Sunday, August 9, 2020

And then there is the Plague

The Plague!

How that spread terror in the hearts of the Europeans. Wave after wave of the terrible disease swept through Europe, killing young and old, poor and rich. It is the word that gets attention when one wants to threaten someone. 

We thought this Coronavirus was bad, but the plague, suppressed shudder was incurable. Of course that was in the days of no antibiotics. Now there is all kinds of medicines for it and it was supposed, cough, to have been wiped out.

Not in China!
Inner Mongolia has issued a number three warning for no unnecessary travel. And shut off an entire community or village. They have had two confirmed deaths in this small isolated place. They say, the historians, that the plague traveled from China via ships to Italy and other ports by rodent and their fleas. 

Here we are in the modern age of eliminating everything we can in order to survive a pesky upper respiratory virus, and the fleas are running happily around with all of those dogs and their walking companions. At least cat owners deflea their animal controllers on a regularly basis. They make sure you know when they have those horrible biting things. 
Well, at least it is China and inner Mongolia. Its not as if there are tourist who go to those far away places. There were a couple who went all the way down the Silk Road, but they did not return, they died from the plague, a few years ago. 

At least there are no reports in America, except for the one in New Mexico. Hmm, maybe it time for some underbrush fires in the National Parks and Forestry areas of tourism, as well as heavy defleaing from all those returning tourist. An official document or something, that fluffy has in fact had a bath.
As for the home front, a number of items, including an explosion in Beirut after a fire in our own port. Trained military personal not returning from a simple exercise and now their eight bodies have been recovered together. Cremation for some reason is the mandatory decree before the families receive the love ones. 

Perhaps most of the deaths should be by cremation as my parents. We had expensive land plots and elaborate funerals planned for them as they were known to important people. But in the end, both of them ended up having no place to go or even lye their head down. Someone had sold their plots of land, as his and the people who knew them so well, did not show up in the daytime, but went at night to visit those who kept saying they were the real family.

Stalking and harassing's, swindling and defrauding a single family for more than fifty years. The same guy and his friends have gotten away with murder and spawned at least two hundred of their own children who are determined one lone female who cant reproduce is their mama and they want money, fame, or anything they can steal just by rubbing her thighs.
Meanwhile, I am on the witch hunt for those tiny little things called, fleas.....

After all, it makes a girl want to kill, just to get rid of the continued pests who claim to be her daughters but never do anything but use extortion and constant crying about not being allowed to know what she is doing, even going to the bathroom or doctors or even the beach to get some peace. 

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