Sunday, April 11, 2021

Dear Fergus and Muiki

 Please don't wet my side of the bed nor tear up your mistresses shoes and please stay away from her hats!

Mr. Prince Philip Mountbatten, also known as the Duke of Edinburg but should have been the King of Greece.


Well, it was bound to happen, one of the royals has fallen and it is the granddaddy. Philip was a kind gentle man they say,  a bit aloof and very misunderstood during his early marriage years. 

His family were born into royalty at a time the world seemed wise to have real rulers instead of puppets. Wars and other issues brought life to a halt and now one wonders if the American democracy is real at all but just a dream. 

He was exiled from Greece, a Dane who if the world had not accept the girls of Denmark, might have moved north, but instead they went to South Africa. He grew up both in wealth and without.

His move to Britain was as the British were getting accustomed to their new royals, Victoria had finally gone to bed, and  her successors were having a terrible time determining their own timeline.

An abdication caused a country cousin, who had married an unhurried man to rise to challenge along with their two daughters. His untimely arrival caused a stir with the young Elizabeth who was not really meant to do anything but park her horse and mind her manners.

Instead, her father died young while she was still honeymooning, less than five years into the marriage. She had been enjoying her husbands naval career in the Mediterranean, where she could bicycle to the market and spend the days in the gardens while watching her first two arrivals. 

She was of course, not unprepared nor uneducated in case an emergency should happen and it did when her father died. His passing made her the second Queen Elizabeth and one of the few monarchs without an equal male. 

Philip, although qualified was not welcomed by the British and even his naval military expertise not welcomed which caused friction. 

He tended his children and his own royal role such as horses and yachts. He had acquired all the knowledge and expertise but could not be seen to say his own wife in order for her to complete her own task as monarch.

Where will the children now go? There are too many grandchildren strutting about such as Queen Kate and unsupportive moviestar Meghan. 

How will she get along without his trailing after her and struggling to make the world right for her? Her corgis were her special treats and they had died off, one by one as her own years had grown long. 

A new pair were provided as he was in hospital, a sign of worse things to come. I do hope they mind their manners, as I had to give up  my pair of siamese kittens, Hansel and Gretel, now off to other pastures as they were adopted.

I was put up for adoption a number of times by my mother due to the unwanted extra non son. I wonder where her children will land in these uncertain times.

Will the heir appearant, Charles finally get his chance to prove himself? Or will it pass on to the unprepared William, who sadly lost his mother while tangling with a new lover and a muslim one.

His choice of wife is not the wisest nor was his brothers the best. But then non of the immediate royals have had the same choices after the aftermath of two world wars.

Ironically, the Americans are the ones coming up with better lineage than the spouses of the royals but they are not recommended for marriage. 

Even lonely little Patricia Nixon sat at home waiting for her prince. He came in the form of a Senator but where are they now? 

Even the Kennedys have not done so well in their marriage choices, poor Maria lost her love due to an overabundance of support for her staff. While Caroline made it to the alter with a married man and to Japan as ambassador. 

One wonders what the world will become without the Philip Mountbatten's and the Peter Jennings, gentleman of the old order? 

Instead, of young William and Harry who married so poorly it seems unwise to tell them.

Are there any one left who remembers a Chiefdom was as good as a kingdom? Or Mayor could ascend to President if he knew his way around? 

We have had two African Chief grandsons, Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama prove they were capable but the world is not a better place as old anger and animosities one wild. 

Perhaps it is the phony African Queens who keep after people about nonsense or complain they deserve everything because they are descendant of a slave class when in fact there is very little evidence of more than a few plantations who made their people suffer.

The Tehran and St Petersburg Mayors both made it to Presidency but the populace was not thrilled. They want something else, something with more ump and power. They want military poweress, and moviestar sluts and showmanship to astound the world but not meet the needs of the people.

With the demise of the media supremacy of knowledge knowhow and the immediate arrival of celebrity expertise, the world is a different place. They talk in circles and about the same thing with no way out of a bad situation.

One hopes they know how to handle the simple death of this gentleman meant to be king but choice his Queen side instead.


And stay away from the shoelaces during my funeral! 

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