Saturday, April 11, 2020

Q-day 18

There are those crime scene yellow ribbons on the handle of each of the doors on either side of mine single unit isolation.

Did they die, were they removed in the middle of the night, or simply disappear into thin air, like the Avengers movie?

Endgame, one sees them all disappear into thin air and then the world moves on as if they had not existed in the first place.

For the most part, everything is quiet, except for the phone calls. Every day they call, the nurses to check on your symptoms and then the county workers to check and see if you are happy.

I am not happy, I want out of here, I did not agree to this in the first place. I keep on coughing and sniffling, and gasping, but no real signs of anything at all. In the old days I would be told to go to bed or for a walk.

As it is I was already really sick in the fall before the news arrived in America that something had gone wrong in China. No surprise, everyone I know suddenly wanted to learn Chinese and go to china.

I went to Mexico city instead, got to see the Pope who went out to the poor people and meet the families of the bus of college kids who simply vanished into thin air. 43 young adults who wanted to stage a demonstration and probably are being used as guinea pigs in a lab somewhere deep in the jungle.

All those bodies they keep finding piled up in Guadalajara, refrigerator trailers parked outside city limits but not hooked up and smelling, while Veracruz has a different set of archaeologists, parents finding out of a mass field of bodies just under the surface, shovels in hand working their way into the past.

When did Mexico become so corrupt? The drug dealers overtook a once Catholic country or were they ever anything but Conversos, Muslims and Jews forcibly removed from now Catholic Spain.

China became the new Mecca for all my non friends who just wanted to show off they thought of themselves as cultured. I wonder how many Chinese thought of America as Christian, afterall, for the most part were are the Protestants forced out of Catholic Europe, including the Huguenots, and the Puritans, the Mennonites among other smaller groups who were forcing themselves on the communities at large.

I have nothing against Catholics, I  was pushed out of every one of their schools into the Orthodox ones in San Francisco and New York city. I had a chance to see the others side views and learn of an older religion than theirs. I actually am all for the religions who are supporting god in a time when too many mouth off about who they are and then dont come through with anything more but more corruption.

The Harlot riding the beast of politics into Armegeddon, can be anyone, as long as they are the cause of the conflict.

Two yellow crime scene ribbons on each side of my door, should I breathe the air inside my room?

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