Sunday, January 9, 2022

What a fine mess this is...

I was only gone one day at the hospital and the whole world erupts. 

No really,

Actually, I was locked out of my account for about a week. I could not even get into YouTube to play on my tablet.

At about the same time as the old blackberries went down for being too old an electronic, I was shut out of my account. I kept having old phone numbers pop up and even after it took me six solid days after being unsure what had happened before I finally got the thing cracked open. 

Usually, I get security checks from places like Menlo Park in the bay area where the computer best is located. I assumed it was just Jim, he moves around a lot checking in from a different location.

Even after i got back into my security and removed all of the phone numbers, I still found a new one listed and with an old prefix from Sonoma County in north California.

Well, I have informed the government repeatedly that i have been hacked but they don't appear to care. 

Now they admit to being hacked and by a foreign government. I am not one of those who loses confidence in a government just because they declare their own elections unreliable. 

Look at Kazakstan, the government resigned over just fifty cents. over 150 people have been killed this last week, while they burned the president's palace. All they claim it is about is the price hike of the price of gasoline. 

Most people don't own cars, like int he seventies, everyone needed rides because they could not afford a car and then did not want to use their own cars for others without charging such as Candy who literally follows you around and removed her monthly fee that she still charges even if you aren't using her services. 

The price doubled overnight without government control is the reason for the burning of cars and buildings. The price listed of 230 K tenge their unit of currency translates on the currency converter to 53 cents us dollars. Unless they have a different conversion, that is not enough for the amount of people killed. 

Those who can afford cars probably get more than twenty dollars a month, the old Russian minimum wage. Candy used to take her twenty every month and now wants a hundred. Still missing money at the end of the month, and those people should be getting at least hundred a month with whatever job requires a car. 

Calling in the Old Russian buddy due to having his country erupt after Afghanistan was opened by the US and left for the Taliban to take over, for the price of gasoline oil.

Reminds one of the apocalypses of the book of Revelation 6.6. 

The one who cries out in the wilderness where no-one hears them but they still get in trouble.

I was raised protestant by mature grandparents, but my atheist mother could never leave anything alone. She had the hardest time with religion causing some of us to study it as well as science for answers.

What we got was own belief that there is too much injustice and too many people crazy enough to cause things to occur that would not have happened without their misunderstandings of being the Christ themselves. 

For instance, Jim used to transverse across the soviet border, wherever my mother's grandmother's godson was located, taking him food or other things, he knew the guy needed. This without permission from the godmother but sure enough those were the things the guy was missing.

He had joined up after attending law school, and then ended up marrying the guys first wife who later divorced him. And? Sean and Sonja were known for causing enormous amount of trouble, even allowing themselves into the Pentagon. 

They even staged high jackings with her as a airline stewardess, it came out she was already married to an airline executive, who has since been found strangled. Jim used to fake hang himself from trees just to get sympathy.

I still believe he is behind the 9/11 attacks. He calls himself a Muslim and when America refused him a driver's license and permission to own a gun or be given any military training due to the concerns of those in the intelligence community, he went to the middle east.

Somewhere there are pictures of him training with his Muslim's brother's and he always provides for those he wants to do things for him. We lived in San Diego as original inhabitants. My father was even elected mayor the same time as Pete Wilson, there was two mayors for a short time.

Jim was not allowed in the nation much less San Diego, and now he acts as if he owns it. The laws he has changed and the way the community has forgotten what they are, with all those hundred-year-old houses torn down or made over to businesses.

Any ways, his favorite spot in the world when he was a kid, was the greyhound station. The whole world used to pass through, since many did not go by train nor afford airline tickets. Now everybody has credit cards they don't pay off.

The 9/11 terrorist set up home in San Diego though a phone book found at a flea market. They got here according to the last report by a guy who dropped the off in Los Angelos with tickets to San Diego. The old bus station is right downtown attached to the fancier hotel across the street from the one President Trump drove into. 

Right across the street with glass windows and access to the city hall across the street and the former NBC news building just one block away where everyone used to walk by in order to see who was up for an interview, the Today show used to be located downstairs. 

Brillant, where all the big money and big politics is located. They got off downtown and then where did they go? There are no churches in downtown, and the old hotels did not used to take their kind, but now those places don't exist anymore.

Somehow, they found themselves places to live, ways of traveling around the community and they even had families which they left behind when they went on their last journey. Those people are still here, but almost no one else is left from that era, even the FBI moved out of town. 

I know at least one young man who used to travel by greyhound because of his parents' divorce. He always showed up in San Diego and did go to work for NBC and has just recently retired. I wonder if he has any pictures of him just hanging out waiting for that bus to come.

Yes, we are in the middle of a garbage strike, causing bugs to crawl out of nowhere. We are also still waiting for the ground to stop shaking. There have been earthquakes everywhere, even way underground. 

And then about the sky falling, the poor Russians had a failed rocket lounge, and it fell back to earth in an uncontrolled manner. It fell into the Pacific Ocean just past Cabo San Lucas, and near Guadalajara. 

What does Hillary say about that? She suggests the Putin did not like her enough and undermined the American voting system, and yet they had not only a failed rocket lounge but could not control it electronically as it came back to earth?

I am just asking, no rioting please, just sit down and listen.

Well, we all survived a near catastrophic event, unlike those communities who are still finding ways of dealing with criminals own their own. They left the mayor one community a Christmas present, ten dead criminals left in a single vehicle for him. 

One senator complained about the snowstorm he was trapped in, a whole highway shut down for more than 36 hours due to the conditions. I remember being trapped for days and with others too young to go by foot. 

Meanwhile in Pakistan, two dozen people died in their cars when their highway got snow stuck. The army had to snow march in before the machines could make it because they had 20 thousand stuck on one highway. 

Is that worthy of prophecy? Armageddon was Reagans words, and no one was to blame him until that wall came down and then chaos erupted.

What do we have, South Africa parliament was set on fire and allowed to burn for four days and then was still not done? 

At least they appear to be done in Paris, those yellow jacket protestors. And Capital storm troopers, and border jumpers.

Oh, did you hear? The National guard was called out. They are not called on minor events, that why the sixties were special, crowd control was so necessary.

San Diego has to have their covd19 testing stations protected. Two hundred National Guard are now assigned to the area to protect those doing the testing and those standing in line to be tested.

It is such a little thing, this testing, even when I don't believe the results, just get it done. Thier privacy rights versus their neighbor dying just because they share the same air?

But then someone has been setting fires to cars in a neighborhood, on his 29 car or something, they finally got him. There are a whole lot of insurance adjusters out there claiming not covered!

San Diego has become a war zone. Just the other day they had to close the freeway near La Jolla, the richer part of the country, where Romney used to live. Some pedestrian got hit and his body traveled down the line, with several vehicles using it for anger management or something. Really.

All those shooting in the South County where Jim is supposed to be living with two different wievs now listed and yet his stepson is still coming up on my security questions as a relative. One of the reasons it took me so may days to get back on. 

Let's just end the news years first week and the second Christmas for our Orthodox friends with a goodbye.

Queen Kate has turned 40 and thinks she needs to be on the cover of magazines. A drug addict with serious mental health issues, four children and two boyfriends. She thinks she is wonderful looking like she is sixteen.

I went down to size zero when I was 39, and got no congratulations for it, but then I have never been pregnant nor delivered a baby. I just have fibroids which keep growing and growing...

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