Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 27 Life does exist outside

I just wanted to rest and be well for the last few years. I have been sick for awhile with upper respiratory and not pneumonia.

Well, the virus struck in a different country and sounds a lot like what I was experiencing. And now I have tested negative, does that mean I already had it or am just immune or not going to test positive

I have had the hepatitis shots for the last epidemic, and meningitis for the one before that and even rabbis injections for the explosion of bats we had where I was living. Each time it was a different city and a different epidemic.

Now I am back with my group of house seekers and a few others. I am bed number 136 and not the last of the women. There is a screen with more men on the other side, with a few more rooms down the hall wall. They say there are about a thousand of us being kept in self isolation, but altogether.

Hmm. Well, I have been able to manage the cot, the bathrooms and even the outdoor trailer showers, at least until the water ran cold. It is the laundry which has not worked. I spent three weeks waiting to do laundry only to find an uncooperative machine or two.

The trailers has 8 machines lined up on each side, laundry and dryer. There is almost no room to walk straight and sideways there are bodies to bump into. It is chaos as only four people are allowed but no one listens, they come anyways and just start doing their laundry leaving those of us on the list with little time for mistakes.

Twice I have tried the trailers and twice different machines. No way do they work normally. I had to manually switch the first one back and forth until it was spun and rewashed. The second one took an hour to do a twenty minute wash. As for the dryers, I spent the night under my comfortable, still wet after an hour in the dryer. Two hours is more than the allotted time.

Better luck at the groceries. One gets yelled at now for every infraction. don't touch anything, stand near anybody, ask for anything nor need the check out to work properly the first time. And don't use your own bags or hand sanitizer, that is if you can find one. As for cash, well, it is just going to be thrown away, isn't it?

And the buses, they had them divided, the handicap and seniors in the front and everyone else in the back. I carelessly, got in the front with my handicap device but had not paid ahead, just cash in my hand. I could not be asked off so I rode with the uncomfortable air.
Then I got to the pharmacy, the essential business I could not get on the phone. I was told my prescriptions had been put back since I had not shown up, but they could fill most of them for me.

Nice, except the two I needed the most were not in the bag when I got back to my cot.
And I also could not find a machine to stick my money into, they are all gone just because the city got tired of seeing them. I had to beg the next bus driver to let me on and let me get off at the trolley stop to pay for my ticket since they no longer had machines. He nodded agreement, and watched as I walked to the machine before taking off. It was not my stop, so I had to take a different route to get back to where I started in order to avoid the silliness of a confrontation.

Walking requires going around the entire building from the back of the site. All the front doors are locked and all of the access points are also blocked. The extra alley to get through the convention center and the hotels built next to it, is no longer available. The restaurants to the hotels are blocked and locked.

And when one gets to the end of both sets of buildings, one is on the wrong side of the rode for the trolley and a long walk to either of the two closest ones. They cut out the short stops, when they built the convention center on the marina, in order to prevent accidental crossings. There used to be buses along the route but then they put in highway on and off ramps to keep the traffic moving.

Negotiating the buildings, the marina joggers, and yes they do jog as it is the last place not closed to the population, and then the walk to the unfenced crosswalk, and then not bothering the trolley stop since my pass expired and there is no way of getting a new one with the county buildings closed.

Just walk through the community to the only places open, and attempt to get the business done without being yelled at nor sit down at any location as the word is to keep moving. That includes on the way ack where on has to reverse the order of things and avoid the joggers and exercise nuts who do access the stairs which were built to go up and over the convention building for those who appreciate heart stopping stairs and views.

I remember a different time when life was slower and people just wanted their loved ones to come home for Viet nam, or Iraq. I wish my father was still alive so he could phone the president and ask what was going on . I don't wish my mother to be alive to put me on a plane to go visit the queen and ask why she isn't being housed in a palace, she was during the war when her mother was an important radio announcer and her father a war hero.

I wish I could jump on a boat and hunker down with my cats instead of returning to a room with too many people and silly girls who believe I am their mother because they were told this even though the judge made it clear I was not their real mother but the woman who raised them. I don't know when it started but as a journalist, mothers began bringing their children's to me or my  mother and insist they were in so they could get on the show.

Then someone began to pay them, and now they just want money and not a life nor me, but have stalked me relentlessly in to what is an emergency homeless shelter even though they have places to live and now inside their hearts I am not their mother nor do I intend to do anything but have them arrested and convicted for harassments.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

D 24 Capture and Release

Capture and Release, that is how it is done in the wild. Go out get an innocent victim, captured it, give it medical treatment and then release it back into the wilds.

The problem is that they never consider the consequences of not being allowed freedom nor if their habitant is still available when done.

My mother used to do this to me all the time, have me put in a hospital or a trip to a grandparent and then move, she thought it funny to see if I could find my way home. It also caused my father to loose a lot of his jobs and friends.

Now after going through the exercise of being confined in a single room with no outlet and no fresh air. I am being told to wait another day and another day and another day.

Then the call comes at night to be ready in the morning to move out, but where? no answer.
The next morning waiting for the call, the nurse does not call but the county, go outside and wait in the parking lot. for what.

NO answer, I have to take the bags I did not ask for nor carry up the stairs, down the stairs one by one. I cant use an elevator nor am I not fully capable, I use a walking device due to a back injury.

I make it down the stairs in time to be at the main entrance of the hotel in the back. They have no clients due to the virus shutdown. They should be grateful for the money paid to them to care for the needs of those of us in quarantine. They are not.

We are texting, do I see the vehicle? What vehicle? is it a van, a car, a bus? no answer.
Am I in the back parking lot? Yes, yes, yes!
I notice that there is a side parking lot as well we people are milling around, so I trot around with my luggage and my stick.
Is there a vehicle waiting for me? One group gets in and waltzes away in a van. I am still waiting to know what to do.

Did I understand to be in the back parking lot? There is no one in the back parking lot but people in the side, it is a large complex next to the golf course now closed down and the smaller convention center and mall. Both are not open.
Where are you? In the back parking lot!
Wait, it is 11 not 10 when they are coming. GO back!
If the door had not closed behind me if I was not already down the stairs with my suitcases, and no I am not going back up those stairs.

So I wait an hour in the parking lot with a security guard to keep me company.
Eleven o clock comes and goes.
Then his walk y talk y starts going off.
They are looking for someone with my name. I have already given it to someone else.
I am not in my room, no I am waiting for transport.
Then again, someone is at the front desk, would I please come.
No I was told to wait in the back parking lot.

They cant come to me. I cant get to them. It is now too far, since I did not go through the courtyard but to the far end of the complex.
Again and again, the driver insists that I move to the front meanwhile I am still getting texts to be in the back parking lot.
With much regret a small red car drives around to the back. The woman is horrified to see my luggage. She did not know I had any, what did they think was waiting?
It is not a lot, only one large suitcase with wheels, and several smaller bags due to my bedding and my business bag also coming with me on this trip.
She sighs and sighs, I cant put it in the trunk for her, no. The security guard finally puts it in while I stuff the other two bags in the back seat.

Off we go, into never land. She drives according to the GPS, which is the wrong or longest way to get downtown.
Then she finds the new location, not the one I was residing waiting my turn for an apartment.
And then she wants me to get out on the street corner with my bags. I refuse.
The texting had stopped, even though I had asked where I was to go and then the driver has no clue as to what to do.
She is not allowed to throw me out but directed towards the back of the building to the loading docks. She does not want to do this and is trying to find someone to force me out  of the car. The building is closed in the front.

She finally goes around to the back, and ask street walkers what to do, they don't know they don't know. Why not drive around and see what is going on. She begins to turn around.
I complain, just go around the building. Please. She reluctantly drives a little bit further. And then finds a yellow vests who agrees we are at the right place and pulls my stuff out of the car.
And drives off.
I am not at the right place. I have to talk to people, I have to pull my stuff up an incline, I have to wait for someone.

No one comes.
I see a nurse go by and jump at her, where is the check in station? She does not know but does know I have to go through a screening. Fine, where?
Another small journey and another wait. What to do with someone who jumps out of a car without instructions?
They decide to check me into their system and my name pops up on a missing list. The groups are separated and they did not know where I had disappeared..
We had called and called. No one answered. Now I am here and they think I am AWOL.

I wait and move through the screening. It is a large room for a lot of people. I am the only one there. It takes awhile to go through the stations. I am not really passing but since I have a negative tests, they have to let me in.
Reminder to self, get a copy of it.
Now there is no place to go until someone walks me to the real check-in space.
Someone walks by that I recognize. Hey!

Oh, there you are, just go down the hall here and wait.
Huh, trot, trot, another door, and another station but it is full of people.

He comes back with his lunch, he was on his way to lunch and sits down.
Nice guy.

He eats his lunch while I go through the paper work.
Finally, checked in and given a box with a sandwich and coke.
It is a cot with a thin sheet and not to my liking. I was not expecting anything else with this situation and no place to call home and no one to phone since everyone ran away when my mother began going nuts with her brain cancer.

I negotiate my bags to the middle of the room. And I find a sympathetic person who agreed the cots legs where never going to touch the ground at the same time and was given a different location, right next to the walk to the bathroom but not in the middle.

I unroll my yoga mat with a lot of attention, and place it on top of the cot and then spread the sheet on top. I pull out my cover and place my pillow on top.

After years of working, I have no work history and now unemployment.
After years of going to school and earning degrees, I have no employable market.
After a car accident no my fault, I have no disability.
And now, after turning myself over to the system in order to get medical treatment and signing into a housing program, I have no housing.
A cot, in the middle of the new convention center with my suitcase parked at one end and my business bag hugging the other one.

I have no time to waste but to go to check my mail before they close.
Everyday, I have an errand in the essentials only system.
One day mail. one day, locker renewal, if you don't show up they assume you don't need it and remove your belongings, one day to do my laundry which has been waiting for almost a month, one day to go get my prescriptions I could not get on the phone. One day to finish my shopping list of necessities before they decide we have to go into complete shutdown.

But I was released into the wilds, with out my isolation unit and now have to social distance with more than a hundred souls under one roof. There are more rooms and more souls, amounting to nearly a thousand. I know this because I now have to walk around the huge building to get to the front and walk without a bus pass to my destinations.

Except for the one bus trip to the pharmacy. They don't take cash, and there was no machine. I made it but with the cooperation of the bus drivers and the paid for ticket at the end of my trip to show as I once again walked all the way around the huge complex to the back of the building to my loading dock entrance.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

In Russia they steal everything...

Everything in Russia is up for grabs. They stooled a 50 ton bridge in Siberia, right under the noses of the locals who used it and the local police. They steal jewels and artworks left and right, and even military equipment. 

Anything that is not nailed down can just be walked out the door, even a Hermitage cat is not sacred. Actually the Hermitage cats are considered sacred. They are the guards of the old museum and former palace. hired by Queen Elisabeth of Russia. 

They were brought in to patrol the interior of the palace and keep it free of rodents. They stayed on through the Soviet system as their professional guards. They not only catch mice but stragglers as well. 

With the new era of freedoms and visitors to Russia after the long hours of waiting for the democracy to arrive, they are now walking out the door as well. in the arms of those visiting the museum of artworks. 

Stealing a cat is not easy but one can attempt it and if one gets away with it, then one has a true treasure, especially if it is a Siberian natives who turns its professionalism towards a different type of rodent, the flying ones, bats.

Old Russia America is in need of any encouragement from their former mother country. And those flying rodents can get out of control when left on their own for more than a hundred years. 

Enjoy the tours and appreciate the guards, but consider those left behind to defend for themselves and purr of a job well done. A feline of a different sort, straight from home or the hermitage is a real treasure and work of art. 

Q-day 21 And the world goes onwards....

Twenty one days in quarantine! I am a little bit exhausted from my first frustrated day of not knowing I would end up inside an isolation room to being told I was not positive to being to weak to make my own way downtown.

The world has just gone on without considering what some of us are doing. There are many who have real health issues and are laying in hospitals dying. There are those in homes enjoying the closeness of the end of the world era that most don't get a chance to actually sit there and hug their cat or child.

For the rest of us, it is frustration. Do we have something contagious, are we at risk and are others going to die because we were not warned as the others?

I have had to keep to myself, only speaking to some on the phone. Waiting until the knock on the door, to collect  my box of food. They are even not including the essential bottle of water, something necessary for those of us with respiratory problems.

The air outside smells different. The taste of my coffee is not pleasant anymore. The constant drain of the sinus from the enclosed ventilation which includes cigarettes' smoking. I want out of here!

But what would I do? There are no places to go such as the beach or parks, those have been closed down. No one can go to church, I had to download several different services for the week of Resurrection.

The world has just gone on by, with some of us still stuck with now way out. Continuous symptoms despite rest but without the heavy breathing problems I had in the fall. Now I am just miserable, I want to go have coffee and have it taste right, I want to go for a walk on the beach, I want to see the ocean or the sky and I want to sit down and speak to a friend of my choice.

Where did all the real relatives go instead of those who always show up in times of trouble in order to benefit but will not be there when one needs them to know you are in sad times.

I remember some of the people listed as having died, such as the janitor who returned my purse left behind at the police station in NY but  not in the lost and found, just sitting next to a bench. The charity worker who showed up where I was seeking medical treatment and allowed myself to go through a rehousing situation to end up like everyone else with no place to go and now one of those with no housing.

Why was she chasing a ball? I grew up on the water and remember how fast a canoe especially can be turned over by a bully. I even remember being taken to the Chelsea hospital when I was very little to visit someone important to always be taken through the nursery to look at the newborns because my mother was expecting a new baby and everyone wanted me to understand that with its arrival, the world would be moving onwards.

I guess the point is not to be left behind. My baby sister was sweet and naïve. She dis not last long enough to learn to read and write or go to her first dance. She was our little princess, my  mother and I argued over but never got over loosing.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Q-day 18

There are those crime scene yellow ribbons on the handle of each of the doors on either side of mine single unit isolation.

Did they die, were they removed in the middle of the night, or simply disappear into thin air, like the Avengers movie?

Endgame, one sees them all disappear into thin air and then the world moves on as if they had not existed in the first place.

For the most part, everything is quiet, except for the phone calls. Every day they call, the nurses to check on your symptoms and then the county workers to check and see if you are happy.

I am not happy, I want out of here, I did not agree to this in the first place. I keep on coughing and sniffling, and gasping, but no real signs of anything at all. In the old days I would be told to go to bed or for a walk.

As it is I was already really sick in the fall before the news arrived in America that something had gone wrong in China. No surprise, everyone I know suddenly wanted to learn Chinese and go to china.

I went to Mexico city instead, got to see the Pope who went out to the poor people and meet the families of the bus of college kids who simply vanished into thin air. 43 young adults who wanted to stage a demonstration and probably are being used as guinea pigs in a lab somewhere deep in the jungle.

All those bodies they keep finding piled up in Guadalajara, refrigerator trailers parked outside city limits but not hooked up and smelling, while Veracruz has a different set of archaeologists, parents finding out of a mass field of bodies just under the surface, shovels in hand working their way into the past.

When did Mexico become so corrupt? The drug dealers overtook a once Catholic country or were they ever anything but Conversos, Muslims and Jews forcibly removed from now Catholic Spain.

China became the new Mecca for all my non friends who just wanted to show off they thought of themselves as cultured. I wonder how many Chinese thought of America as Christian, afterall, for the most part were are the Protestants forced out of Catholic Europe, including the Huguenots, and the Puritans, the Mennonites among other smaller groups who were forcing themselves on the communities at large.

I have nothing against Catholics, I  was pushed out of every one of their schools into the Orthodox ones in San Francisco and New York city. I had a chance to see the others side views and learn of an older religion than theirs. I actually am all for the religions who are supporting god in a time when too many mouth off about who they are and then dont come through with anything more but more corruption.

The Harlot riding the beast of politics into Armegeddon, can be anyone, as long as they are the cause of the conflict.

Two yellow crime scene ribbons on each side of my door, should I breathe the air inside my room?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

HOUSE of Windsor

While the self isolating is going on world wide in a Pandemic, the Queen of England has taken up residence in Windsor Castle.

The Windsor's as they call themselves have access to most any of the public buildings but this castle is special to them and they have made it their home often during times of trouble such the terrible war against the horrible Nazi Fascists'.

They are of course called many things, and are of the Hanover line of Kings and Queens. They choose the name Windsor when they disowned their German titles when Kaiser William begin his mad troubles which caused the Great war and the disunification of Europe.

The castle is supposed to have been bought or built by one Gerhard Gheridini of Florence who arrived in England about the time of the Doomsday book which recorded the old families of the kingdom.

The family were pre Medici rich politicians and knights. They left Florence for Britain and married into the welsh family of the Tewdwrs. Their blood was already aristocrat and now they were also royals.

Their family spread out to America as well, but the castle went to the inheritors of the estates which in this case were the Hanovers who claim a descent from the original owner and thus make it their own home for distressful times.

The Queen made her virus announcement of staying at home just as she made the announcement when they had the children's leave England for the sake of the war in order for their parents to fight against the thugs and brutes as they called the Germans who choose to wage war on their own kind.


One of the other descendants of the Gheridini family of Florence is one Elisabeth or Lisa del Giocoumo, a young beauty who sat for  Leornardo da Vinci. the infamous smile of the Mona Lisa is unmistakenable in the portrait. It is her eyes though that are the trademark of a scientist. They follow you around the room. Her image has been reprinted and painted too many times, leading to many replicas being mistaken at times for the original which also is said to have hung in Napoleons bedroom.

The famous painting of a woman who is from the same line as the current royals in residence, is now under quarantine herself with the Louvre shut down until further notice.

Yet, her likeness is replicated in the smallest of the royals, Charlotte of Cambridge has almost the same haunting likeness and I am sure when she learns to smile will draw admirers.

Where did the Middleton's get such a similar image? After all, they were just airlines stewardess and land crew or pilot prior to their overnight and sudden success leading them to buy their way into royalty. hmm, well maybe the subject will understand.


Taken from the Britannica encyclopedia under Mona Lisa heading.

Who was the Mona Lisa in real life?

There has been much speculation and debate regarding the identity of the Mona Lisa’s sitter. Scholars and historians have posited numerous possibilities, including that she is Lisa del Giocondo (née Gherardini), wife of the Florentine merchant Francesco di Bartolomeo del Giocondo—hence the alternative title to the work, La Gioconda. That identity was first suggested in 1550 by artist biographer Giorgio Vasari.

Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa about 1503, and it was in his studio when he died in 1519. He likely worked on it intermittently over several years, adding multiple layers of thin oil glazes at different times. Small cracks in the paint, called craquelure, appear throughout the whole piece, but they are finer on the hands, where the thinner glazes correspond to Leonardo’s late period.
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French King Francis I, in whose court Leonardo spent the last years of his life, acquired the work after the artist’s death, and it became part of the royal collection. For centuries the portrait was secluded in French palaces, until insurgents claimed the royal collection as the property of the people during the French Revolution (1787–99). Following a period hanging in Napoleon’s bedroom, the Mona Lisa was installed in the Louvre Museum at the turn of the 19th century.

The painting presents a woman in half-body portrait, which has as a backdrop a distant landscape. Yet this simple description of a seemingly standard composition gives little sense of Leonardo’s achievement. The three-quarter view, in which the sitter’s position mostly turns toward the viewer, broke from the standard profile pose used in Italian art and quickly became the convention for all portraits, one used well into the 21st century. The subject’s softly sculptural face shows Leonardo’s skillful handling of sfumato (use of fine shading) and reveals his understanding of the musculature and the skull beneath the skin. The delicately painted veil, the finely wrought tresses, and the careful rendering of folded fabric demonstrate Leonardo’s studied observations and inexhaustible patience. Moreover, the sensuous curves of the sitter’s hair and clothing are echoed in the shapes of the valleys and rivers behind her. The sense of overall harmony achieved in the painting—especially apparent in the sitter’s faint smile—reflects Leonardo’s idea of the cosmic link connecting humanity and nature, making this painting an enduring record of Leonardo’s vision. In its exquisite synthesis of sitter and landscape, the Mona Lisa set the standard for all future portrait.

Q- Day 14

When will I be released?

I have had all the symptoms of the virus, they claim my test came back in half the time of everyone elses, but one person in the same living group came up positive.

I even had to go see the onsight doctor. I keep on coughing and running a temperature. After repeated phone calls where the county workers don't seem to understand that if they arrange transport to deliver me back to the program I was enrolled I would just go away.

Instead, the nurse had to come for me and instruct me on my mask and gloves. I had to follow her 6 feet away to the club house at the location I am located. Where after climbing stairs, I was interviewed by a nurse.
Then I was instructed to stand and wait for the doctor to see me. Actually the room was not quite 10 feet wide and I was yelled at several times for moving forward on the now plastic covered floor. I was also the only other person in the room.
After being checked over by the doctor who did at least listen to my lungs before giving me two Tylenol and a couple of cough drops. I was still running a temperature of 99.

My doctor said three days and my temperature did not drop until a couple of days ago. I have been miserable, feeling somewhat better and somewhat worse.

The problem is I have had these symptoms for a few years now. I don't believe this mutated virus is new. As anything else it has been around for awhile but did not explode or cause alarm until the first deaths were reported. The question is how many went unreported?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Q-10 societies menace

Considered a threat to society.

10 days in confinement with no avenue to leave without permission. And no regular coffee, sorry it is important to some, just as cigarettes' are more important then lives.

My 7-10 day C-test came back in 4 days as non positive. I have all the symptoms and cant go back to my allocated spot without permission.

A threat to others who have already been exposed to the virus, in fact others brought it to us with their cigarette smoking.

During the Halloween season, two of us lay their dying, I felt as if I was drowning from fluid in my lungs. I finally crawled the three blocks to my health clinic and was told I just had a upper respiratory infection. The other woman, a smoker, who only moved to get a cigarettes' outside, went to the emergency room after a whole pack of cigarettes' and was given pneumonia treatment for three days.

She came back feeling great and kept going down to the bad area to get her cheap cigarettes' for four dollars or less a pack. The guys down by the bus station don't charge the required federal tax per pack, cigarettes' cost at least 8 dollars per pack.

I continued sick the rest of the season, lying there as if I was dead, I was so exhausted the last few visits I could hardly sit up. I was given the impression I had started going to the doctor too often, but often felt too weak to get on a bus and go to the hospital where I would have to sit for hours, coughing all the time.

Meanwhile, the couple behind me who claim to come from Mexico but look more Muslim than Hispanic wont wash their spoiled little dog. It has fleas and everyone has complained. What do Bats and dogs have in common? Fleas!

America is particularly ridiculous in her behavior with her mother, who insists behind her back they are not mother and daughter. They wake one up in the middle of the night and middle of the day, no matter which time one tries to sleep. The get dressed up and take their dog in his stroller down to the same bad area where there are still pimps and prostitutes. They have no real reason to be housed with us and have plenty of money to spend on themselves.

Where do they get their money? As illegals, they are allowed to keep on residing as long as they are progressing towards housing. Without an apparent job nor anything else in sight, they must be lying about being related to someone. Who do you think the poor American innocent is they are claiming not so pretty America is the real daughter? Long black hair and plain face with no personality but pure selfishness, even when she over played with the children who got special treatment while the single women were cut off from all the usual resources.

Than there was the women who suddenly died, one a long time street tarot card reader. She refused to go back to Utah where her family where living. Instead she went down to Ocean beach everyday where most of the visitors ended up as it still appeared as one of the old beach towns and surfing still goes on.

She complained of flu like symptoms, mentioning Laura and myself who were not the first to come down from a serious breathing illness. I noticed she seemed to be having problems breathing and suggested she get one of those machines. We were awaken in December with an emergency, she had begun to vomit blood on the carpet. Her death was a shock to the staff, who did not seem to think the children she be kept from entering our room nor from playing on the carpet which was never cleaned for some reason.

Another woman who was said to be a drug addict, was moved to another location, only to be found dead. They said her heart stopped, which is what they said about Tina, that she had a heart attack. Her daughter found her dead after school, and she had been unmovable most of the day. Did she also have flu symptoms?

Without information from the authorities, there is not much most of us can do without a government authority stopping in to satisfy the questions. When did China decided they had a deadly virus? After a number of victims or when they could not hide the death? How long had the hub of Wuhan which is similar to O'Hare airport, go on with traveler's without mentioning a serious respiratory difficulties had arisen?

Why would it travel so fast around the world if it had not already been spreading but not with known deadly side affects? It takes a lot of concern to shut down a country. It also takes awhile for something to mutate or jump from one animal kingdom to another, the crossover they claim from bats to humans.

Meanwhile, I am considered a threat as long as I have a cough and don't feel well enough. I cant go outside and have to wait for my simple deliveries with no conversation except with myself.

And yet, it is probably the precious Muslim Mexican mother and daughter who brought to us Americans whatever was already being transferred through the air and through the fleas of their dog, while they continue to meet others from other countries and travel across the border while presumably defrauding some naïve individual who does not know how to get enough evidence to have them moved out of the way of others who have suffered a variety of complications, including death.

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...