Monday, February 21, 2022

A Walk In The Park

 Has anyone heard of West Virginia?

It is a small thing, but it is also a special thing.

It seems this small area of the nation has done what no other state has done at any time.


It is ridiculous but once the Founding Fathers decided on an act of war by declaring themselves free and independent of England, they also eliminated any possibility of any of their colonies which became states from doing so at any time.

We have all heard of the Civil War, Technicoly it was not about the color of a person's skin but about their principles.

No really it was about this rule that no state shall have the right to secede from the Union. The original thirteen states came from their charters and colonies to form a successful union of states.

These states never did work well together and there was constant reshuffling in Washington once that became the seat instead of Philadelphia or New York. 

No one state is allowed to remove itself from the rest and yet West Virginia was able to do this. They did it during a stressful time called the confederate refusal to accept Lincoln as President.

The jiberage is over slavery but really the south was a different place and had different types of people. They also had very rich people and many of them descendant of kings and queens. 

Not Puritans with a weapon against the higher authorities but their own power inside their veins.

They simply did not want to play ball any more with their neighbors and the Civil War was raged.

Emancipation was the call that Lincoln used to unit a Christian people into believing there was a reason not to annihilate the south completely.

As the war between the states raged on, West Virginia got to have their way, it took two years, but they were acknowledged as free and independent of Virginia the main center of the decriers of what was fair and what was not.

Hell, froze over before they were going to give up their way of life, and that included their slaves. After all, many of them were relatives and quite frankly they did not believe in religion. 

The great expansion and westward manifest destiny stemmed out of this war, where upon many got into wagons and left behind the bitterness of neighbors, they could not trust nor were they going to marry their young to these types of people.

Texas staged a war with Mexico and the Uncle Sam marched in to fight with those guys as well, they had gained their independence from Spain. They won the war but then gave up huge portions of land perhaps due to thinking it was too fierce to guard. 

Hence the need for a wall now, to keep out those who did rise up out of a desert and insist on invading our country every day stating they are victims but have incorporated every aspect of American society. t One no longer feels free to go shopping at Walmart anymore, it is not a Texan warehouse store but a Mexican spend thrift where one feels they are going to follow you home and rob you of your wallet as well as your identity. 

Now California was different altogether. It was already in deep with various nations calling it home. Included were England, France, Switzerland, Russia and Spain.

The Mexicans had no holdings at all, and only a few land grants were given to those wealthy enough to maintain an army of their own. Both Spainards and French were given the right to own and defend small kingdoms on the far coast. 

Inconvenient travel to and from the far East or Asia caused it to become overloaded with too many strangers many of whom jumped ship from such states as Maine. Japan thought for a long time that Maine was a country of its own due to the multitude of ships from there. 

Held at gun point General Vallejo's household and family were taken hostage by desperados. Now nothing should have occurred from this story either except no one seemed to know what to do. 

Spain no longer had an interest in California and Mexico had a weak hold. The independents attempted their own country but feel into trouble and some called out to the East for help. America was willing to accept them and annex them as a they had Texas as part of their borders. 

These are the stories were told in History class. They are not all true nor are our teachers really Americans most of them in my day were communist aspiring terrorists.

Berkely was overrun with terrorists and many times too k hostage a city or at least one government official in their attempt at a coup. How successful would any of these attempts have been anyways.

Would America willing turn itself over to another form of government? We are told no, but there are many in America who don't agree with any form of government and call themselves independents or separatists. 

No state has ever been successful in separating itself except West Virginia. California keeps talking about splitting itself in half, but it is already a divided state, Alta and Baja. 

Canada is the only section that did successfully leave the nation. This was because the American Revolution, was against Britian and Britian gave up the lower half but reserved their northern section now called Canada. 

Half of it is French and still talks of become separate and independent of its English-speaking neighbors.

They just had a coup attempt. Did anyone notice? 

They marched in and took the nation's capital hostage. Causing the Prime Minister to flee or be housed elsewhere meanwhile, they barricaded the borders.

It appeared to have to do with truckers and transportation, but really, they staged a coup, an unsuccessful one as finally the local authorities decided to come in and throw them out. 

It could have gone far differently if the Police did not decide to act, and the Mounties seemed not to care about Ottawa. 

A state of Emergency has been declared by the Prime Minister who has resurfaced. No one can blame a man who has small children, look at Vallejo's situation. 

Also, his father endured many difficulties during his Prime Minister. We have had a couple of father and son Presidents, but Canada has not except this one family of Trudeau. They are not only French but some claim descendants of Royalty!

No as for Europe they are always staging coups and uprising. How the Holy Roman Empire ever occurred is a miracle. A man took control of the whole mid-section calling himself an emperor. Multiple countries and communities of different ethnic groups were swallowed, and some disappeared.

Charlemagne even contended with the Pope himself causing him to flee into France. 

The only other nation to have this much control is Russia or the former Soviet Union. 

They swallowed whole sections after the Second World War. The great war, there were many nations which had arisen out of the Holy Roman empire declaring themselves free and independent.

But the German Kaiser who had attempted to steal all of Africa for himself also wanted the entire Western world. 

With all the decades since and the Berlin Wall which separated neighbors and families from each other. It all collapsed from too much hatred. it also had a not recognized the different ethnic groups.

Various nations once more arose, and some formed their own countries. But again, coups were staged and more separatists arose asking for their own rights.

Who is to guess which group might be the next Hitler? It is hard to tell, but there has been a reshuffling of powers for a long time now. 

Where are people to go who have been caught in the middle. It is not like America where pople knew it would be a new country and new rules and no one from home to protect them.

These people have had training in nuclear war, and some have the capacity to stage such a war, even if it means the end of their own world.

How far are they willing to go in order to free themselves from tyranny?

Everyone has been crying during the Olympics which is meant to bring people together for sport and entertainment about this uprising. 

They said that Putin was staging a war with Ukraine, a former dependent on their own country. Now it appears that a section has decided to withdraw or separate from this country. 

He has sent in troops to their new section in order to control the types of crimes against humanity and perhaps find those nuclear hideouts.

They have the right to separate we are told by the United Nations, after all Ukraine is a made-up country that did not exist previously. 

They are the original Russ people and yet even the new guy has had difficulty in keeping everyone happy. 

Belarus has corporate with the deployment at the border in order to maintain control 

Is he going to invade Ukraine? Or just support the separatists? 

It is hard to tell, and Zelensky was also moved for protection. What should he do, let them go and have a happy country? Or should he be afraid his entire country might fall? Where is his support from inside?

It was an issue with Gorbachev, that they stage a Coup against him once the Soviet system failed and they did not accept democracy but there was nowhere else to go but the new Western terms.

Where are the borders? What was once Russia is no longer Russia. Russia itself was pushed up towards Moscow and now feels the need to defend its own borders. 

Or is there going to be a time when Ukraine will be retaken? It is a hard decision right now with everyone jumping every time they see a shadow.

Who is right and who is wrong? It is the show of force that no one likes, and yet where would America be if Russia could not protect itself from those from the south? 

It is just a walk in the park, right now. Everyone is nervous but free to move around, for the moment.

What should we do, run down the separatist telling them they are not allowed to leave? Shoot them all?

They are a different ethnic group, just as the Native Americans lived with multiple groups at peace and at war, so did the European barbarians as they were called by the Romans who took over the entire West before they fell to too much food and entertainment to care about their neighbors or their own families. 

Does anyone remember the Scythians, the Alans, or the Huns?

They are in our history lessons. They were the great movers of the past and then they disappeared. Hunted down and exterminated just as many of the Indians were in America. 

Their descendants, those that survived are the people of the Donet Basin. 

Donbass is the name of the new separate nation of the Ukraine and the former home of these great people of historical tales. 

Survivors, Separatists or deceivers? Only time will tell. 

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