Tuesday, April 14, 2020

In Russia they steal everything...

Everything in Russia is up for grabs. They stooled a 50 ton bridge in Siberia, right under the noses of the locals who used it and the local police. They steal jewels and artworks left and right, and even military equipment. 

Anything that is not nailed down can just be walked out the door, even a Hermitage cat is not sacred. Actually the Hermitage cats are considered sacred. They are the guards of the old museum and former palace. hired by Queen Elisabeth of Russia. 

They were brought in to patrol the interior of the palace and keep it free of rodents. They stayed on through the Soviet system as their professional guards. They not only catch mice but stragglers as well. 

With the new era of freedoms and visitors to Russia after the long hours of waiting for the democracy to arrive, they are now walking out the door as well. in the arms of those visiting the museum of artworks. 

Stealing a cat is not easy but one can attempt it and if one gets away with it, then one has a true treasure, especially if it is a Siberian natives who turns its professionalism towards a different type of rodent, the flying ones, bats.

Old Russia America is in need of any encouragement from their former mother country. And those flying rodents can get out of control when left on their own for more than a hundred years. 

Enjoy the tours and appreciate the guards, but consider those left behind to defend for themselves and purr of a job well done. A feline of a different sort, straight from home or the hermitage is a real treasure and work of art. 

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