even harder to get the nursing staff not to recognize scam artist at work, stealing other people's children.

Using other people's information is considered an act of terrorism and claiming to be related is a crime but a domestic one, not taken as seriously.

What kind of people follow others around and taking advantage of accidents or causing them to occur?

Just before the big holiday, these goons were out and about, wanting to take advantage and not care about a holy day much less the rejuvenation of the years end.

I know when my parents were wed because they got caught hiding in their room during the skiing season and emerging on the solstice.

In other words, they had consummated their marriage, and could expect the two young lovers to live together instead of going home to mom as my mother often did.

She had a problem with letting her parents off the hook as an only child through the entire World War two.

This night, she was not available at all, as she had run off with my father for the entire weekend, if not the week.

Nobody was coming to save me and without my sister's information, had no idea where they were or which relative to call.

I called them all and others, till someone did show up. The husband who had called and been lied to about the situation.

He rescued me, drove around all night until his boys were located. Then we set to work on my family. 

The aftermath is my mother was never to pull that stunt again. The boys lived separately from us the rest of the time. The grandparents had to keep an eye on their daughter, but she still got her way.

They were both murdered while both of my parents died of serious illnesses which should have been corrected.

The boys still act as if they don't know me even though they had no idea who raised them did it for money does not love. 

They never had the same love nor family togetherness. Nor the idea of singing the way to grandma's house, when she lived in Florida. 

Maybe we were given the wrong boys back!

What we did not do was Christmas ever again after that year.

But somewhere there is ancient custom of the winter's solstice where renewal and rebirth occur for all who linger at one of gods creations 

As for the Bidens, they had their own tragedy and celebrated it with a mass with family around of his first wife and daughter dying. 

I wonder if they ever caught the guilty ones, or they just keep peeping at information not theirs while using extortion on the innocent?

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