Tuesday, April 7, 2020

HOUSE of Windsor

While the self isolating is going on world wide in a Pandemic, the Queen of England has taken up residence in Windsor Castle.

The Windsor's as they call themselves have access to most any of the public buildings but this castle is special to them and they have made it their home often during times of trouble such the terrible war against the horrible Nazi Fascists'.

They are of course called many things, and are of the Hanover line of Kings and Queens. They choose the name Windsor when they disowned their German titles when Kaiser William begin his mad troubles which caused the Great war and the disunification of Europe.

The castle is supposed to have been bought or built by one Gerhard Gheridini of Florence who arrived in England about the time of the Doomsday book which recorded the old families of the kingdom.

The family were pre Medici rich politicians and knights. They left Florence for Britain and married into the welsh family of the Tewdwrs. Their blood was already aristocrat and now they were also royals.

Their family spread out to America as well, but the castle went to the inheritors of the estates which in this case were the Hanovers who claim a descent from the original owner and thus make it their own home for distressful times.

The Queen made her virus announcement of staying at home just as she made the announcement when they had the children's leave England for the sake of the war in order for their parents to fight against the thugs and brutes as they called the Germans who choose to wage war on their own kind.


One of the other descendants of the Gheridini family of Florence is one Elisabeth or Lisa del Giocoumo, a young beauty who sat for  Leornardo da Vinci. the infamous smile of the Mona Lisa is unmistakenable in the portrait. It is her eyes though that are the trademark of a scientist. They follow you around the room. Her image has been reprinted and painted too many times, leading to many replicas being mistaken at times for the original which also is said to have hung in Napoleons bedroom.

The famous painting of a woman who is from the same line as the current royals in residence, is now under quarantine herself with the Louvre shut down until further notice.

Yet, her likeness is replicated in the smallest of the royals, Charlotte of Cambridge has almost the same haunting likeness and I am sure when she learns to smile will draw admirers.

Where did the Middleton's get such a similar image? After all, they were just airlines stewardess and land crew or pilot prior to their overnight and sudden success leading them to buy their way into royalty. hmm, well maybe the subject will understand.


Taken from the Britannica encyclopedia under Mona Lisa heading.

Who was the Mona Lisa in real life?

There has been much speculation and debate regarding the identity of the Mona Lisa’s sitter. Scholars and historians have posited numerous possibilities, including that she is Lisa del Giocondo (née Gherardini), wife of the Florentine merchant Francesco di Bartolomeo del Giocondo—hence the alternative title to the work, La Gioconda. That identity was first suggested in 1550 by artist biographer Giorgio Vasari.

Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa about 1503, and it was in his studio when he died in 1519. He likely worked on it intermittently over several years, adding multiple layers of thin oil glazes at different times. Small cracks in the paint, called craquelure, appear throughout the whole piece, but they are finer on the hands, where the thinner glazes correspond to Leonardo’s late period.
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French King Francis I, in whose court Leonardo spent the last years of his life, acquired the work after the artist’s death, and it became part of the royal collection. For centuries the portrait was secluded in French palaces, until insurgents claimed the royal collection as the property of the people during the French Revolution (1787–99). Following a period hanging in Napoleon’s bedroom, the Mona Lisa was installed in the Louvre Museum at the turn of the 19th century.

The painting presents a woman in half-body portrait, which has as a backdrop a distant landscape. Yet this simple description of a seemingly standard composition gives little sense of Leonardo’s achievement. The three-quarter view, in which the sitter’s position mostly turns toward the viewer, broke from the standard profile pose used in Italian art and quickly became the convention for all portraits, one used well into the 21st century. The subject’s softly sculptural face shows Leonardo’s skillful handling of sfumato (use of fine shading) and reveals his understanding of the musculature and the skull beneath the skin. The delicately painted veil, the finely wrought tresses, and the careful rendering of folded fabric demonstrate Leonardo’s studied observations and inexhaustible patience. Moreover, the sensuous curves of the sitter’s hair and clothing are echoed in the shapes of the valleys and rivers behind her. The sense of overall harmony achieved in the painting—especially apparent in the sitter’s faint smile—reflects Leonardo’s idea of the cosmic link connecting humanity and nature, making this painting an enduring record of Leonardo’s vision. In its exquisite synthesis of sitter and landscape, the Mona Lisa set the standard for all future portrait.

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