Thursday, October 22, 2020

Alois, Isreal and Leslie, who were you?

 Alois Schicklgruber is the real name of Adolf Hitler or Heidler, a Jewish bastard born to an unwed woman who was later allowed to use a pseudnym for his Marxist rise to power in order to get rid of his own group of racially inferior ethnic breed as the newer scientific thinking decreed. 

Vladimir Lenin is really Isreal Ulyanova, but used Lenin in order to hide his families Jewish roots and adopted the title "ruler" as  he ascended in his politics of Marxism and extreme racism towards his own ethnic background staging the removal of the Russian Jews in order not to get caught by any who might have known of his families origins. 

And then there was Leslie Lyn King, a good enough name for almost anyone but the President of the United States. We know him as President Gerald Rudolph Ford, his step fathers name. As a former CIA operative, perhaps he kept two separate passports as granted to him by the proper authorities or maybe no one in the press room was willing to call him Mr. King, President. 

Of Course, there are other Presidents with different names but real birth certificates, such as Bill Clinton. This is also his stepfathers last name, his father having died before he was born and named Blyth with Hayes as a family name as well. Does anyone think he might have traveled under a different passport? 

Then there were those Dukes from Bavaria on the battle field of the American Revolution. Captain David Walker and his son Private Jonathon Walker. They were really Ernst Frederick Saxe-Hildburghausen, Dukes of Bavaria, II and III. 

They fought on which side? It says the father had his assignment from the German Charles VII, Palatinates sent in to keep order against his British counterpart? The son seems to have taken up residence in Harmony Pennsylvania, known as Mennonite country in 1788 after his father died. 

Was this known to George Washington, also a possible stepson? His chief Body Guard had to route out three companions who were attempting an assassination's upon him. Or at least he was promoted to chief after the discovery, his name was Frederick Braun, also from Germany. He stayed behind in Pennsylvania and changed his name to Brown, my great great great grandfather, the head of what is now known as the Secret Service. 

How many others were adopted or given their stepfamilies name? Was it important, not unless they were committing a crime. Traveling under false documents versus those provided by the government is one thing, conspiring to steal someone's identity is another. 

I am dealing with the constant threat of a stolen identity, no work history and the misunderstanding i am responsible for more than two dozen born out of wedlock bastards brought to me on television or to my mother behind my back as abandoned. 

As for them, such as Meagan Markle who did show up at my door with her boyfriend to say one more time that I was her mother, they are terrorist or extortionist, attempting to gain an introduction to those they don't need to know. I am suspicious of any who continue to demand they know me and refuse to go their way without knowing whom I am related or acquaintances. 

For the last time, I cant give birth at all due to an injury when I was three. I have a collapsed pelvic bone which cant be forced open for a live birth. And I have no marks for surgeries according to the State doctor of California. I am also not known for being pregnant but prevented by my mentally ill mother from having a relationship of any kind. 

I also have not had sex with John F Kennedy jr, Barack Obama, Michael Jackson, Andy Garcia, Benjamin Brat or even Prince Charles. I wonder who else I should add to my list, as most of the children claim i did not know I had sex due to amnesia, I do remember alot of head concussions and drugging as well as examinations proving that not only was I not raped under these circumstances as a journalist but that i had fibroids preventing pregnancies.

Now clearly, Meagan does not think Doria is her real mother and I wonder if Markle is her real father instead of a foster family raising her with permission to have her introduced to high society for some reason. I remember Connie Selleca loosing her baby daughter in the hospital to a thief and it was never returned, wonder if the two look alike are mother and daughter. 

We know have a Belgium Princess insisting daddy be made to acknowledge her, well he may have had a mistress but I did not have a lover and none of my daughters better be calling themselves princesses or i will  make sure they are either executed for treason or deported for extortion in order to extract terrorist information. 

Hmm, I wonder if anyone has claimed Mr President Vladimir Putin as their daddy. I get the impression he made sure he did not have real children as he was a KGB officer after very dangerous people who might have held someone hostage or substituted their child for his. 

I  wonder what his real name is, as Vladimir Lenins, Chef's grandson, he uses the name of Vladimir but also am told Pavel or Paul. There is a man I know named Paul Photenhauer who is similar in build and personality, a former white house correspondent who also gives elusive background information. His family are supposed to be from Germany and the Amazon. 

Hmm. I also know a man named Micheal Herdclotdz who is the spitting image of Vladimir Lenin. He wears an eye patch but otherwise the guys appearance is really similar and he annoys me every time I come in contact with him as an extortionist with German roots. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Yeah it got returned

 Returning something was once a code of honor. If stolen or lost, one could almost guarantee an item or child would be returned.

Now days, oh was that yours as they hold the bag on their shoulder or watch the child being put into a car, knowing you are asking about it.

Maku, the Lemur from the San Francisco zoo was stolen in the middle of the night. Apparently, the zoo is not Fort Knox and does not have a system in which someone cant just walk in and remove something they want. Jim was good at that.

No matter where I worked or my father and we were both put to work in strange places such as National Parks and zoos because we were federally recognized Indians, the white boy would come in and do something to get us fired or simply remove something he saw with his camera eye.

Such as the Gardner, we had a lot of problems with him over the painting of the Sea of Galilea, currently missing. He also made the SF zoo available to him for his personal shopping sprees, often attempting to sell the animals or use them for animal cruelty laboratories in the Bay Area which no longer exist, or at least the public was told they no longer are in operation.

Poor little Lemur, so old and frightened, seen stumbling around the play yard of an Asian preschool in Daly City. This is near both San Jose, and Stanford University and does not require a bridge to cross, in the old days there was always a collection both with sharp eyes. The little ring tail was still attached to his body, something I personally was afraid was going to be removed and he seemed to be able to care for his needs although his eyesight might not be very good.

It seems, whoever took him, could not keep him. A sale of an animal to a private collector that did not go through or an animal to old to be sold. No labs would take him either, what was the new owner to do with the specimen? Turning it loose in a playground seemed like a good idea.

After his capture with the help of a bunch of five year old's speaking Asian words, he was put in isolation as is required by law for the Virus killing everyone including Minks. This virus was supposed to have started  with Bats, a species of reptiles or birds transferred to the homo sapien population. It is also able to infect cates of the feline species. 

The Mink farms in Utah, it spread like wildfire. Who ever brought it in, it went through 9 farms in just three weeks, wiping out their populations. No new mink fur coats this year, maybe in about 3-5 years after the new ones grow to maturity. 

Of course, Lemurs are not felines, nor minks nor bats. They are primates,  which the humans are considered relatives, actually it is the feline we are more closely DNA matched but everyone assumes we are monkeys, so I hope the little guy gets his Cov test done and enjoys his isolation.

As for the driver of a sanitation truck, he was caught with a stolen vehicle and he had pictures of the Lemur. It was suspicious to the cops who seem to be looking for things instead of passing through blond women with abducted brown haired children. 

Cory is his name who was arrested in the other direction Marine county driving a stolen garbage truck. Why did he take the animal and then release it, if he is the one who took it? Was he the one who broke in and why this animal? Why did he get rid of it, instead of killing it and making it disappear? How did he know how to get in to the zoo and where to go to steal an animal?

Zoo keepers have special training and most of the workers are not bright but the volunteers make it seem easy. I know I went through the training and was raised around conservationists and hunters alike. Cory must have meet someone who told him what to do or have visited at some time, such as a school trip where a worker was careless in front of him. 

Or he might have visited one of the volunteers putting the exhibit together. It was a new exhibit about twenty years ago, and Maku would have been one of the younger ones. I remember when I worked for various places such as National Parks or zoos and museums, that children would be brought over to me and told they were related, such as my child or sibling.

Cory would be worthy of talking to about his childhood. There are so many abducted children in California. One assumes it is a Midwest problem where no one notices anything. But it is California with its diversity where the children don't look like their parents and the wrong child demands to be part of the family. Such as Jim who was known to be Captain Kangaroos blond blue eyes son. 

Those who kept insisting the brown hair parents where his, or the little African midget who keep being put into my home who still insists now that she is forty that I am her mother. She has refused to acknowledge teh courts decision I am not her mother and now has trained her children like monkeys to steal from me. Ihad to chase her five year old down the hallway, with the large dragon I had bought for the one adopted girl whom I had brought home from a trip oversees. Her mother and I were related and she had lost her luggage and purse. 

It was decided by the others for her take my passport since she was older and had access to bank accounts and I would be supported when we got to the airport about my missing documents. Instead the small private plane she was on, crashed with all but one dying. The baby at the last moment was removed, which is why they were sending her instead of me. 

Have you ever tried to find cows milk in India? Where the cow is sacred? I have never had milk to produce as one of those unable to have children. Another reason I wanted to adopt the little red head. Instead we both have faced nothing but difficulties and now she spends time in Tijuana where Jim took he rto learn to live as a real Indian girl. HIs wife Teresa and him take advantage of children and innocent in order to survive.

He is also an illegal alien, who was forced to stay in Mexico instead of coming to the US. He wife and him are drug dealers or traffickers and she is using my ID. All of this is known to the authorities but they don't seem to want to do anything about it.

As for the little African Queen, she has interfered to many times, and her and her white handler Sue are going to be sued for showing up one more time. Jim was her husband previously, of course he has dozens of women, but this one is specials. She is from the Midwest and is an expert on everything including hand washing.

Maku, live long and prosper, or at least to catch the dreaded disease. Maybe the zoo could put up one of those sanitizer devices, such as Putin uses for the workers to walk through as they go in and out of the main enclosure routes. 

Strange, California which once had class and even the Queen of England came to visit on a number of occasions, should put up with backwoods mentality as the hippies displayed and most of them from Germany. 

All those bank robberies and hostage situations which occurred in the past, forgotten for the most part, but what lingers is that doubt on entering a building and then there are those familiar faces from the past who  might be the very culprits once wanted by the FBI. Maybe their children and grandchildren are masquerading as intelligence officers now and support themselves with stolen identification.

As for the children, most Mexicans don't have children who look like them, haven't you noticed? Really, look at the families, there might be one who looks' like the father but most of them are a mixture of features, as if they are raising children for the mafia or underground or something. 

Even the government does not return a person missing identification nor the life destroyed by an accident or incident. We are expected to move on, while watching other wear or clothes and enter or homes or act as if they are working our jobs. 

It is a sign of the end, when a religion is the most suspected for refusing to return something stolen or found abandoned and they encourage others to sit down next to one, and jab them with a needle just to make themselves happy with whatever it is someone else is being offered. 

The Holiday season must be upon us, the greedy little bastards are at work and the special gift lists are out. All I wanted honey, was a Siberian kitten from the Hermitage! they give them out now in the gift shop, you dont have to go into the basement, really... 

Friday, October 16, 2020

And the music stopped...

 There has been so much troubles in the past year alone that even the musicians have stopepd playing. The doomed Titanic they said they played calming music while they waited for their lifeboats. The question is whether or not the musicians would have been allowed a life boat and then if they would have survived. As it was, they knew the danger that the passengers faced and decided to spend their time with their own vice, playing the music they had spent their lifetime learning, and desiring to play and then their was no more for them to do anyways.

Now it has become impossible to tell who will and whom will not survive the terrible losses. We have seen California set on fire, almost the entire state has come under threat, they even evacuated just to the East of San Diego, and this after a war ship was set on fire in the Marina. Now there is power outages across the state in order to control the fire from spreading. 

Some say the marina life is not important but there have been too many and not enough known as to why they are beaching themselves. As for the other uncontrolled things, people being poisoned and people being beheaded. There are a number of things that can go wrong in a life, such your neighbor reporting to the authorities for things that are unnecessary but they have trouble with you breathing in their neighborhood.

As for causing trouble for your neighbors, they complained of poor Pete Wilson, that they removed his statue from downtown. He was the former Mayor of San Diego when Queen Elizabeth arrived by boat with her husband. And then he made Governor of California as well. The complaint is he is racist even though he comes from an old American family and is probably related to a few Presidents. 

But his statue has been removed and is now in the trash heap of lost statues. Are there any left of Christopher Columbus, since we still celebrate his holiday and he is said to have discovered America and caused the natives to become an endangered species? 

There was another death in the village. The Father Joes Village is the nonprofit shelter I landed when I was forced out of the last of the family properties by Meagan, who has a court order not to come near me. But she just wanted to introduce her new boyfriend Prince Harry to the woman who wont acknowledge having given her up for adoption as a born out of wedlock bastard. The young man still married her but not after she had to explain she was completely crazy. She still had me removed, instead of her as the court order insists, since she was marrying big bucks. No wonder the baby does not look like Doria her social worker mother!

I am still having grown adults show up around me with their babies. It has been along time since any journalist has apologized for the joke of letting a child in the back door to introduce themselves. It was not known they would follow me forever if allowed to come forward with faulty information. There are no birth certificates for any of the more than two dozen children, including Meagan Markle who is probably Jewish and not Christian.

Anyways, at bed check time, 8 pm, there was no response to one of the ladies on our side of the curtain. She apparently slipped into death with no one to notice. I am on the far side now near the wall where I can cough to my delight with my asthma and not be yelled at by those on the other side. She was deed and when I turned over twenty minutes later, there were four cops standing next to her cot. I wandered why there was no announcement as this was not an unexpected thing to occur. 

There was nothing said but others were shocked I had not noticed, I had noticed but had not heard the words dead, and now it would take more than two hours for the coroners office to show up and remove the body as there was no need of paramedics. 

We usually have the paramedics roll through on their mini tractor with their equipment to get as close to the victim as possible. Here the lights go out at ten pm and there was still no sign of anyone. And then there was just one lone cop standing next to a dead body in the middle of a building with at least one hundred ladies watching him and attempting to ignore the smell as it began to sift through the air conditioning.

What were they waiting for? the lights to go out? So they could sneak the dead body out? I believe they already did this on the other side with at least one man if not two. The yellow tag team arrived one morning and removed all of their belongings with questions of what had happened to their buddies. This time the women had to wait while the cops could not figure out what to do. 

Finally, the guys arrived and bagged the body after removing it from her cot. They the staff bagged her stuff and removed her cot. Forty-five minutes late, the lights went out on a sad group of women with a lingering smell of death, and there was no music heard because the musicians have decided to leave  as well...

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Black Notice

 There has been a death in the family. It has been a long haul since my mothers death and now the sudden news of a family member.

The Beluga whale was spotted off of La Jolla, near the Scripps institute of Oceanography, of which I actually had a degree once upon a time. 

Before all of those little rats were told they could ruin my life by simply showing up and sitting on my lap. My newest threat to my existence is called Wendy, and she is over forty, too young to be my child, but she is getting ready for her sons wedding and has not stopped indicating to me about something, something, well I have no money and she gave me nothing for mothers day, so there.

The Beluga has now been found off the Baja coast just below where my family once spent our summers and many of the boats for the Cousteau Society and the National Geographic used to station themselves. California had become to much under modern pollution and they were attempting to study the environment off the coast where there pollution was minimal.

Ensenada is now thick with pollution and where I was staying it looked terrible. It was once a very pretty village. It was listed as a French colony before those terrorist murdered their leader, Maximillian. Only to stage a revolt of their own and now they are all just communist like Pancho Villa and El Chapo, only it for the drugs and human trafficking.

What they dont care about is the environment nor the animals nor humans either. While I was waiting for my radiology to be scheduled, I attempted to spend time down in the old community but even the Whale watching and other activities such as La Bufadora are no longer good things to do while in Baja.

I found a number of animals on the beach on my daily walks to keep from having a nervous breakdown from all the years of taking care of a woman with brain cancer so bad, so did not recognize herself in class photos nor know I was her biological daughter. She also kept insisting she had African grandchildren although I never had a "lover" of that ethnic background. I did have a husband once upon a time, in fact we got married at least once in Cabo San Lucas, another mecca for the eco friendly tourist.

I arrived in the middle of the storm Lydia which was a hurricane and we did have damage done to the other small community my seafaring family once had a house or pier to stop. Meanwhile, the dolphins were piling up on the beaches and I kept trying to get the idiots running the hostels to call the local authorities to come get the bodies. There is also a ocean unveristy there in Ensenada but instead most of them were either pushed dead back into the water or buried in the sand causing an enormous amount of stench and bad health.

There was also a few weeks were bones kept finding themselves on the beach. I collected one morning enough rib bones for at least one human adult. No one was interested and I thought I saw a leg bone or two as well. What happened to the rest of the person, I don't know, he did not have clothes nor skin.

There was also that little incident where at least half a dozen Mexican men drowned in less than three feet of water right on the beach. They said it was undertow, but when the tide was out, there was not much of a trench, just another sand dune to stand on and very suspicious of the Los Angelo's ladies who might have seen too many movies, and might have been collecting insurance or getting a younger husband. It all happened in the Todos Santos Bay, Toussaint Mare. 

I also found a dead white man with shorts and a hat but no wallet or shoes. How he got there no one knew, and he had no relatives, the police finally came and collected his body. It was probably put in that traveling meat locker diesel trailor neighbors were complaining about. His wife might never know what happened to him down in Mexico. 

I had meet the couple first in Ensenada at the fish market where they were doing an interview of  some movie star and his wife eating local food. We also showed up in Mexico city where I went to the Museums with her and then she was abducted in the subway. They showed us being separated and her being carried off. I went to the consulate but was not met with much positive information. 

Then she showed up three days later saying she had been in the hospital the whole time and did not know what I was talking about. Her husband seemed to think she had left him, when I talked to him later, and then found him alone living in Baja. And this after we got our pictures taken just for being in the same fish market as those other people. 

There were so many strange incidents in the last five years, I was beginning to think I was being selected for something such as an assassination's. It is odd to be told you have no work history nor can cash a check for a company you are well known for being associated with as I had to testify in their behalf over some of their spare parts. Now there is no memory of my being part of the back to nature movement or my years at National Geographic. I was even voiced over by a young man named Benedict for the trip to Isreal, my last on my way to a PHD.

I have started over, and took a course on the Rain Forest in both Costa Rica and Africa. It is evident the land resources cant survive without the water resources. With the melting artic and the fires in Siberia and the Amazon, there is much concern on some of us old experts as to where the animals and the humans are going to be in the next decade or two.

The death of a single whale thousands of miles off course is a death in the family of humans. There is no reason not to be alarmed. There have been hundreds of stranded dolphins down in Australia where there was also much conservation and exploration. The ocean environment has a situation brewing which needs more than a new coffee filter to fix. And then there have been those hundreds of elephants in Africa, with their water source being sited as the cause of their multiple deaths.

Just as the Artic is giving up its hold on mammoths and other fossils of the past age of an environment which disappeared, the newer age is also now under siege. Will Jane Goodall's, mountain gorillas survive if a single whale dies off the west coast? I am not sure, it seems we are all in this together and those stories that no one had traveled around the world prior to Columbus should also be reviewed because it is evident that some societies were aware of other areas of the world. 

The Plague which crept through Europe was supposed to have come from China, although it might have traveled there from Egypt where a number of plagues had already wiped out a civilization. They also have all those strange desert cities which might have had a water outlet at one time. But it is interesting that one death in China caused the whole world to go on alarm and shutdown over a virus. The plague which was known in the Atlantic Europe was not known in America with no evidence of it ever arriving with all those Puritans and Pilgrims. 

It is now present on the West Coast, with a death in the Four corners area of the lower US and a single woman diagnosed with it in upper California. Meanwhile, there have been reports of rodents having the plague for decades in both the lower west coast and inner desert areas such as Arizona and New Mexico. No one worried because they were just animals, but with this giga mammoth fire destroying much of California there might be a positive side of it destroying any remnants of an old disease that might have traveled the pacific from China as well.

Meanwhile, my favorite habitat the Ocean has an unexplained death. Just as the single white male on a Baja beach went unnoticed, not that I did not try calling and reporting him to the various agencies, probably earning me a stalker or worse code. This single Beluga might be the beginning of the humans environment that in the past has created a new world view. 

The old European view has long been held under suspicion and those deserts in the Mideast appear to have been covered in water once, what happened in the past might be recreated if the agencies don't show more concern for a stray in strange waters attempting to find something anywhere they reminds him of home. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Shark! Sharks! and fires everywhere ...

 And the President is in the hospital, isn't that an uneasy feeling? What would you whether have, the knowledge there is a shark patrolling the local surfing beach or the head of the country in the hospital? Especially for such a little thing as an upper respatory infection or virus, after all it is not pneumonia and anything really serious. 

Anything goes in the current situation and surfing at the beach and breathing in all those fumes from the diesel ships is just about odds against getting the virus by attending your local congregation or synagogue.

Sharks were spotted at La Jolla, just above the city of San Diego which most consider part of the same universe. That ocean air and all those floating bodies... come on, its a little bit hungry. The big sad shark with no one to play with out on the ocean with the cruise ships grounded for months.

Anyways, in land, in the marina area where there is a ferry to skip across the pond to Coronado island and not getting run over by one of the naval ships coming and going at all odd hours, is a tiny island. They are still completing an outdoor amphitheater which looks alot like a Conestoga wagon, or covered wagon. 

The family story of who actually owned the hundred acres was that multiple attempts to settle occurred, including by ship and the Russians water side of the Rurik dynasty only to have a little Roman sneak in with mosques to discourage the land lovers from encountering ocean air. A long story, after awhile, they could no longer come by sea but had to go through the motions of landing on the East coast and making their way to the West. One family made it by covered wagon and before the Mormon trail encountered a way between Los Angelo's and San Diego, also called Sebastopol Occidental. 

And before those outlaw monks were forced out of Mexico and not allowed to go back to Spain so they headed towards the old French hunting grounds and Russian forts. The covered wagon made it to the coast but thier view of the Pacific ocean was and is blocked by an island. It sat where there is now an eyesore of a modern home provided to the family after their old house and property were turned into a parking lot for the locals. The parking lot is almost never used and the family still walks around wondering why, why....

A tiny baby shark was plucked from the water where the covered thing is still waiting an audience. An island itself with landfill and a floating restaurant and a basketball court as well as a fishing pier. The nice men from the new community have bought themselves new fishing rods and ignore the basketball court, while there is no outdoor facility for cooking their fish. They also don't have facilities where they live either. 

Someone caught a baby shark and threw it back in the water! Now fear might have been a factor but just dumb ignorance more like. After all, a baby will someday grow up to be a big daddy. And if there is one baby, there are probably more...

As for mama, she is worriedly strolling around the block where all the nice marina yachts are parked, and all those sports men are riding small tiny water scooters or flat boarding it inland away from the ocean surfers and those nasty full sized sharks...

There have been a number of evacuations in California, all my old stomping grounds. It is too bad the family with Jewish roots keeps pretending to be Mexican and have stolen the property meant to be shared with the entire family who are neither Catholic nor Mormon as they are Christians. 

Someday Chewie called Jesus will meet another Jesus called Hugh! And then those pretty dishes and books and even the hand machines in the garage will have to be replaced because I am tired of being told the adopted children born not in Mexico plan to inherit from a nice Lutheran woman who outlived my own mother and grandmother.

As for baby sharks, it is the birthday of the small Olympic hero who once had to carry a torch of the Olympic all the way to Mexico city because no one showed up on the correct days of delivery. The old calendars were still in vogue. He is now the President of his own country and in complete isolation as his adopted daughters choose not to live in the country they were not born nor the illegal alien who only pretended to be interested in anything Russian, she prefers German or Italian.

Five foot nine inches and in his dancing shoes, not his running shoes. He celebrates the first weekend after the Month of October begins. Now the old Gregorian had a thirteen day gap between East and West. I wonder which side is his real day of birth? 

He says he is now sixty three or is it fifty seven? I must be thinking of someone else who also uses other people identities and birthdays are always his to own and all the presents as well. God rest the soul of his real biological father Captain Kangaroo, a good Jesuit. 

PS. We had an electrical fire ignite behind the bug box, one of those inflatable contraptions with red power outlets. Fortunately, only one person was sitting nearby and it put itself out with the new safe switches. A great big puff of black smoke engulfed the poor person just to find another way of aggravating her day. And the lights still did not come on until the man at city hall flipped the switch at six am sharp. 

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...