Monday, August 31, 2020

Where do they all come from?

The worst possible situation has developed. The kids of shown up and in force. The past life I lead was full of travel and hardship. I was a daughter of civil engineer needed in other areas of the world and a granddaughter of war heroes. I was also a photographer and journalist before my medical condition prevented me from being able to be comfortable in any situation. 

The children began arriving before I was old enough to have children. Sometimes they claimed to be my siblings or insisted I was not the real daughter. My siblings and I took turns being abducted, not for our pleasure but those who already begun to stalk and harrass my grandparents over other issues. 

For the most part, they wanted not money but access to certain types of things such as citizenship and easy home ownership. Money was often part of the bargain and my family paid dearly, including an umber of bank robberies. In fact, there were so many bank robberies the government was wondering who was doing what, but my mother was the unlucky owner of a brain going bad and usually gave her plans away ahead of time.

Then there were the kids that were born before I could menustrate. I now have 45 year olds threatening me when I am not much over 50 myself. I also have a mouse trap, a broken pelvic bone. I was almost sawn in half when I was three. My sister had just been born, and those holding me left me in a pencil factory close to where my parents were staying but no one was supposed to know. The blade slipped between my legs and stopped when it meet bone.

It still shows on my x-rays, a straight cut right through the pelvic bone. It has a habit of collapsing or inverting. Snap, into a  mouse trap, very painful but also not capable of having a natural child birth even if I had gotten pregnant. I am also one of those women, who have irregular periods, and even now I have fibroids which develop as fast as they are removed. If I had my ovaries removed, they would still grow, so I  have gone through radiation and other things, but am waiting for the real doctor to do the proper procedure. 

Ironically, I am considered too old to have children since I have never had any, at least not out of my vagina. My husband and I attempted the artificial lab rat route, but the surrogate mother indicated she had decided to keep the embryo which was not hers but mine. It is a longer story than todays limit.

The issues are that everywhere I went, a child would be lead over to me to take my hand and my wallet. Or plopped down on me to distract me from what was going on around me. I have been hit on the head, kicked in the head, punched in the head and jabbed with needles and by very small children. All of whom were told I was their mother. 

They were lied to and did not make into my regular life, except to show up at my house of worship to get me in trouble, each and everyone of them. It became ridiculous to the point a judge brought me to explain why their were twenty plus children with me listed as their mother. I complained it was more, closer to two hundred. 

We had the children explained I was not their mother, in some cases proving who their parent was or had counselors brought in to speak to the parents and the children about the emotional situation developing. None of it worked. They all took money and my career. My mother died of brain cancer, never treated due to the game of keeping us from guessing what they were after. A decade after her death and after I have been denied entrance to each and every family property or business I once worked they have arrived in mass.

They pretend they do not know each other but they are not good enough to not show off their aggression when not given into about being allowed access to myself. They come in different colors and sizes, small midgets and dwarfs which it is impossible for me to produce as I am over the average short range but not tall enough to produce a 6 foot daughter. They are often African with no bearing as to whom their father would be and I have no idea. Or even Asians, Philippines, and Muslims who pretend to be Mexicans. 

They will not give in that I am not their mother and they have no right to me as a person. Nor is it allowed, even by the Catholic charities to be stalked and harrassed about being born out of wedlock. I was married and my husband was neither Asian nor African. They don't seem to understand anything at all and I am going to begin criminal proceedings against them and the agencies that gave my location away.

I am not joking of the hostilities showed towards me and often the group threat of me conforming. This is what caused my mother to have a mental breakdown. I thought I was having a nervous breakdown, but I am not imagining these people exist and they are often present when I begin to get upset about some of the things I went through. Frustration, Exhaustion and nerve damage from the many injuries I sustained are the answer not a crazy ward.

AS for those who abducted my mother and claimed they had her living with them, I did have a surviving sibling who was also concerned as to why mom wasn't with him since our one sister died to the situation. My grandparents died early deaths and my father was murdered by the same group who had been following us around. A strange situation when the kids claiming to be in school with you are also the children of those who want revenge on your grandparents for the war years. 

I am bringing charges of abduction and false imprisonment on my mother as she had obvious dementia. Wrongful death or manslaughter for those who interfered in her behalf but provided no medical. As for the little stalkers I am going to send the little ones to prison or foster care where they will not be falsely told I am grandma and insist they want presents of my own personal belongings. The adults can be deported because even the white ones were more than likely born in Germany or Mexico since they have no real birth certificate and cant seem to be positively identified. 

Good bye and good riddance is my answer to the multiple grown ups who want nothing m ore than references to my own relatives and introductions to those I know. It is against the law to create a setting where they can get close enough to cause trouble and accept from others monies and other things but not even attempt to show a person humanity which they have not. 

They don't want me to be their friend or parent but for me to provide for their bastards and allow them a life of fantasy such as Meagan fell into, falling on her face, doing a belly flop by producing a baby which does not look like either of her parents if they were in fact her real parents. 

They are one and all disinherited, denied access to my personal papers and other belongings, rejected for not showing up sooner or attempting to get married, a job, an education or anything at all. All they do is that annoying head bounce up and down to my no and offer nothing but pure hatred. They have been told in front of a judge and in my presence that I am not their mother but instead they have brought their children in for more of the fun game that developed in denying my mother the right to know which one of the children was her real daughter and what not.

I hope this makes other feel happy because I am not going to be drugged the rest of my life and when the phony sibling who also says he is my spouse or my papa has the guts to show up without me having a needle mark I will have him arrested, convicted and excuted for the benefit of all the little ones who have no place to go because they had no one in the beginning. An abortion would have been better than raising one and all to continue the obvious threat to a family who were nothing more than old American stock. 

Where did they come from anyway? Not my belly nor my vagina nor my husband, but the imagination of a crazy man and a woman lost to her own friends. Sad when some need help and others want nothing more than to shame the group they are identified with, the lack of adulthood and maturity is greatest among the staff who clearly have no real training and continue to label medical problems with mental ones as they themselves never got the paid for welfare checks and psychologist visits they were supposed to be forced to attend. 

Maybe Homeland security can make a statement as to why their are so many of them and in the same facility and none of them about to give in to the trueness of me not being their mother. I am not going to tolerate any my abuse towards myself and those who cant understand where babies don't come from, can either go back to the their country of origin or spend their life in a mental ward. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

On the positive side of the morning

California has become ravaged with forest fires. It always gets its shares of the fires and sometimes is almost not mentioned.

This past week, there was a lightening storm so severe there were over 11000 hits on the ground of strikes. It created a fury of fires spread across a wider area and concentrated among those already on fire. 

So, instead of being worried about an aging uncle up in the hills, when it turns out, his street was the only one not affected, we have numerous neighborhoods goin up in smoke.

Santa Rosa was wiped out a few years ago. Not being able to return after depositing my mothers remains along with my father up in the mortuary area of the old town. It is uncertain if any of the old homes we once occupied are now standing. 

The same for some of the other areas we once lived. But these fires appear to be concentrating again on Los Angelo's which has multiple neighborhoods. There is now a wide spread area across the Bay area, the 
central valley and lower California for those who know fires wo be aware of what not to do. 

Stay inside the fire range. Vacaville has entire neighborhoods destroyed with fire. Some of those people who were too concerned with my mother but did not come to the funeral are now without homes to live.

Sad, the positive is that the underbrush is being burned off. This means the rodents and other creatures that come out when things are really bad will be killed.

In case you have not noticed, there is a warning against the plague. Fleas spread the plague and the owners of  dogs are careless in their attempts to tell us they are fine. We are not.

Now for the city in Korea where the dogs have been confiscated and are put in zoos to over indulgence. How nice not to have to have a dog brought into a store, church or even a shelter where there is nothing one can do but have flea bites. 

Good news, except for those who put fifty year mortgages on homes and in a hot region of the state. Perhaps they can just go to a homeless shelter and get acquainted with what it means to be an adult instead of a childs life where they get to reside inside a house and not worry about the night.

Most homeless people have no place to go and most don't spread diseases but many are prejudice to the concept having lived an deal life. It is the drug addicts who live in houses who cause the problem. Along with cities without proper sanitation. for some reason they no longer have public toilets.

Now for the virus it might also get under control with the smoke and heat destroying most of it. It is those travelers who brought it back from their religious trips to China and Mongolia we need to be careful of s thy still offer their literature but practice unclean things such as having sex and not abortions. Living their kids to die on the streets instead of raising them under their roofs as indecent things.

Positive maybe some of them will also be gotten out of thee way as well with this disease after all they certainly were not washing their hands as they were getting themselves pregnant or holding out hope that they would get their egos massaged just for sitting down next to a pretty girl at a convention of any sort.

Well firs are a good thing when not to many deaths occur. And the housing trade and construction Christians will at least have work for awhile before their Armageddon comes and strikes them down with lighting. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Also in the news

The first female leader of the free world, is... drum roll.., Mrs. Pelosi. 

That's right, not Hillary or even the possible Kamala but the already accepted elected Speaker of the House. This is the number three position of the United States Government. If something should happen, to both the President and the Vice President, Mrs. Pelosi would have to take over until a new President was elected.

This is a unique situation where upon, the electoral votes went to Trump, but he is not the accepted elected government official. The popular vote went to Hillary but she was not given the White House. It was originally thought the President would receive the electoral votes, and the popular would go to the vice president.

Now the votes go for two candidates at the same time, so both the President and the Vice President are elected on one ticket. This is because there was a tie once upon a time and the wrong guy attempted to steal the Oval office. 

Instead, we have a situation where no one seems to be willing to concede to Trump and therefore the first elected female leader is Nancy, who is leading the nation even though her Impeachment went badly, and she lost her attempt at getting Trump out of the White House.

What do you think, she would have done, if she had won her impeachment vote? Would she have walked into the Oval office or given the keys to Hillary? Or would we have had to go through another election, since Pence would have been implicated with the voting fraud charges.

The last time a female was visibly telling the government what to do was Mrs. Wilson. Woodrow Wilson lead the nation through the Great War and then had the Versailles agreement drawn up by him for the US and the European nations to accept Germanys surrender. 

Things did not go well, and Woodrow had a stroke. He could not speak well, and his wife had to relay his words to others. Essentially she was his voice and some assume she took command of the White House as well. 

As the Suffragate movement swept through the US, and the first female ran for office but was denied. It is not impossible for a wife to assume her husbands duties. This is true on the senate floor and the house, where a widow is allowed to assume her husbands seat. Even Sony Bono, who was a well known fraud with his former singer wife, who went on to claim a Mayor ship that listed someone else having won, only to claim a seat in Congress. He remarried a blond woman of no political standing who then insisted on having his seat given to her, so it is not impossible to have an untrained and non elected female take over the duties of an elected government official.

I don't believe Melanie would be given the chance of sitting in the Oval Office, nor would Jacqueline Kennedy have been given that chance. In fact, they had her stand with her husbands blood on her suit while the Vice President was sworn in, not even giving her a chance at grieving before visibly handing over the keys to the White House to another.

When Rockefeller was elected with a wheel chair, they hid it from the nation until after he was elected. They would not show him in a wheel chair nor crutches, but always sitting or driving. His wife took over the  international duties, while they claimed he had a mistress at home, but it is controversial what paralyze entails with males abilities. 

And then there was Nixon, who had to fire his Vice President and wait without a second in command for a new election and Ford to replace his outgoing side buddy. Leaving the speaker of the house as a  second. Perhaps that is what went wrong with the so called Water gate scandal, you don't suppose he sent out his unmarried daughter to take care of business for him? 

Mrs. Rosalyn Carter got her nose caught for conferring with her husband in front of cameras, and Mrs. Nancy Reagan was corrected for speaking up for her husband who was losing his hearing. It is assumed they both had permission before hand and were invited only on essential business and not state secret meetings. 

They were not elected government officials though, just the wives. Like Diana, Camilla, and Kate are just the wives of the future King of England. There is no guarantee they know anything at all except how to starve themselves or get in  the way of their husbands. 

While England has accepted Prime Ministers, American still has a hold on women primarily due to the influence of the those religious right who prefer a male head. There are still many religions who prefer to have women subjugated to male authority whether than let them have their head or thoughts or money or even personal property.

Best wishes to Kamala, while Nancy continues to hold the spare key for Hillary. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

When is a Da Vinci not a Da vinci?

In the matters of the art world, once seen as the most pristine of all the avenues of careers and livelihoods, it has become a mecca of high price wanna-bes and terrorists or just not worth the ticket to the  museum.

For one thing, the item on display is not always what it says. The experts will tell you what they know, but where did the experts get their knowledge? From a textbook, word of mouth, or plan expertise through practice.

For the most part, they are simply told such and such and they repeat the information. After decades of research and traveling with my grandparents who knew a little more about art as well as meeting actual artists as well as thieves in the world of art, I was appalled at the lectures I received at the University of California. 

I even saw with my own eyes, a Keene painting listed as a Salvador Dali. Everyone who knows the modern artists, knows the difference between their works of art. The Impressionist might be harder to decipher but really, a Salvador Dali instead of a Keene?

As for Da Vinci, he was known far and wide for his science. At the time art was part of the science world. He seems to have been a friend of many rich peoples. He worked on his science projects, got corrected by the Catholic churches and yet had Royal patrons who admired his works.

One wonders what he was really doing, I am not talking of espionage or anything worse but there were so many secret societies and inability to perform or speak in public due to the many inquisitions surrounding Rome at the time, which had a finger on every Monarchy. 

Now about that finger, namely the Salvador Mundi attributed to Da Vinci with his finger pointing upwards. This is considered a classical pose but there are many things wrong with this painting.

For one thing, the Mona Lisa, as we know her, he is called the male Mona Lisa, was painted over and over again by the man, or at least he and his friends kept copying the lady. There are told to be at least two dozen different copies and some experts have a hard time telling them apart. 

And it is said in some circles, the one hanging on the wall, is not the original or the real painting he worked on himself. Another thing about the art world, Masters have schools and students. Just as at a college, an instructor will not give a student a passing grade and then turn around and use their information or knowledge or ideas for themselves is considered a normal part of academia, when in fact intellectual property is thought to be owned by the individual according to the legal courts. 

Most artists train under others, and then make a name for themselves. After a success, they in turn train others or employee others to complete their work. We don't appreciate it when our dentists or doctor only starts a procedure and then lets the janitor or the janitors daughter finish the job, do we?

Anyways, it said Michelangelo actually painted the entire Sistine Chapel and did not employ anyone to help him. This might be true but there are many artists whose works are suspect between Master, student, copyists and forger. In Da Vinci's case, he worked alone for the most part but also employed a staff of assistants as was expected for his status in the community.

It is interesting this  painting in particular is said to be the most expensive. It is listed at 450 million dollars, half a billion dollars for a man holding his finger upwards. And bought by an Arab prince, it is supposed to be on display at one of their museums. 

I am a museum goer, don't get me wrong, but a half a billion worth of paint on canvas is a lot of viewing. The problem is that the Arab world does not usually appreciate Christian works of art, and for buyers it is difficult to access some middle age works as not offensive to the new owners. 

One would not put Christian works such as Salome dancing in a Jewish family museums such as the Hammer, they actually have John the Baptist on a platter on display as a family item. Nor would one by the Christ or Savior for Muhammad followers. 

Not unless there was something special about this painting. One thing is it has been restored and not correctly. The eyes are different in the before and after photos. There is a really bad representation going around of a restorer making the Madonna into a street prostitute with his rendition of what he thought she should look like.

Restorers are supposed to be highly trained. They are supposed to know what they are doing. It is odd, that modern art world now has fluffy instructors, legal aids with stilettos, and obvious conmen sitting inside galleries. Most of the viewers are disrespectful and have even ruined items in order to get selfies. There is one marble goddess missing her toes,  now that someone sat on her in order to prove she had gone to the museum. 

As for this little boy, he said to be the Christ, the savior of the world. He is dressed in Renaissance style, not uncommon. And he is holding a clear globe suggesting the world and intellectual thought. The raised finger is suggesting heavens as any good art professor will tell you. 

Jesus may not have been a poor man as Master of his own work shop as a carpenter with international connections and having worked with his father on architecture as well as furniture  making. He certainly possessed knowledge of the Hebrew scriptures and spent time socializing with others. He appears to have known more of the world than to assume he did not come out of a woman but that his father was from above and not from the imagination of a scared teenage girl who just wants someone else to take the blame for her unfortunate condition. 

As for Da Vinci, he did a number of religious works, traveling broadly in order to complete them. He was a master of his style and often depicted females. He had a delicate hand in how he showed a female in profile. His many drawings, only a few are turned to the side completely, most of his works show a head at an angle, giving a full 3-D effect. 

The Salvador is the only painting I can find online whose face is straight on, front view only. No turned head, no profile, and the human quality of a 3D effect is lost with restoration. His eyes don't look right and his face is just blaw looking. 

His hand is turned sidewise for the viewer to see his fingers and hand. This is where most experts claim suspicion as his fingernails can clearly be seen and they just don't like the hand at all in the painting.

There is the possibility that the hand was painted by one person and the face by another. There is also the issue of it being commissioned as a square on portrait for someone in particular. It does look like a work of Da Vinci's and it does not. There is not the full landscape behind nor the suggestion of wizardry he usually employees. 

Even his self portraits are turned at an angle as if he is looking at you the viewer. Employing a mirror to do this is not unusual. There is also the idea this might have been a self portrait. It looks like a young Da Vinci, and might have been done by someone else in his youth. Or he might have just wanted to recreate his youth and drew it from his memory of what he remembered looking like. 

So, is this painting worth half a billion dollars? Is it really for an Arab buyer? Or is it  personal possession for someone who wants a little bit of everything. Or is it a work of someone else, that is being passed off as a a Master? It is hard to tell, as almost no journals or other written hard copy evidence is available. 

Only the critics taking it apart and the academia putting it back together. The modern scholars were trained by WWII veterans who had no idea of what they were dealing with but listened to the archivist and others left behind in the Museums. Most of the experts were killed, while Hitler amassed a great stock of works for some reason. If he thought he was going to win the war, why so much removal of the items? And what was he planning to do with them, after the war?

Museums need not close, but the mouths of unintelligent lectures and badly trained artist who think a glob of paint is worth being paid. Meanwhile, this might be a Christ painting, a portrait of someone or just an icon for others to identify in order to gain access to their own non Christian club where they get to mouth off at how smart they are with no real practical knowledge. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Did we mention rabies?


The other name that inspires fear in the public. Old  Yellow was a movie about a known dog in a community that gets rabies and has to be shot in the end.

Rabies is a serious disease which causes an animal to go "rabid" or berserk. Most humans fear the result of being bitten by an animal with rabies. It is a transferable disease., they tell us that many of the animal kingdom diseases are non transferable. 

That is the problem with the Plague and this coronavirus, the fleas have transmitted it to the humans. Making a transfer between the animal kingdom and the human was once thought impossible until Malaria was discovered being transferred by mosquitos.

A tiny kitten in Rome, New York has been found to have rabies. It is thought to have come from a cluster of kittens of the same mother and they are seeking the location of the original group as well as warning all those who came in contact with the kitten to seek post treatment measures.

This would include getting the injections for rabies themselves. It is a series of six injections. They are not unpainful and it is not possible to go without them. The doctors will call the police if one refuses treatment.

I know this from experience. My cat who had been catching bats in Sonoma county during the terrible floods kept leaving the little things at my door. Just like small mice, left as a token of affection, I got small furry rodents with rubber wings. 

They leave a fang mark, just like a vampire, to marks on my big toe. The nurses fled in concern, and one brave doctor came in to investigate the vampire patient. I had the little offender in a shoe box, much to the amusement of the doctor, who took it for his collection.

I also took my cat to the veterinarian for her injections, repeatedly. She was originally my kitten but then when I moved she hoped out of the moving boxes and got left behind. The next woman who came into the apartment, an old house split in tow, raised her as her own. But when I moved back some ten years later, I was quietly stalked, relentlessly by the neighbors cat. 

I did recognize her but could not believe she remembered me. My mother has issues with pets in general, my goldfish always ended up being drowned in the toilet to go to the larger fish bowl, the ocean. 

As for cats, she had an insane jealousy of any time being spent on them. Especially, by any of her relatives or friends. She would also hide and drop frightened kittens on unsuspecting individuals who violated her code of conduct to not speak to a single cat. 

It must have come from a childhood trauma she never got over, and as her brain cancer spread, it got worse. I am a natural feline lover and put up with dogs, simply because it is the right thing to do.

All of the friends got my cats, and some of them expensive. She could not handle it, there are a few pedigree felines walking through forests and parks in cities from her insanity as it would take affect, it was either me living with and no cat or me not living with her at all. 

I should have chosen the forest with my cat, but as the first born I had no choice. After all, I had younger brothers to consider. They were also gotten rid of after a fashion.

Brain cancer robs people of their personality and she had people in her life her were especially cruel. One of them attempted to saw me in half, leaving me with a severed pelvic bone of which no infant will safely get through.

The woman in question I consider a with and always shows up anyways, despite a convection and child endangerment restraining order. Some people just don't know what to do with a midget, especially one below average IQ. 

My cat in Sebastopol, kept on catching bats, getting her picture in the paper. As the rains continued, the bats exploded from their hiding along the estuary, the old Russian river before an earthquake caused it to flow a different direction.

The bats were caught, thought to be drowning and having pneumonia. Some of them had rabies, along with my cat who had gone without her shots. My mother decided to have the injections instead. As I said, she could not tolerate, anyone giving special treatment to cats instead of her, must of been one of her aunts or grandmothers during the great depression. 

The bats were caught and exported to China or some place in Asia. At least the ones without the rabies, but with respiratory problems. My cat went undetected by me as I kept on paying the vet bills, including to have her groomed. The groomer should have warned me, she did not have her shots as it was at the same location and they would have known.

But alas, they chose to sooth the crazy insane woman, by giving her the cats shots. Sadly, I did put my mother in treatment, and in the end she died from lack of treatment. Somehow, the one disease she did have, is the one she refused to be treated.

As the story goes, my cat began to want inside, in the middle of the night, and then wanted to kneed my back with very sharp claws. I asked for these to be trimmed as well, but got no results as the girl refused to speak to me anymore. 

She also began peeing on everything and I am afraid I threw out gently into the night for her to take care of herself. I also took her to the vet to see if she needed medicine. 

Instead, one night she was let in by my mother who was now refusing to go to the emergency room. She had fallen and hurt her hip and could not walk properly. It was one of this situations, where I clearly remembered living and working down south, and pushing her in a wheelchair but we were once more north and without the usual job resources. 

I was trying not to have a nervous breakdown, dealing with her, so when my cat woke me up hissing in my face, I was not happy. She continued to act strange and I knew what had happened. She had gone without her shots. I would not have allowed her in at night as an out door cat if I had been the one to go the door.

I attempted to get up quietly without alarming her, but she attacked me viciously. We had a struggle where she ended up in a pillow case tied at the top. The plastic box I had bought for her was gone. My  mother had probably taken her into the forest herself and left the box for her to escape.

All I could do, was put on clothes, call 9/11 who simply told me to walk to the emergency room as it was two blocks away, after midnight and a small community. 

So, I took the cat with me hissing and yelling right into the emergency room. I told them what had happened, that because of the bat bites, I had gotten the rabies shots and had signed her up, but was told recently she had not received them. I had her scheduled but now she was exhibiting aggressive behavior towards her owner. She was either frightened of something, I was not aware of, or she needed to have a vet inspect her. In the end, the euthanized her, in front me as I was receiving treatment for her bites. 

As I said, my mother could not stand animals and cats in particular. Her mind had completely warped by this time. She was back to making phone calls at night and playing the little girl around police officers. My grandmother was detained a number of times from her pretending to be abducted when she was little. 

I knew my cat had rabies because the only dog I really ever owned also came down with rabies. My mother got me the dog and then abandoned me in the city of San Francisco at the park. I had made the mistake of talking to my real brother and she could not handle the situation. 

I don't know when my father realized his childhood sweetheart was mentally unstable but he was old school and continued to take care of her until he ended up in the morgue one night when he went to the emergency room. 

Harry as he was called, after her grandmother Harriet, who had the Siamese cat that rode around on one of the first electric wheelchairs. The dog and I had both been trained to perform and in a military style of dog training. I was included by a group of people who saw me putting the dog through the works at the beach and then he got awards. 

It turned out my furry friend was a pedigree puddle with a barrel chest. The original dogs were hunting dogs. trained to go into the water to retrieve the ducks and other fowl shot down. They needed a strong rib cage. 

He had all the right marks and was well trained and I had included the military stages of search and retrieve I had been taught. We ended up at the Westminster Dog show, winning a blue ribbon.

A blue ribbon at the state fair is consider the one prize, everyone wants. But this is the ultimate blue ribbon, and I had breeding privilege's that could have made me rich. Instead, my mother found friends of hers to create her own world of perfect puppies born to noon pedigree dogs, such as a Rottweiler named Duchess. 

My mother also had strange views towards races and upper-class, I swear she was a communist inside wanting to ruin the world for everyone else. I still wonder which aunt had her one summer that altered my grandparents lives. 

My father ended up with the dog after the divorce as he was almost completely blind. The dog was a protector, but everyone loved the furry thing. I still see his grandchildren in the old San Diego area where we used to be local residents. 

As I said, I was often abandoned myself, and one weekend, found myself at the beach and the dog found me, he acted odd but we had been through a lot of separation by then. He would not sleep in my bed but preferred to ride on my shoulder when he did not feel like walking due to other dogs, he was smaller than the average lab.

I boarded the ferry to return to town, to see if there was anyone in town I could crash on their couch with my beloved dog. He did not want to walk on the pier, and I picked him up. As the ferry crossed the water her began to howl and as I was holding him, began to foam at the mouth. 

Rabid animals are said to be afraid of water, or movement under foot. He could not be restrained at the dock and ran off, and on to the small island next door where we once lived. I should not have chased him, but did not understand what was wrong.

He attacked me viscously, and then was caught by adults who knew what he had. They thought I had picked up a stray dog, and were worried about me, but my father was found laying face down with bite marks on his back. He had also attempted to retrieve the nice famous pure breed puddle who got his picture in the newspaper often. 

Many had attempted to steal the dog, and pretend to be the owner due to his blue ribbon. Most could not understand how to treat the animal, and in the end, he went without being given his yearly injections or being given any medical treatment.

Someone, had apparently stolen the dog from a blind man. My father was a Korean war veteran. He had worked in public office and had an honorable life. Until Jim came into our world. He caused everyone to hate us and all of his illegal alien German friends did nothing but rob us and swindle the friends and pretend they were a better bred of human. 

The Aryans long ago left Germany or the continent for the Caucasus mountains. Some say they went to India, others Siberia. And a few suggest the Americas. After all, they were not pure white with no pigmentation, a mutation that occurred during too much inbreeding by those people who chose, lower intelligence as a way of life. 

The poor dog, should have been given a princes life, with at least privilege's in a normal house. My father was run off from every place he had paid for, by these friends of Jim and his girlfriend still call themselves humans as the zero in on myself, after all the places I paid for have gone off to others considered more worthy. 

My mother is long gone, and our property, is being sold, torn down or vacated. The furniture and smaller items showing up in thrift stores and flea markets. 

As for the rabies, there are always outbreaks in the National Parks and Forestry system. Rodents carry fleas and tend to get it from each other. All the things we have to worry about in the  middle of a pandemic, a small kitten has come to be infected with the feared rabies. 

It means that someone did not do what was right. The humane society goes out and catches and puts to death feral animals for this reason. Most communities, even in old Germany, hide behind doors when they know a rabid animal is loose among the town. 

Where did this kitten come from? And where will it end? Many hope it is just a single case happening. Not something to lock down a community or a country. 

Martial law, is not far behind these protests and marches which haves caused innocents to die and banks to be burnt down. 

One would only hope their enemies would get something like rabies and die a horrible death as my father, who never appeared well after he was found and treated. He just kept getting worse in his appearance and the treatment of those who don't know the difference was incredible. 

Any of those who shamed his youngest son into abandoning him for a foster family, should know not to show their faces nor attempt to tell their children, he was their grandfather. 

There are so many cruel and unkind people in the world. Imagine a small African child being lied to by a blond girl, one of Jim's girlfriends to the point she cant get it out of her mind, that she is an Indian princess or something. 

And after causing enormous amounts of trouble and inserting herself into a mans life, who is not sure what is the correct information as everyone lies to blind men. 

And then allows the famous pet of the hated non-sister of the family to get rabies and releasing it on the grandpa. 

She would be incredible stupid to keep after anyone in the family. But then she probably is insane from being raised by a crazy girlfriend who did not know a boy using a families last name would not be the family heir to an imaginary throne. 

This wrong child would even imagine forcing herself on the very same family nd friends whom she hurt. And might have attempted to murder in her attempt to steal the family fortune, which just an old story of arriving before the Germans got to America. 

I bet she is one of his first wives attempts to defraud a family who was assumed as both Native American and Russian to be getting a rich reward. Little Ludmilla, came from Germany and changed her name several times, including to Sonja. 

She married Jim at 12 and then produced a Black girl in the dirty waters next to the bay. Then there was Melissa Sue, also from Germany, now with a stolen Canada passport, who had to have the Jamaican experience and then could not figure out what to do with the results, she also insisted she was the real sister of the family or princess. 

How many people imagine they are Indian princesses when even descendants of Pocahontas are scoffed at by other Indians. The poor little girl probably imagines by continuing her horrific behavior to will get to become special instead of just a killer and her children cruel to the point they will eventually end up in prison as she should be or dead as most, of any non white are expected to accept. 

Rabies is a real killer disease and probably more contagious than this virus which seems to seek out its victims despite precautions. The girl who set up my father, her non grandfather is probably a rabid individual with all the lack of charm or threats of face. I remember being attacked a number of times by her and having her arrested and sent to prison. 

I also remember her not coming from my vagina nor having an affair with an African man, as I was already married and not the sort to go for a Jamaican holiday.  I bet she will not take no for an answer nor is she going to stop challenging a non African woman due to the fact she believes she can do no wrong and expects to get away with her prior known behavior because she ahs already kept the one person who should know what she had done from receiving the life saving cancer treatment. 

Old men with Senility are often kept from making fools of themselves, but women with dementia are not always protected from the sort who take advantage, no mater their race. A sad story in our modern history that there are those who are more rabid in their behavior because of the right people coming to power. 

Hopefully, a woman such as Kamala, might be a better judge of character than a girl born in Cuba and refuses to acknowledge her white daddy. 

Rabies, Rabies! Shot the doors, shut the doors before it is too late, their is a wild animal on the loose. Let it not enter your house, or all of yours will be taken out and shot, whether or not if they have been bitten by a rabid animal. 

So is the cry of the old German, before the Fascist rose to power and destroyed even the innocent stories of before, leaving of us with conceited imbeciles who only convince the foolish they area Princes. 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

And then there is the Plague

The Plague!

How that spread terror in the hearts of the Europeans. Wave after wave of the terrible disease swept through Europe, killing young and old, poor and rich. It is the word that gets attention when one wants to threaten someone. 

We thought this Coronavirus was bad, but the plague, suppressed shudder was incurable. Of course that was in the days of no antibiotics. Now there is all kinds of medicines for it and it was supposed, cough, to have been wiped out.

Not in China!
Inner Mongolia has issued a number three warning for no unnecessary travel. And shut off an entire community or village. They have had two confirmed deaths in this small isolated place. They say, the historians, that the plague traveled from China via ships to Italy and other ports by rodent and their fleas. 

Here we are in the modern age of eliminating everything we can in order to survive a pesky upper respiratory virus, and the fleas are running happily around with all of those dogs and their walking companions. At least cat owners deflea their animal controllers on a regularly basis. They make sure you know when they have those horrible biting things. 
Well, at least it is China and inner Mongolia. Its not as if there are tourist who go to those far away places. There were a couple who went all the way down the Silk Road, but they did not return, they died from the plague, a few years ago. 

At least there are no reports in America, except for the one in New Mexico. Hmm, maybe it time for some underbrush fires in the National Parks and Forestry areas of tourism, as well as heavy defleaing from all those returning tourist. An official document or something, that fluffy has in fact had a bath.
As for the home front, a number of items, including an explosion in Beirut after a fire in our own port. Trained military personal not returning from a simple exercise and now their eight bodies have been recovered together. Cremation for some reason is the mandatory decree before the families receive the love ones. 

Perhaps most of the deaths should be by cremation as my parents. We had expensive land plots and elaborate funerals planned for them as they were known to important people. But in the end, both of them ended up having no place to go or even lye their head down. Someone had sold their plots of land, as his and the people who knew them so well, did not show up in the daytime, but went at night to visit those who kept saying they were the real family.

Stalking and harassing's, swindling and defrauding a single family for more than fifty years. The same guy and his friends have gotten away with murder and spawned at least two hundred of their own children who are determined one lone female who cant reproduce is their mama and they want money, fame, or anything they can steal just by rubbing her thighs.
Meanwhile, I am on the witch hunt for those tiny little things called, fleas.....

After all, it makes a girl want to kill, just to get rid of the continued pests who claim to be her daughters but never do anything but use extortion and constant crying about not being allowed to know what she is doing, even going to the bathroom or doctors or even the beach to get some peace. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Its only just begun...

How more catastrophes can occur in one lifetime? How about in just the past summer?

Summer was once a time of joy and freedom to pursue other activities besides schooling, learning, and sweating out the physicals stuff.
Normally, one would one off to the beach or the mountains and perhaps bring along a friend.
Or maybe off to New York City or even Paris for a summer internship in order to get hired at a really nice job when one is old enough to actually go to work.

This past summer it has been nothing but coronavirus. Everybody lines up every two or three weeks for their tests. Nothing is ever said unless one tests positive. Meanwhile I am hiding a cough from everyone from my yearly allergies and sinus infection. It always requires an antibiotic and then weeks of drainage while everyone avoids me. 

This week alone, there has been a power outage in New York city, where are my flashlights? And two more deaths inside my quiet abode where no one is supposed to speak of anything but housing possibilities. 

Then there was the explosion in Beirut that killed hundreds and wiped out a chunk of real-estate. I used to travel as a journalist and this would have been a key issue. A boat with chemicals that could not travel due to lack of funds and poor timing. 

A jet liner went off the runway in India, there have been so many planes going awry in the last decade. Bad management and too many passengers without eh proper accommodations. It is not like the Titanic sails every week.

Last week it was the Bonhomme fire on my doorstep. Watching the smoke turn different colors and now the so called fog which is still discoloring from the smoke. Smoke inhalation is part of my problem as well as the fact there were a coupled of other things such as a fire on the Coronado bridge the day before. This week there was a man who drove up to the bridge and then jumped off, while a family member got out of another car and drove his off the bridge.

It is only beginning, hopefully London will not blow up. Nor Paris, although another church as been set on fire. All that history. This after the Brazilian museum created a whole so large, many hears will be needed to fill. 

More deaths are to come and it is not over for coronavirus. Nor has any of my family made it to me in the daytime. While more and more individuals are showing up in my habitat. Non sisters and daughters and former girlfriends of jimmy.

I will have to take a contract out on Jimmy myself in order to get rid of him, and I will make sure he does not pay off the guy.  As for my own life, it is worse than it should be and I am sad to have to go through more hospital visits and other things which should have been taken care of, but those criminals who inhabit any house of worship just to make a group miserable are still operating.

It has just begun, but I am on the  war path towards ending the siege of the former Catholics and communists who though they owned the world. 

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...