Friday, December 31, 2021

Come on Mr. President, you are holding off the American Public

 The American Public has the right to know, MR. President.

Do you or don't you, Ice Hockey?

A North Easterner for a time when they did all the sports, I suspect your old closet has a few items of interest.

Hey, Commander, be a good boy and find an ice put, will you? 

Come on, tensions are high enough right now with all the fires and disease control mandates.

Phone calls to the Putin, just because you did not like the election results five years ago.

Really, put on some of that old gear and get out on the ice and show him.

Of course, his friends, play friendly games, Mr. Lukashenko over sixty did not act like little girls.

They helped score goals for their team, in a friendly little game.

You could put on an exhibition game where you two simply swirl around the ice and then take turns scoring.

Nothing heavy, no one on one nor an entire team supporting you against him.

After all, we are attempting to keep peace at this time.

Maybe, the Navy has a team for you to lead, you are the Commander and Chief.

Really, holding back on the American Public, who are getting frustrated by all these theatrics.

Just get it over, shake his hand and apologize. Or if you still think something is fishy, get on with saving the world. 

Get on the ice and see his bluff, he is a bad guy from the old days.  Or is he? Maybe he was really one of the good guys, in disguise.

Well, the world would feel better if the situation was resolved, and I am afraid the Intelligence community has gotten us closer to peace, no matter what their viewpoint. 

After all, the guy is not going to go away, disappear into the mist as the old frontier men did.

Did you know he was also an athlete as yourself? 

He was an Olympian who went out and competed until they yanked him, because he kept winning.

Your college athlete years were not wasted as a sportsman, lets show him you can get on the ice as well, and throw a few puts into the net.

It worth it, isn't it a show of peace? 

We don't want Commander whining at your funeral, show keep the fitness routine by chasing those grandchildren around.

Bless, your house and family and may we all have peace, if not security in the next year. 

Good hunting Commander, while the truffle seekers keep you tidy, go find a few sports items in his closets for the American Public.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Winter solstice a time for the spirit to be reborn

 It is the end of the year according to the old ways. The shortest day of the year, called the solstice.

Often, they replaced their celebration of earths renewal with the Christmas or Christ birthday.

Really, is there much difference?

The solstice is the shortest day of the year and then regrowth or longer days occur. It is almost the same as the Christ being congratulated for being born in mid-winter. Actually, the bible says late fall or October but who cares.

Many used to walk or visit special sites on this day, I usually like to be there at the first rays of day and wait until the last of the sun is visible.

I prefer the beach, or a special old door place such as the Japanese Gardens. 

The Bidens are not the Obamas who kept running off to a National Park every time i came to town.

They have revisited the Nantucket area of the Plymouth or first Europeans arrival. 

And now they have introduced a new puppy. What is wrong with cats? I could offer Commander a basket full of free kittens. They at least will not wet the carpet nor hide their truffles behind the couch.

Poor socks, he was mistakenly brought home and then abandoned when the Clintons moved out. 

Dogs, dogs, and a few ponies! Cats are good at ratting and making sure there is nothing else lurking in those walls, such as bats or possums.

Tiny little spies!

My twin sister and I often went places together during the holidays and then were separated to different households; mom could not take two of us. But the boys were always taken care of and one winter day...

We went out to visit some Christmas farms. My father knew a lot about trees and the boys wanted to get into farming those poor little twigs into revenue for themselves. 

I always think it is sad to see the trees cut down, I also don't like paper bags. 

In the old days, decorations from outdoors were brought in but the trees were left out of doors. 

The White House now has to have a dozen or so of the poor little things, not allowed to grow up to really big trees.

But this day, we all meet up for hot chocolate. It was my parents wedding anniversary the next day on the nineteenth, so someone suggested we go home with a different family.

Or at least my parents were going to disappear, and we were to be dropped off at the grandparent's.

Anyways, I was the visitor this year, and did not get all of the facts. But over hot chocolate my mother sold her entire crew to another woman to travel back to town, while she ran off with dad one more time.

Stuffing too many little bodies into the same vehicle and with trees on top. There was at least two of them, as one was for the office of her husband's new job and one for home. 

She was a nice woman and had no idea to allow so many kids, but it was one of those things, a country road.

I awoke to teh sounds of not singing holiday songs, but the engine being turned over and over again.

And then, the sounds of screams and agonizing silence.

The children spilled out of the car, while I wrestled with my sister's body. The boys began running around looking for help while others were terrified. 

In the end, we all ended up at the hospital, where she was laid to rest in the morgue. Both the nice lady as well as my sister.

It was up to me as the oldest to make phone calls and attempt to get an adult to come. I watched as the different sets of boys were taken away just before the holidays.

It was assumed that the family might not be available until after the holidays and they were actually being adopted for the holidays, some of them might have stayed the rest of their lives.

I knew they were not getting the real story at the desk and some of the people showing up were those who followed certain types of people, waiting for an advantage. 

That is why there are some many children who claim to be related; they were dropped off at a hospital waiting room with my family's name. 

It is hard to convince abandoned children they are not wanted, nor should they come back, even harder to get the nursing staff not to recognize scam artist at work, stealing other people's children.

Using other people's information is considered an act of terrorism and claiming to be related is a crime but a domestic one, not taken as seriously.

What kind of people follow others around and taking advantage of accidents or causing them to occur?

Just before the big holiday, these goons were out and about, wanting to take advantage and not care about a holy day much less the rejuvenation of the years end.

I know when my parents were wed because they got caught hiding in their room during the skiing season and emerging on the solstice.

In other words, they had consummated their marriage, and could expect the two young lovers to live together instead of going home to mom as my mother often did.

She had a problem with letting her parents off the hook as an only child through the entire World War two.

This night, she was not available at all, as she had run off with my father for the entire weekend, if not the week.

Nobody was coming to save me and without my sister's information, had no idea where they were or which relative to call.

I called them all and others, till someone did show up. The husband who had called and been lied to about the situation.

He rescued me, drove around all night until his boys were located. Then we set to work on my family. 

The aftermath is my mother was never to pull that stunt again. The boys lived separately from us the rest of the time. The grandparents had to keep an eye on their daughter, but she still got her way.

They were both murdered while both of my parents died of serious illnesses which should have been corrected.

The boys still act as if they don't know me even though they had no idea who raised them did it for money does not love. 

They never had the same love nor family togetherness. Nor the idea of singing the way to grandma's house, when she lived in Florida. 

Maybe we were given the wrong boys back!

What we did not do was Christmas ever again after that year.

But somewhere there is ancient custom of the winter's solstice where renewal and rebirth occur for all who linger at one of gods creations 

As for the Bidens, they had their own tragedy and celebrated it with a mass with family around of his first wife and daughter dying. 

I wonder if they ever caught the guilty ones, or they just keep peeping at information not theirs while using extortion on the innocent?

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I do recall a tornado came calling at our door....

 I woke up in a bed with a wall on one side but not the other. I was confused for a long time till i decided to move and found that the wall was gone and the outside was right there for me to just walk around.

I did walk around for awhile in just my night dress. Some people talked to me and tried to get me to tell them who i was and whom to call. 

I could not stop thinking i needed to keep walking around, and allowed them to take me back to the house I had woken up in which only had two walls standing, the ones where I had slept.

The rest of the house had collapsed. I could hear something in my head and kept moving until I found it mewing in a tree. 

As he plopped backwards out of the tree, he asked "what took you so long?" I replied "I did not know where you were."

Then he saw the house and got really scared. As we were talking about the tornado that had come through, another one got out of a truck. 

He said, "he had flown way, way over there" and someone was dropping him off.

He asked "where the parents were", I had not thought of them. 

I assumed they were not home or they would have had us all in the bathroom or something.

Then I remembered the lump in the bed and ran around to find out what it was. 

She had slept thought it all and was grumpy to be woken up and brought outside.

She wanted her mother and I wanted my dad.

Instead, a wail let out of someone, who it turned out was me, according to the others.

I knew all of a sudden where they were, in the basement.

The house had collapsed on top of them and they might not be alive!

As I scrambled towards the house, the others got upset as well. 

We were just enjoying being alive and not really caring to go back into the damaged house.

There it was, the door to the basement just outside the kitchen door. 

We were all trying to pick up timber and move things around as we desperately needed to know if they were inside.

Others came by and started to help us move things once it was apparent what we were doing.

Looking for the missing adults. It took alot of hands to simply hold up timber as we crawled through.

Once we got to the door and knocked and yelled and kicked, it suddenly sprang open with my father's head sticking out. 

Then he disappeared, and a baby was held up to the world. 

"Another one", I whisphered, " you let her get another one". I was one always away visiting the grandparents. The first born and still attempting to be explained, while she kept having another one without still knowing where they came from.

My sister grabbed the baby and said it was "her doll", and went away sulking, it should have been her idea to look for them. She was very good with new ones, cared for them tenderly until they got too big for her little arms to hold.

Meanwhile, Mom was hauled out by many, many hands. While I stretched as far as I could to let my father out of the whole in the ground. 

He was going through a performance of handing out one after another of us. 

Although we were not in the basement with them. She had dragged him down there before he was awake, just her and the baby.

The boys said they heard the yelling but one went on way around the house, and one went the other way.

Both ended up getting to fly "Peter Pan" style.

Finally, we all sitting in front of the house that no longer was a house.

My mother did the nose count and found one extra, me.

I must have been dropped off in the middle of the night by a grandparent.

Which made my father begin yelling that he needed to find out where his in laws were, one of them must have been in the area and should be in a car.

The friendly people came back, she found her family! 

It turned out they were a news crew, and were happy to help send out messages for the now missing grandparent. 


I was quietly remembering I had once been with kids in a school yard. The entire group were put into a basement and the big guy. stuck on top, attempting to hold the door down.

It did not hold, but sent him flying as if he was surfing the air. Some of us followed him through the air watching to see where he landed. 

He went around complaining afterwards, collecting his charges.

Walking for miles looking for more little bodies. 

Not all of us made it that day back to the churchyard. 

That is why we were not supposed to be living in Tornado alley as it was called. 

She must have been desperate for a house to live in with the new baby.


Lucky seven we were once the grandpa's car was found with him in it under a covert waiting till the swirling stopped. 

Thats when he asked where grandma was, she was there the night before.

Again, we had to hunt around to see, if there was a chance, and yet there was that nagging sound coming from under the house.

A few things were moved and the kitchen window was squeaking back and forth, and there was a hand attached.

She had been standing in the kitchen when the house she said was picked up, and tossed back down again. She had been laying on the floor, which was then layered under layers of debris, and calling quietly in a hoarse voice. 

Good thing we found grandpa! Or mom would have forgotten her own mother had come to visit!


For years later, after my sister died, a different girl would always show up with the story, telling how smart she was instead of scared to death, as I was. 

Afterwards, when the family separated. we were all scattered like the wind to different parts of the world, when the parents could no longer stop blaming each other, instead they lived apart blaming themselves.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

One Latern or two?

 The famous ride of Paul Revere after the rebellion of the Stamp act brought rebels out of the shadows to stage a revolution. Americans had been promised many things but life was not easy and the final straw was being charged a tax or forced to use a stamp in order to mail letters to their families back at home.

Riding through the countryside yelling the British are coming, not unlike the Russians are here for many.

The lanterns indicate if they were coming by land or by sea. Seems silly now, because they would have to come by boat. But then there was those who supported them and wanted to take thier neighbors hard work away from them.

Not unlike the People who were protected from the Nazis, the Fascists, the Islamic terrorists, the Ottomans, the Turks and the Mongols. Every time things get good; the nationals rise up forgetting they benefited from the hard work of others. 

Not that I am a communist, I am not. I am however the type of individual who understands that there has to be a form of government or anarchy rules. And that means instant death to my kind, the freedom lovers who don't encroach on others. 

Home grown terrorists are evident everywhere, even the librarians could be accused of undermining the American government with their forbidden books. All those school shootings had to start somewhere and the librarians have a commonality in all instances. Don't they?

Paul Rever was also accused of being a spy, he was actually, had his own group at the Green Dragon. He was accused of many other things when he was part of the militia. He worked at his silversmith and copper making to help the ships be more successful. 

Anyways towards the end of the war, he got his court martial where he was acquitted of all charges brought by his nay sayers. Not all court cases mean a person is guilty nor do the innocent often get a day in court where explanations are exchanged and the false reporters finally get caught causing trouble.

Auctions of ten get to provide earnest admirers of artifacts. Napoleon's sword sold recently and Capone's gun. The Romanov sapphires and Josephines cameo tiaras have also been put up to auction. 

There was a house in Canton Pennsylvania that was found a few of his items. Not his horse's bridle or a silver cup to drink out of but other personal objects. Twenty thousand, ten times what they were estimated is what they were bought. 

How does this make a person feel to own and hold someone else's items? What does it mean to actually own a piece of history? When will it not be an issue to have seen a house where someone slept or view their interior closest or view their accomplishments through paintings and statues?

I don't know why they are after Thomas Jefferson; without him we would not have the Declaration nor the fear of those in Europe who thought they could own humans. He was not cruel to his staff nor expected to be given more than he deserved. 

He was not a sex trader nor a human trafficker, which is so common today that woman can't travel anymore. Even a port side hotel might lead to a ride in a container on a ship headed to areas where humans are not seen as valuable.

What was the ride about? Freedom to pursue our own interests and to be allowed our own religion. Someone else peace of mind is not the same as their neighbors. Keeping people off the streets by providing a job and a place to stay is something many would appreciate today.

As is the safety of the borders, there are so many who don't understand they don't own America. Mexico did not extend to the north nor the western coast. They were southern or central and east coast raiders. They did not have time to explore, it was the outlaw monks who built missions for the Indians who could not go home to Spain nor live in Mexico. 

The same for Ukraine, I am for their freedom but not for terrorists who use the internet to control others by misinformation as well as actually leading the government authorities to believe in things that are not true.

Misinformation of the masses is not unknown and has been used since at least the times of the Hebrews in Egypt.

Where will it end? When we are all forced to surrender ourselves as slaves as those who went to Egypt during the time of the great drought that Joseph ruled over as he rose in rank above his own brothers and even the Pharaohs heirs?

Go get vaccinated for god's sake and don't endanger your neighbor. Go to whatever church and beg forgiveness for not being merciful to your own family. Get an education so you can understand what the news and media are telling their viewers. And don't listen to the nurses, they only do what the insurance companies want.

Hope for peace and have faith that both sides of the big picture are seeking ways not to end the world in a ball of fire.

Don't use candles to light your computer when the power is out because the wifi will also be down. 

Flashlights are a great help in lighting the way. Maybe the cities have built too many tall buildings, causing all these freak weathers.

The good guys always stay at the ground floor and have their own wishes for life and family. 

Where would we be without those that lead the way or cry out in darkness?

Saturday, December 4, 2021

It a wonderful lie

 What a world we live in where everyone who lies is believed.

Attempting to prove you are not wrong or are at least correct is impossible.

After all, you are speaking the truth and just no one but no one does.

How many more false relatives will show up on your doorstep?

Until the government stops them, they have no reason to stop.

It is easy to lie to someone's face, and easier to persuade the innocent authorities who are more willing to believe the ridicolous is true than the absurd simplicity of reality.

Another woman will demand you are her missing daughter.

Your own mother has given up explaining that because you are always gone, she is not going to allow you to come home.

How many more convictions does it take to get an abductrees in incarceration?

As many as the deaths she has acrued in the process of simply being mean to a better woman than herself.

When a child has to grow up with a mentally ill mother due to others interference, it causes long felt resentment towards those who still assume they can just waltz in one more time.

One of these days it will be one more time too many.

The world might not end one day and be washed fresh and new for another chance at life in gods eyes.

But those who continue to pursue their little lies are never going to know what captured them.

Its all in a day's life wasted dealing with Alonas and Adams instead of Vladimirs and Windsors.

People just don't understand the justice system, showing up after they were told not to appear again.

Giving the impression they are interested in religion or even politics.

Really, all they want is to drive someone crazy so they can assume their life.

Who believes one can replace the President of the United States or Russia?

They dont think it might be noticed? Or even wonder who they are dealing.

Besides there is always another couple of dozen waiting to kill and replace as they have been so carefully taught to resist and refuse. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Really, another shooting

 What is the world going?

Another child with a gun.

In the old days, children were taught to hunt for food and sport.

But today, they are not even taken to a range where they can get real training on the use of a gun.

Instead, they watch movies and tv stars picking up guns and fake shooting their colleague.

These things are not meant to be used for real or accidental shootings.

Even an actor on a set can't be certain of the gun's reality. No real bullets are allowed on the set.

I am not sure what Tom Mix nor the other old cowboys did but even the Lone Ranger knew respect for his gun and used his silver bullets wisely.

Blame needs to fall on all those prostitutes such as Gail Gadot and her former coworker Rodriguez.

No way those girls got their jobs through acting. 

They do great fight scenes though especially with the use of the feet.

What they are not are princesses but public nuisances.

Almost no modern actress is actually good enough. Thier contrite expressions and facial farts might be pleasurable to adolescents but not adults.

The old girls were either theater trained, true dancers or someone's girlfriend.

These self-made queens are causing too much trouble.

Instead of getting an abortion and a job, most girls are getting money for getting pregnant.

How many children died over Thanksgiving?

Did keep a count, I didn't but yet one more took a bullet in the chest from her male relative and only five.

Another fifteen got angry over the weekend and took out his mother and then abandoned his child at the doorstep of his grandparents.

Did not like the way his mother was raising his child?

How many more high school shootings are there going to be?

Guns are not easy to hide. I know I was given a gun for protection but ended up being dropped off at the wrong school.

Before I knew what to do, which was leave school my own mother approached me and she was not supposed to be there. 

She was one of those bad girls who never graduated from high school but her mother did and she simply lied about everything using the third person.

She purposely got in an argument with me, as always, she just wanted my wallet and my money I had earned for herself to give to someone else as she had lost her mind to cancer.

Her determination paid off, and she pulled out a gun and put to my shoulder and pulled the trigger. 

Thats is the day I learned about the empty chamber and not to leave a shell inside. 

I had to have a bullet pulled out as my mother rifled through my wallet to see where I had been after she through me out one more time. 

Usually, it was knives that kids carried sometimes openly and then used on others.

All these shootings must have a source and perhaps even a commonality.

As for those queens they are just inciting their men to get killed so they collect millions from the court.

Like the old insurance schemes. I don't have an insurance policy, not after the first one I was given when i turned of age and had a car with car insurance.

The extra policy was used immediately. I had so many accidents and incidents, it was canceled out of fear for my health.

My little African girl who insists i had sex Barack and gave birth before I was old enough pulled a gun on me and shot me with it, she just wanted to have her way.

I was actually told, that according to the newer African black children view towards their world, I was not trained right. 

You see, I am supposed to give in to them at all times and give them everything of mine, even the things they don't want but I hold precious. 

The children don't see a way out of their lives except by killing is due to the adults being indulgence and not taking care of their own world.

Everything was once at peace among the world, and then the Pandemic hit, and everyone curled up inside their houses until they could not take it anymore. 

Now the world is no longer at peace, and even the Ukraine President is showing signs of schizophrenia, fearing the Russian President is going to invade.

It might be true but it is his paranoia that is causing concern. He might just be a little to contained compared to his former career.

Of course, there was those who feared another German uprising. 

They were called idiots and mental patients, when in fact their fear turned out to be intuition.

Who knows, the world that was once at peace has turned in on itself.

Maybe, the only person or individuals who can save us are ourselves or those committed to peace such as the Dali Lama or even the Pope and Patriarch, now that they are on speaking terms. 

Or perhaps we could just get rid of all the bimbos on television who protray heroes but are in fact nothing of the sort.

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...