Monday, January 17, 2022

Oh, so you want to be a royal princess

 Every little girl is called a Princess by a loving father or something else by an unloving mother.

The world goes around and yet what really is a princess?

My little sister was very much a princess, yet she died quite young and never did get her way with her own mother. He life was threatened early on by cruel men who wanted to violate her body. 

She also was told she had a niece she did not want; a little African girl came out of jimmy's small wife. They were 12 and were allowed to get married. They were both 14, and one had already been married. 

They sat as pompous monarchs demanding to have their way with a family who was not theirs to begin with, where it had started is anyone's guess. But her first husband had made it clear she would work for him, and the little boy was too stupid to not know what she wanted, her way all her life.

Hence, my sister died and her bastard lives on. She went on to marry several more times, having children who did not belong to the men. The last one had been a sports hero, and everyone was surprised when he married her, except she said she was pregnant. 

They decided not to issue a marriage license, and she decided not to have the baby this time. At least, they said it was a miscarriage, and yet there is a young man who looks just like the family friend we always traveled with, the spitting image of him. I was intended to become his wife someday if I did not marry the other one who came long ways to visit. 

This girl is now over forty and still demands I have to be her mother and that my wallet belongs to her, in fact she calls around claiming I don't understand. She destroyed my father and caused my mother to lose what was left of her mind and life.

Sonja is now known as Ludmilla, and has moved on to a toy boy, while her movie star mother has passed away. Meanwhile, Jimmy had so many wives it is hard to tell which ones were really his and which were his best friends.

Anyways, what is a royal princess? Kate Middleton has worn the title as a slut born to a girl who had no husband and sold her for ten thousand dollars. A herion addict who wanted to go to art school. She knows does public artworks of sculptures which are as mysterious as the anorexic's mind. 

One does wonder. 

Hopefully, Charlotte will be allowed an education and being born a princess might get to have some sort of life, unlike Diana, who worked as a maid, housekeeper, cook and nanny. And then died after deciding on a Muslim man being more honorable than a Christian. 

No, I am not angry with Philip, Charles, Andrew nor Edward. They have not many choices in life. Philip was an unwanted child, who endured his mother being committed to a mental hospital, his sisters being used and raped by high-archy Nazis. He chooses a life in the navy but was not seen as a commander and chief. 

While Charles and Andrew were never taken seriously, after all their mum was just the queen, being born to it but not earning anything at all.

Young girls born to royalty fall into a couple of categories. The most gruesome is what Queen Elizabeth the first and Victoria fell into. Being unwanted, unnecessary and possible kept from having a life nor a happy marriage due to them being born to the castle. After all, a man has to go out and fight battles in order to prove his abilities. 

Let's start with ELizabeth, the daughter of Henry the eighth. She seems to have been allowed to associate with him, they talk of making music together. They were both gifted at instruments and are supposed to have written a song or two. Merry play is not unknown among the elite.

And then came the boy being born. How much a male heir is needed and yet women used to rule or run the world. Egypt has many examples, including the presence of dual thrones, whereas the Middle Ages after they went on their crusades become concerned with the male ego.

Anyways, after the king's death, the boy lived but a short time and died. Then the older girl whose mother had been disked by the King choose to run as ruler. She might not have been his daughter, dear Mary the catholic one. It is not unknown for a man to marry a pregnant woman in order to gain something. 

She appears to have hated her young siblings. The boy suffered emotionally and never did get a chance to prove himself as a warrior. The girl was allocated towers and isolation in order to keep her from making friends. 

Her life story is told differently, the virgin queen who never married. Or the whore who had affairs. It is whether or not she did her female duty of providing an heir that many historians get quiet.

References to standards was that a fourteen-year-old female was just right for marriage. Especially a young man who might not be ready to have relations. But in any event, it kept her from an education, military training and having a chance of choosing for herself.

Romeo and Juliet were pre middle age examples of two rival families wanting to choose for themselves. That the girl was 14 was not a shock to the priest, that they were allowed to marry. It was the families who had not seen it coming and caused assisans the chance to get rid of the real heir at all.

Dying for love.

Young Elisabeth might have been forced to marry by her sister Mary, who was having troubles of her own as a full-grown adult. It would not have been unusual nor argued with by the religious leaders. It is whether or not it was known outside marys court and if she had a child who then became one of her knights. 

If she had affairs at sixteen or eighteen that is not assured, since she kept getting marriage proposals from other kings. It is sure she would not marry anyone at all after experiencing her father's court. If she did have a child or two, it would have been made legal and not illegitimate, even if a quick trip at night to the priest and then instant divorce. 

The Cecil's took an interest in her life, perhaps saving her from poverty. They made a fortune out of her and married quite well themselves. That she was the Queen of exploration and intervention might have meant disaster is obvious.

One does wonder about those American cousins who were allowed royal decrees and a life on the other side of the pond.

Now dear Victoria, had quite a nasty childhood. Her mother was very cruel and unkind. Her uncles were not wise, and the king found favor in her father who brought his wife back from Germany to give birth at his feet so to speak. A natural born Englishman, or woman as it was. 

He died very shortly afterwards, while the girl was hidden or prevented from doing anything at all. her mother did not remarry but acquired unjust men who kept after the king.

Is it considered that she might have even been exchanged as a little girl, Victoria? Was she the same infant brought to the King? Could the mother have replaced her, or had she been guarded on the outside by men wise enough to know not to allow a child to go missing?

She must have been brought to the King at least once or twice. She must also have been allowed to attend some sort of court function or parties in order to acquire a husband before she was too old. her mother made it clear she wanted complete control of the young girl's life, not allowing her any freedoms. 

Again, at fourteen she might have been forced to marry without the king knowledge. Or she might have been kidnapped by her own mother in order to prevent her from having any sort of consort. 

Sneaking someone out of London is only as hard as a tunnel and a boat in the middle of the night. Night watches were meant to keep this from happening, but money always helps the way, especially with those who appear to have control.

A trip in her case would not have been allowed, but if she did get transported somewhere else it would have been up to those in power to decide her fate. Either they could look the other way as too many elders do in modern congregations, allowing sex offenders to rape their own daughters.

Or someone might have been sent to rescue her as in the days of chivalry. If she got to the other side of the pond, she would have not had any way of proving her identity. she might have even been allowed to roam free after a while, for no one would take her seriously.

If they took her to the West coast, in the early nineteenth century, it was still being decide what country they were. Both the French and Russians had forts and ports. It was the Spanish she had to worry about, and they the abductors might have tried to sale her in Mexico.

Albert claimed she always looked forward or backwards but never lived in the present. Was there an experience she could not get over? She never did travel out of her country once she was of age. Not even to France or Germany or did she accompany Albert just once across the channel.

The young girl in the west would have had to prove herself a virgin in order to survive, she would also have had to be given into by locals who had no political aspirations. Being kept from a monastery or convent would have been the biggest issue. This might have been their intentions, because she did go missing for a while, her mother refusing to bring her forward.

If she had to have a baby it would have been kept from her by the catholic nuns, as was the old way of not telling them of having been raped and impregnated.

At some point, she might have gotten the freedom to roam and had no way of going home or even knowing where she was. Fortune would have been on her side, if a faithful elite noticed her bewilderment and provided an avenue for her to go back to where she came from.

She might have met albert already since their engagement was short and their marriage long. She might have been rescued by him or his group of travelers as it was common for royals to go to America to see the wilderness.

She might have had to go the other way around, through Japan, India, turkey or even Russia in order to get her out of harm's way. She would have had a trip of a lifetime and given a chance to prove herself to those who ground out about it.

She also might have had a happy admirer leading her the whole way home, after his own adventure.

No one will know, since she quickly became the Kings, being taught the functions she needed and how to govern. She seemed to have a wide knowledge and influence. Her husband and her kept after the Victorian era towards marriage and morality. She remained unmarried due to her lack of trust or just did not care to be trapped into a relationship she might have already experienced. 

She did make friends with unlikely men and wanted to know about the world. She also held the keys to the archives and other records. She seemed to enjoy her long life and might even have had secrets we can only imagine that made her rule so well known, only to be outdone by the current queen.

Our current Queen also had not much chance of a childhood. They were poor, the younger brother of too many brothers. The wars had dealt hard blows to the royal line and eliminating the Germans due to their desire for world domination, which was already showing signs at the end of Victorias reign. Her husband died too suddenly and to quietly.

AS for the younger Elizabeth, her uncles died one by one and then the King died and then the King abdicated for the sake of love. One wonders why. Her mother was a wise Scottish woman who allowed them to associate with those who were not rich and powerful but also wise or smart enough to win a second war by Germany. 

Her stuttering husband became loved by all, and the two young girls allowed to grow up princesses. There does not seem to have been another pregnancy after his ascension of the throne. The one girl seems to have the wildlife of a princess wanting her own way, marrying several times.

While the one lone girl, was not allowed a single misstep in her youth. At twelve she meets the very handsome and charming man she would later marry. She married as soon as she was old enough. She began to have children as she moved to Malta for her husband's career. 

And then the end came. Her father died and she was now Queen before she was old enough, 24 is the usual age for males to receive their full inheritance and for most modern males to have graduated from college and begun their careers.

Her career began and she now stands alone, without her consort while her children are sought after. too much trouble has surrounded the children as if she herself was not available. Now her grandchildren are making mistakes and bringing in prostitutes as Victoria forbade her own sons from doing. 

Diana at least tried to live, making people believe she was worth the effort. Kate has nothing but show she has no ability even at forty of doing anything at all. Except, starve and act mentally ill, what of an airline stewardess who did not bring her up right, even took her off to Ireland to have a baby before her marriage to William. Or so it seems. 

Perhaps, Charlotte will be allowed to be a real princess without worries, unlike her cousins who keep showing themselves wanting to be just like those not to be mentioned, even by Shakespeare. 

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