Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Laying in a dental chair is never fun but to be circled by two people trying to poke you with a needle is just not ever going to be a nice day.

I have done everything possible to get well after suffering a complete psychical breakdown after my car accident. The doctors kept saying I did not have pneumonia just upper respiatory virus with complications of influenza.

Now that the Pandemic has taken control of everyone's mind, I was first isolated without cause and then given the run around at every turn of my medical treatments.

I have still not gotten a simple root canal turned abscessed tooth taken care of due to insurance claims by the oral surgeon but not the insurance itself.

I have been regularly tested the entire year and it is negative, negative, and negative.

Actually, one results was inclusive so I had to go into the isolation unit again which is an old hotel room with no service. They refused to feed me anything but the trash they were being brought from the dead restaurants. This after being refused real food at the shelter I landed and they were charging me room and board.

This came as I got housing but could not go to it until after I was given 10 days with no access to anyone, not even the new mayor who rolled into town from Sacramento. He is one of those former Native Americans who cared about his background before it became an embarrassment to be anything but African.

Six months into my new place which is just an old apartment and before that a country club house built on top of the only church in the valley.

I have all the products for cleaning and sanitizing, I have moved the every piece of furniture and vacuumed with my own bought vacuum. I even complained about the air vent filter needing changing. I finally got that done when I complained there was no air in the room and the guy could not turn on the air conditioner, he said it was because of the filter being full.

Anyways, I went down to the Health Center and got my vaccination on the day it was offered and have been careful the whole time about my mask and hand sanitizers. I have done no at risk congregating except the few times I went to coffee where I noticed those  from Mexico acting as if they did not know it was a real issue but were enjoying myself and simply left the place.

Instead I began to feel terrible again and vomit phlem from my lungs, which they still say sound fine, no pneumonia. 

But I did test positive to this new novel mutated virus. I am already in my own unit and was trying to keep in quarentine but could not get staff to cooperate. 

And then I got the news of the test results and a phone call of the new treatment, so I had to find my own transport to recieve it. I thought since I have been sick so long with similiar symptoms but no positive tests results to  anything I would accept.

I wish I had stayed at home. My transport arrived as a private ambulance, No one could transport me due to my positive results and I was not allowed even an Uber driver. I was being transported to the isolation unit with drivers not in full regalia.

The young guys are not regualr EMT guys and were having difficulties with thier yellow suits. I waited outside due to the locked building and then suffered the news after being strapped down and lifted into the ambulance that I was going to the third floor.

It said annex on the address and I assumed one level. The ride was not bad but the guys could hardly park because the traffic backed up as if they did not understand they needed to give him room.

And then the scuffle at the front door, the door guy turned red when he understood I was a patient being brought in by ambulance as there was no other way to transport a positive patient into a health building for treatment.

And then the blood draw. They did not need to draw the blood but only to poke me and insert the needle for the infusion. 

It took over an hour with the two vultures circling. I swear, there are regulation about the nurse or aid being trained to get to the patients vein, and this in big heavy guys. So why is an average female who is not obese nor skinny getting so much trouble?

She poked and jabbed and circled until the doctor got tired of waiting to start his treatment which was just a combination of drugs and a waiting period to make sure I did not have a negative reaction. 

That will probably come tomorrow or the next day.

He found my ankles interesting as she was still attacking's my hands instead of my arms. I now have four jabs in my feet as well as a number in my hands and arms. He began to talk about moving up to my neck and I put my foot down.

At least, I said, no! It was either the next foot jab or else. Circle, circle went the vultures. There has to be at least one vein on this person!

Im right here and I dont really appreciate being told I have thick skin. I am Native American and get told I am too stubborn a whole lot more than is necessary. 

Really, they have training for this and I know they got President Trump without having to tie him down and gag him as they jabbed every possible vein!

This treatment is the one he received and he survived not only the Pandemic virus but the onslaught of those who did not really take tehir American Civic course. 

Those poor guys, with the private ambulance had to wait an extra hour and still did not know what to do with their yellow sting gowns, but at least they got me to the right door back at my residence where I could let myself inside and drink the last glass of wine I was saving!

I have another week to know if this treatment is affective and then it is supposed to last up to three months.

My vaccination came with a small window where if I came in contact I would get the virus, which I obviously did. 

I had to be questioned by my resident case worker when I got back about how I had gotten the virus when I know there are plenty of others who come and of without their masks but I am a special treatment person, one with no special requests allowed such as can I have my package now, I see it sitting on your front desk counter?!

At least I have been told I will not have to be revaccinated. I hear the other guys are looking for a third shot while I went for the one shot Johnson. 

When my ankles stop swelling and my mouth gets saliva again, I will feel good about today, I hope!

Imagine me, trying to get to something special this weekend such as the Prince Philip funeral!

Sorry, not pregnant but positive and in quarantine! 

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