Sunday, April 25, 2021

Its Oscar time

 The Oscars have decided to have their way anyways. It has been a year of cancelations and virtual meetings and online funerals.

The Oscars have set up shop downtown LA in the old Union Train Station. They want everyone who attends to get vaccinated and to have their tests done just before the big event which is in just a few hours.

All their restrictions and all their efforts, and yet all they need is one confirmed death.


My, my, all those pretty people.

They want to show off their fine figures and their expensive attire but they dont want to tell you about their dwindling bank account if they even still have one at all.

One cant make it in Hollywood without being seen and seen as a well known person with all the trimmings.

All those pretty awards mean nothing at all nor the amount of work if one cant maintian a public persona.

There have been so many especially actresses who have simply died of starvation because they could not go to  a food bank without being recognized.

Suicide land is the name not Sunset blvd.

Well, let the best man win their Oscar and get it home to the vault and maybe someone will call them the next day or offer them a cup of coffee.

Probably, a whole lot of them are going to have headaches and other little things go wrong.

None of them will probably report it unless a necessity.


As I have been reminded this past week, there is always a chance of getting anything in the air of any contaminated environment.

The vaccine is wonderful, but not full proof. For one thing, there is a window when one is capable of catching the dreadful disease from someone else just standing on the street corner.

Also, one can develop the symptoms from the vaccine and then get a mild case of it and not die, which is one reason they were developing the vaccine on the off chance of never getting it under control but having everyone go through the stages of a mild case and then immunity from the disease.

I have experienced nothing but hell from everyone who is so sympathetic to others who have the disease but nothing for me, not even medical treatment.

I was called for the infusion and accepted on teh basis I knew my chances with an auto immune disease of a full recovery. But the amount if ill will I went through for the treatment was not worth the effort of getting it done.

I do feel better and will survive because of it or because I had already developed a number of lengthy upper respiratory infections over the past three years.

What I did not know was how many times I would be called into account over not understanding how to count 10 days. 

There is of course the date of the infection or the symptoms and then there is the date of the test results and so on. The staff of this place has been uncooperative, but will not stop the cigarettes' smoking nor the prostitution and drug usage on the premises.

Sexual transmission is more likely an issue than being coughed on but those of us with simple clean lives have no resource except to do our laundry, take out our garbage, check or  mail and go to the grocery store without knowing what the others have been doing.

Paperwork is what they wanted, they mocked me when I said I had been cleared by two different medical personal.

The one clinic did not want to acknowledge I had the right to listen to my attending medical provider at the 10 day mark as well as no fevers or basic symptoms. 

When I developed a response to the infusion, they had no idea as to how to treat it or me, except to tell me to take public transport to an emergency room.

Instead of handling it in a mature medical fashion they choose to ignore the patient. 

And then, instead of simply printing out the voice conversation which is what all of us having been living on phone calls instead of real contact, they said I had to be retested.

I am supposed to wait till Monday to get my results, when in fact they are already online. I know I was reported a number of times as I attempted to do a few things.

I have missed a number of things I was cleared to do in the past week over someone not wanting me to be out in publics this weekend.

Last weekend, it was the funeral of Prince Philip who was just the spouse of Elizabeth.

This weekend it is the Oscars.

I cant imagine anyone who thinks I would attend either of the two events,  but the amount of animosity.


And the winner, ?!

Negative. My second test results came back negative, after a positive two weeks ago and three weeks after I called for an appointment but the nurses could not make an appointment until the next week.

As for the Oscars, they are all at risk, those who just got their vaccinations can get it just be being injected or standing next to someone who has contact with someone contaminated.

It used to be 72 hours as a window before one got on board a plane.

Who will be the winner tonight, someone such as my stalker Jimmy who still insists he has custody of my vagina or the smarter assemblage who what not to do in order to get their paychecks with thier names?

Hopefully it will be worth the effort for the entertainment community who prefer bastards and bitches instead of real people.

Even the news has celebrities without high enough iqs.

For instance, how did a submarine split apart?

Usually they implode under water from decompression.


If someone should see the former celebrity son of Captain kangaroo using my name, don't cough on him.

Please just throw him under the Amtrak train so his real wife can sow up and identify his dead ody.

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