Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Also in the news

The first female leader of the free world, is... drum roll.., Mrs. Pelosi. 

That's right, not Hillary or even the possible Kamala but the already accepted elected Speaker of the House. This is the number three position of the United States Government. If something should happen, to both the President and the Vice President, Mrs. Pelosi would have to take over until a new President was elected.

This is a unique situation where upon, the electoral votes went to Trump, but he is not the accepted elected government official. The popular vote went to Hillary but she was not given the White House. It was originally thought the President would receive the electoral votes, and the popular would go to the vice president.

Now the votes go for two candidates at the same time, so both the President and the Vice President are elected on one ticket. This is because there was a tie once upon a time and the wrong guy attempted to steal the Oval office. 

Instead, we have a situation where no one seems to be willing to concede to Trump and therefore the first elected female leader is Nancy, who is leading the nation even though her Impeachment went badly, and she lost her attempt at getting Trump out of the White House.

What do you think, she would have done, if she had won her impeachment vote? Would she have walked into the Oval office or given the keys to Hillary? Or would we have had to go through another election, since Pence would have been implicated with the voting fraud charges.

The last time a female was visibly telling the government what to do was Mrs. Wilson. Woodrow Wilson lead the nation through the Great War and then had the Versailles agreement drawn up by him for the US and the European nations to accept Germanys surrender. 

Things did not go well, and Woodrow had a stroke. He could not speak well, and his wife had to relay his words to others. Essentially she was his voice and some assume she took command of the White House as well. 

As the Suffragate movement swept through the US, and the first female ran for office but was denied. It is not impossible for a wife to assume her husbands duties. This is true on the senate floor and the house, where a widow is allowed to assume her husbands seat. Even Sony Bono, who was a well known fraud with his former singer wife, who went on to claim a Mayor ship that listed someone else having won, only to claim a seat in Congress. He remarried a blond woman of no political standing who then insisted on having his seat given to her, so it is not impossible to have an untrained and non elected female take over the duties of an elected government official.

I don't believe Melanie would be given the chance of sitting in the Oval Office, nor would Jacqueline Kennedy have been given that chance. In fact, they had her stand with her husbands blood on her suit while the Vice President was sworn in, not even giving her a chance at grieving before visibly handing over the keys to the White House to another.

When Rockefeller was elected with a wheel chair, they hid it from the nation until after he was elected. They would not show him in a wheel chair nor crutches, but always sitting or driving. His wife took over the  international duties, while they claimed he had a mistress at home, but it is controversial what paralyze entails with males abilities. 

And then there was Nixon, who had to fire his Vice President and wait without a second in command for a new election and Ford to replace his outgoing side buddy. Leaving the speaker of the house as a  second. Perhaps that is what went wrong with the so called Water gate scandal, you don't suppose he sent out his unmarried daughter to take care of business for him? 

Mrs. Rosalyn Carter got her nose caught for conferring with her husband in front of cameras, and Mrs. Nancy Reagan was corrected for speaking up for her husband who was losing his hearing. It is assumed they both had permission before hand and were invited only on essential business and not state secret meetings. 

They were not elected government officials though, just the wives. Like Diana, Camilla, and Kate are just the wives of the future King of England. There is no guarantee they know anything at all except how to starve themselves or get in  the way of their husbands. 

While England has accepted Prime Ministers, American still has a hold on women primarily due to the influence of the those religious right who prefer a male head. There are still many religions who prefer to have women subjugated to male authority whether than let them have their head or thoughts or money or even personal property.

Best wishes to Kamala, while Nancy continues to hold the spare key for Hillary. 

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