Saturday, January 8, 2022

What again?


We all laugh at those silly things of our past, like chicken pox.

My younger brother was raised separately from myself due to a stalker who won't leave us alone. He has even hired an army of aunts and nieces in order to keep us from having any moment to ourselves.

In those days when a child had measles or chickenpox, the others were brought in to share a bed in order to get it over with, all the kids having the same childhood misery at the same time.

The problem is that some of us have no immunity or autoimmunity, sending out false results.

In other words, I get the pox or the measles every time. I had to be kept from the others in order not to go through it over and over again.

One of the first times, a few of us little girls were traveling together and two, got the pox. I was sent into the fire with the other one to get it over with, only to find out I had already had it as a baby and had almost died from it.

In came, a young Jesus, jumping on the bed and asking, “why are you girls in here”?

He had just been allowed to visit and was eager to play. He had the pox all on his own, while he was sick, we played at the beach.

The problem was that it kept happening to us, the two siblings not allowed to be together. Jim refused to accept that my mother had had a son who was not himself. He is not our relative but convinces others he is going to kill them if they don't cooperate.

As for chicken pox, I was still getting it right up to our parents' divorce.

One last Christmas we tried to get them together, but dad had to have his eyes operated on. We waited to see the result, and then the separation forced on us one more time.

Grandpa took one and grandma got the other one, as usual the children were not allowed to be together. I went to a new school, to find myself covered in spots. It had struck again.

When we spoke again, I was informed that sadly he had gotten the disease during the holidays, so happy i was not there to get it again from him at least.

But I had gotten it again and had a especially bad occurrence as i was just leaving childhood. Chicken pox is worse for adults.

Poor kid let's hope he does not get it again as an adolescent.

Sigh, it is so sad to have a sibling who passes his love to you through those little childhood diseases. How many more times have I gotten the other ones as well, mono and meningitis, not to mention colds? 

All these years later, no longer sharing the same home and it still happens.

Of course, with covd, I had the dreadful disease before it was announced. Upper respiratory not pneumonia, nothing to worry about.

Negative, negative, negative were the results.

And the positive, right after getting vaccinated.

And then it is all over, or so they say. I scheduled the booster and showed up on the wrong day, feeling awful.

The wind told me he had finally gotten a positive test result. I had been hoping he would not catch it as we are unable to travel any more due to Jims obsession.

Just another day in paradise.

I had a bug inspection and had to move my furniture. Out popped a horrible black spider. I thought he had bitten me but could not find anything and then woke up having a heart attack on the wrong side of the body.

I wasted a day not sure what to do but finally went to the hospital, something I was refusing to do until the crisis was over. But I had been running a 100-degree temperature for three days.

If I had not had a similarity to a heart attack, with pain on the wrong side, I would not have gone in. As it was, I had to go through ekgs and x-rays, and blood draws.

Not a real reason to occupy their death ward. The end result was six stressful hours, which included no food nor water.

And then the storm hit the emergency room, tons of people came in with the symptoms of cvd.

It had taken three hours for the doctors to decide my fate. The diagnosis was cvd, again!

And, yes, I was bitten by a black widow but was not going to be given anti-venom as they did not believe I needed it.

Thank you, little brother.

I know it is not really your fault. Just experiencing sympathy pains, I still got it all the way over here. on the other side of the country.

Best wishes in your recovery. I already had it and should have no problems. Just don't stop breathing! And be well enough not to get it again and again.

Now, I wonder where the spider came from…

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