Thursday, April 2, 2020

Q-10 societies menace

Considered a threat to society.

10 days in confinement with no avenue to leave without permission. And no regular coffee, sorry it is important to some, just as cigarettes' are more important then lives.

My 7-10 day C-test came back in 4 days as non positive. I have all the symptoms and cant go back to my allocated spot without permission.

A threat to others who have already been exposed to the virus, in fact others brought it to us with their cigarette smoking.

During the Halloween season, two of us lay their dying, I felt as if I was drowning from fluid in my lungs. I finally crawled the three blocks to my health clinic and was told I just had a upper respiratory infection. The other woman, a smoker, who only moved to get a cigarettes' outside, went to the emergency room after a whole pack of cigarettes' and was given pneumonia treatment for three days.

She came back feeling great and kept going down to the bad area to get her cheap cigarettes' for four dollars or less a pack. The guys down by the bus station don't charge the required federal tax per pack, cigarettes' cost at least 8 dollars per pack.

I continued sick the rest of the season, lying there as if I was dead, I was so exhausted the last few visits I could hardly sit up. I was given the impression I had started going to the doctor too often, but often felt too weak to get on a bus and go to the hospital where I would have to sit for hours, coughing all the time.

Meanwhile, the couple behind me who claim to come from Mexico but look more Muslim than Hispanic wont wash their spoiled little dog. It has fleas and everyone has complained. What do Bats and dogs have in common? Fleas!

America is particularly ridiculous in her behavior with her mother, who insists behind her back they are not mother and daughter. They wake one up in the middle of the night and middle of the day, no matter which time one tries to sleep. The get dressed up and take their dog in his stroller down to the same bad area where there are still pimps and prostitutes. They have no real reason to be housed with us and have plenty of money to spend on themselves.

Where do they get their money? As illegals, they are allowed to keep on residing as long as they are progressing towards housing. Without an apparent job nor anything else in sight, they must be lying about being related to someone. Who do you think the poor American innocent is they are claiming not so pretty America is the real daughter? Long black hair and plain face with no personality but pure selfishness, even when she over played with the children who got special treatment while the single women were cut off from all the usual resources.

Than there was the women who suddenly died, one a long time street tarot card reader. She refused to go back to Utah where her family where living. Instead she went down to Ocean beach everyday where most of the visitors ended up as it still appeared as one of the old beach towns and surfing still goes on.

She complained of flu like symptoms, mentioning Laura and myself who were not the first to come down from a serious breathing illness. I noticed she seemed to be having problems breathing and suggested she get one of those machines. We were awaken in December with an emergency, she had begun to vomit blood on the carpet. Her death was a shock to the staff, who did not seem to think the children she be kept from entering our room nor from playing on the carpet which was never cleaned for some reason.

Another woman who was said to be a drug addict, was moved to another location, only to be found dead. They said her heart stopped, which is what they said about Tina, that she had a heart attack. Her daughter found her dead after school, and she had been unmovable most of the day. Did she also have flu symptoms?

Without information from the authorities, there is not much most of us can do without a government authority stopping in to satisfy the questions. When did China decided they had a deadly virus? After a number of victims or when they could not hide the death? How long had the hub of Wuhan which is similar to O'Hare airport, go on with traveler's without mentioning a serious respiratory difficulties had arisen?

Why would it travel so fast around the world if it had not already been spreading but not with known deadly side affects? It takes a lot of concern to shut down a country. It also takes awhile for something to mutate or jump from one animal kingdom to another, the crossover they claim from bats to humans.

Meanwhile, I am considered a threat as long as I have a cough and don't feel well enough. I cant go outside and have to wait for my simple deliveries with no conversation except with myself.

And yet, it is probably the precious Muslim Mexican mother and daughter who brought to us Americans whatever was already being transferred through the air and through the fleas of their dog, while they continue to meet others from other countries and travel across the border while presumably defrauding some naïve individual who does not know how to get enough evidence to have them moved out of the way of others who have suffered a variety of complications, including death.

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