Monday, January 24, 2022

Hot pursuit, Fast and Furious and over a little bit of spilled fuel

 An arrest warrant was put out for the suspect, and they fled the authorities.

With seven hundred hostages,

The issue is 1.5 million dollars. 

Originally, every vehicle had its own identity such as horses and ships.

In this case the culprit is a ship named Crystal symphony.

They have accrued an unpaid bill.

Unpaid bills often get the authorities unhappy.

Unhappy people want their money.

So, the judge issued a warrant for the ship in order to pay for the fuel it has been using to run its ship.

since it was the ship and not, he companies it was just the one ship who ran up a bill.

Who their accountant was I don't know but he is now unemployed and homeless?

A lot of people believe everything is free.

Especially in America.

They can just run up a bill and then not pay it.

Like all those credit cards coming due and will go unpaid by the middleclass.

Or the mortgages on houses they don't understand will come do someday.

Meanwhile, the Bahamas is where the hot pursuit went to get away from the being arrested and impounded.

The fuel company want their money and the judge agreed they could take the ship in order to recover the money even though it might cause the company to go under or fail.

It is the way the legal system works. All those unpaid credit cards come back someday, and it might not be until they are all old enough to receive social security and then find it, they have no way of collecting.

As for the hostages, they were not willing to be held in the Bahamas.

After all, what happens when they run out of food and fuel?

Seven hundred hostages decided to split. 

Three hundred were willing to be ferried to Fort Lauderdale, an American city in Florida.

What they did next, I don't know, but flights are scarce right now with the pandemic.

But they jumped ship and in bad weather.

The rest are just floating around in a luxury ship which can't afford its own fuel bill.

Receiving food past their agreed terms and paid for trip.

Getting free trips to the wrong city and then connecting flights.

Not bad for hostages and selfish people who don't know there are starving people who can't afford cruises.

As for the ship itself, it cant dock at any American port.

Maybe known of the Caribbean or Bahamas.

It might become a floating ghost.

Better to sale it online at Ebay and get rid of the responsibility.

Ha, the Judge will not let that go, after an arrest warrant is issued.

They never forget when money is involved.

A restraining order with bodily harm or financial swindling,

they might forget if the guy is sweet enough or blond enough.

As for the African girls who want to be queens and demand to know where white mama spends her money and what she writes in her private blog.

But are not actually the biological as in their new world, it doesn't matter, they just assume, and they don't believe they have to prove anything.

Holding a white person hostage because they have unpaid bills, and they dream not of an equal world but one of getting even.

They don't intend to do anything with their freedoms but enslave others and if their own men have to die in their selfish cause, all the better due to their own desires.

Maybe these known Americans can just be set adrift in the nearest location the Bahamas to find work for themselves and spend their own money on food and clothes and leave the men alone who will do anything dishonest to appease their women without knowing they are just a fee bank account they don't intend to pay themselves. 

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