Sunday, August 23, 2020

On the positive side of the morning

California has become ravaged with forest fires. It always gets its shares of the fires and sometimes is almost not mentioned.

This past week, there was a lightening storm so severe there were over 11000 hits on the ground of strikes. It created a fury of fires spread across a wider area and concentrated among those already on fire. 

So, instead of being worried about an aging uncle up in the hills, when it turns out, his street was the only one not affected, we have numerous neighborhoods goin up in smoke.

Santa Rosa was wiped out a few years ago. Not being able to return after depositing my mothers remains along with my father up in the mortuary area of the old town. It is uncertain if any of the old homes we once occupied are now standing. 

The same for some of the other areas we once lived. But these fires appear to be concentrating again on Los Angelo's which has multiple neighborhoods. There is now a wide spread area across the Bay area, the 
central valley and lower California for those who know fires wo be aware of what not to do. 

Stay inside the fire range. Vacaville has entire neighborhoods destroyed with fire. Some of those people who were too concerned with my mother but did not come to the funeral are now without homes to live.

Sad, the positive is that the underbrush is being burned off. This means the rodents and other creatures that come out when things are really bad will be killed.

In case you have not noticed, there is a warning against the plague. Fleas spread the plague and the owners of  dogs are careless in their attempts to tell us they are fine. We are not.

Now for the city in Korea where the dogs have been confiscated and are put in zoos to over indulgence. How nice not to have to have a dog brought into a store, church or even a shelter where there is nothing one can do but have flea bites. 

Good news, except for those who put fifty year mortgages on homes and in a hot region of the state. Perhaps they can just go to a homeless shelter and get acquainted with what it means to be an adult instead of a childs life where they get to reside inside a house and not worry about the night.

Most homeless people have no place to go and most don't spread diseases but many are prejudice to the concept having lived an deal life. It is the drug addicts who live in houses who cause the problem. Along with cities without proper sanitation. for some reason they no longer have public toilets.

Now for the virus it might also get under control with the smoke and heat destroying most of it. It is those travelers who brought it back from their religious trips to China and Mongolia we need to be careful of s thy still offer their literature but practice unclean things such as having sex and not abortions. Living their kids to die on the streets instead of raising them under their roofs as indecent things.

Positive maybe some of them will also be gotten out of thee way as well with this disease after all they certainly were not washing their hands as they were getting themselves pregnant or holding out hope that they would get their egos massaged just for sitting down next to a pretty girl at a convention of any sort.

Well firs are a good thing when not to many deaths occur. And the housing trade and construction Christians will at least have work for awhile before their Armageddon comes and strikes them down with lighting. 

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