Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Q- Day 14

When will I be released?

I have had all the symptoms of the virus, they claim my test came back in half the time of everyone elses, but one person in the same living group came up positive.

I even had to go see the onsight doctor. I keep on coughing and running a temperature. After repeated phone calls where the county workers don't seem to understand that if they arrange transport to deliver me back to the program I was enrolled I would just go away.

Instead, the nurse had to come for me and instruct me on my mask and gloves. I had to follow her 6 feet away to the club house at the location I am located. Where after climbing stairs, I was interviewed by a nurse.
Then I was instructed to stand and wait for the doctor to see me. Actually the room was not quite 10 feet wide and I was yelled at several times for moving forward on the now plastic covered floor. I was also the only other person in the room.
After being checked over by the doctor who did at least listen to my lungs before giving me two Tylenol and a couple of cough drops. I was still running a temperature of 99.

My doctor said three days and my temperature did not drop until a couple of days ago. I have been miserable, feeling somewhat better and somewhat worse.

The problem is I have had these symptoms for a few years now. I don't believe this mutated virus is new. As anything else it has been around for awhile but did not explode or cause alarm until the first deaths were reported. The question is how many went unreported?

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