Sunday, April 18, 2021

Spilled Milk

 There was once a Princess who wanted for nothing and went everywhere and even gave up her first infant in an effort to continue who journey through life as one spoiled with her success in getting what she wanted.

She looked like Jennifer O Neal all grown up with a figure to wow once the baby was gone. Her life was idealic, having been raised by Dean Odell prior to his becoming a well known Radio personality.

They traveled everywhere, the West Coast as well as the Middle East as was popular at the time, the Mecca home to Israel and other places in the Seventies.

I am not sure how much schooling she had, she showed up when needed but not always in attendance. He was a lecturer at the University of California before it was a sure thing and only got paid when they felt like having a budget. 

My father was also a lecturer and never got paid when he needed to pay taxes on his inherited properties which were just old houses no one else wanted.

She lived in the Redwoods and traveled by caravan through the old Babylonian lands. And then he moved to Sacramento and became an antique specialist. She was good at acquiring things through estate sales and getting herself invited on further journeys.

She would have been idealic for John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior, but he was busy in those days and she kept looking for a Prince or a Sheik to marry instead if just a Presidents son.

She spoke a variety of languages and wanted to be an artist and at one point got pregnant. It could have been almost anyone, except the poor young man mentioned above. 

Even Osama Bin Laden, as he was not unknown to travel himself around at expensive hotels where she enjoyed laying out in a bikini.

She also went to all the mosques, I remember being dragged into a few on trips. My family seemed to travel for business, and I was usually separated at one point or another and had to find a friend such as herself. 

I did not mind the Blue mosque or the Hagia Sophia as Constantinople is one of my favorite cities as is Saint Petersburg, places I will probably never see again due to my current disabilities.

Anyways, one day as she was playing at going to college and her uncle had moved on to celebrity status and a new family with a new lifestyle, she goofed up and got pregnant.

He talks about going through the bins behind the grocery store looking for the outdated food for his collection of kids and being an early recycler besides gathering antiques and other things to sell without being an actual thief as now adays.

I was being forced to relive my mothers highschool days in a small town in California. I had already gone through several highschools and colleges but she had failed at this one place and wanted me to do something for her. Her brain cancer had already advanced beyond saving and her parents were besides themselves, divorced and too old to spank her, so I was the designated fall guy.

Of all people to show up in my least favorite class, Spanish was the Princess and pregnant. Mrs. Arnold had been a fashion model, was LDS not Mormon and had married a cop. 

Not any Police Officer but one of those assigned to protect Patricia Hearst after her release from prison. She married the other one, and sometimes they came through town to visit. 

They had just had a child a year or two earlier who had come out deformed. He had no arms, hands attached at the shoulders. 

She said it might have been her drug usage, I felt it was probably the milk from Utah. All of it was tainted. I knew this from family history, as I have a mixed religious history.

I am intolerant to milk and vomit it up, only hard cheese and ice cream stays down. I know others who drank the milk got sick after awhile and was suspicious of my mothers brain cancer as she was a big milk drinker.

I often heard about it third hand from others complaining about me having to be provided milk all the time and sometimes at great expense. As I said it makes me spit up, and I could only look at them sidewise and wonder if my mother was pregnant again.

As the story unfolds, the spilt milk arrived with a small statement from Mrs. Arnold the Spanish teacher that she had a new assistant who spoke perfect Spanish and was close to finishing college. 

I knew both Spanish and French but often had headaches, which kept me from being fluent unless I was in the same environment, for instance France. I wanted to return to Paris to get away from my mothers mental illness as grandpa was making arrangements to move her to Florida where he could have a better control of her environment than California where she did things she should not be allowed. 

Instead, I was stuck in Spanish and did not want to go to Mexico for awhile until one of my siblings returned to enjoy the beach town where my grandmother had grown up speaking French and riding horses where they had a vineyard and fruit trees. 

This had all been destroyed by those who moved in on easy street and her family had grown tired of arguing with Mexican authorities over a French land grant.

Miss wonderful threatened me immediately about being in her class and wanted to control her environment. When I tried to get out, my mother found out about her pregnancy. She immediately began to find a way of putting it up for adoption.

At is ended, the finals came a week after Christmas holidays, and she showed up even though she said she did not feel well enough to be there. She was in labor and did not know it. At one point she collapsed on the floor, in the middle of finals.

In California, it is taken seriously, these finals, not as in England, where one can go  away for a few years or wear a disgusting dress such as Kate Middletown to class instead of really working on the class assignments.

We all took our course seriously, as it is one of the ones for entrance to college. One by one we turned in our finals, as we sought a nurse and used a Spanish dictionary to explain what was occurring in the room, which at one point she yelled, alright you all pass your orals!

The teacher and her husband arrived before the ambulance and stood by tentatively, waiting to she what she was going to do with the baby. She had spoken of giving it away and they wanted to adopted since their son was handicapped. 

In walks my mother yelling that she had heard her daughter was giving birth to a baby. I was the one who had taken over the room and was currently helping the EMT figure out what was going on with the young lady on the floor.

She had just embarrassed me six months earlier where I worked at the International Law Library, MLK jr Law School event had occurred. I had my elbow broken by the John F K, jr. who was very angry about his mother arriving to find my mother delightly sitting with a baby on her lap describing how she had just pulled it out of her daughter.

I was confronted by an angry situation, one Jackie O was very unhappy about this occurrence with her son protesting his innocence's. I understood from him it was impossible and suspected he had a V job done in order for his mother not to be embarrassed or have extortion. 

I was unable to keep my mother from being angry at me for being present when she went forward with a direct lie about who was really the mother as well as my being pregnant much less allowed to have a boyfriend at all.

She had even assigned lesbians to me in order to keep me from getting married and making her a grandmother and here she was introducing a little Meghan as her bastard born out of wedlock grandbaby.

Grandpa showed at the right moment as I was spanking the child for being a liar, and made arrangements to move his daughter out of town. However, things took longer than her thought, and my grandmother would end up dying before he got her to Florida, where it did no good at all.

The Princess, decided to give the baby up for adoption to the couple standing nearby in order to  get out of the crazy situation. The named her Catherine after the lesbian who would not leave me alone, who herself had a baby already and would get pregnant in front of the school to teach me a lesson.

I on the other hand, had already gotten married but was not allowed to live with him due to my mother insistence I was under age. 

The LDS couple made the mistake of taking my mother up on the offer of going to England and meeting the Queen. 

How many times I asked my mother, do you know these people? As she dragged  me and others forward to meet someone she probably had meet during the War years when her mother was a Radio Journalist but was in fact not known to them personally.

Something went wrong on the plane, the couple got into a fight. They are a different type of Christianity and don't do or allow certain types of things. 

At one point, they took a time out and put the baby out of harms way of either of them. While they each cooled off. 

Somehow, either they forgot to collect it or it was removed from them, but ended up in Heathrow custody where a British Airline stewardess decided to claim the baby and run off with an aircontroller claiming it was hers and his.

Hence, our little Princess who ran around, spilt milk over giving up her first born, ended up having it captured by a couple which then produced it into a fairy tale princess of their own.

Princess Kate is of course, an almost exact replica of her mother who now resides in Sonoma County and does art. She has other children but first she got to go art school and the baby was not as important as completing her dream of getting what she wanted.

Watching Prince Philips funeral, a man who gave up everything in order to marry his Princess, I saw the spoiled one more time, not caring for anything but herself.

How similar the two girls are and separated by a generation and an enormous amount of income. I do believe my Princess had more fun and probably lived at a higher income with her bikini hotel scam. 

This Princess has to wear her dressed up to her neck and down to her ankles and still appears as is she is a slut. A married woman with eyes elsewhere. Children she does not really want but a lifestyle of special wealth among the aristocracy. 

The beautiful broach the Queen wore I hope falls into someone elses hands or goes into a museum collection until a worthy descendant might acquire it as this young Princess has not learned her lessons her real mother lost her life to lying about and lying about who she really was, but instead got a life of artistic community instead of aristocracy as she wanted. 

Born six months apart, I met both Meghan and Kate with my mother attempting to claim them as her own. The judge who finally settled the case a few decades ago, said she had more than two dozen different children believing I was their mother.

I said it was more like two hundred, and he sent ten of them to juvenile prison for their attempts at extortion, elder abuse and other crimes associated with taking advantage of an old lady with brain cancer and dementia who just kept saying I had amnesia.

Instead, I have  head aches and an inability to have children with my benign uterine tumor which has been growing since before high school. 

Imagine, the future Queen of England with a juvenile record? She could also be the Ali Kommeni's unknown child as my Princess was good at getting into places she should not. 

I wonder what she is doing residing in a small quiet community, anyways? She really did remind me of Jennifer O neal, and could of done almost anything if she had done it right.

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