Friday, February 25, 2022

Feeling a little ...shortchanged

 You know that feeling, when you go to the store and come home with the wrong change.

You are sure you gave the clerk the correct amount plus, and yet your pocketbook is a little short.

Should you blame the store clerk or the store or the system?

There is no way of guaranteeing what the tender is once it is taken by the clerk. One writes checks in the past and yet they still come back with a little less in the back account overall. Credit cards the same way, one feels as if a free lunch was included in the bill or worse the return was rejected and they won't tell you to your face, instead it just does not show up on the monthly statement.

As for tender, sometimes they even tell you it is not good enough for their store, and yet the bank says it is perfectly good, but won't change it themselves, they just tell you to go back to the store with it.

This is how one feels at any house of worship when there are conflicts. No matter how good a person is there is also an issue with someone in the congregation. The color of your eyes, or the style of your shoes, or even your name. It is unfair, who has that name on their birth certificate. 

They want you to prove it. Which just means they take your information and put it down on their child's birth certificate especially if your area too young to object much less be the birth mommy.

And complaining about a stranger showing up in junior high demanding she is your best friedn does no good until everyone graduates. It then turns out the person was a mental ward patient who escaped and walked up to the first unlikely person and started telling stores.

No one wants to believe the innocent, and no one cares until it is their bed or bank that gets robbed.

Who cares of the girl was 18 and is now 25 at the end and the other girl is traumatized the rest of her life for being an unwanted divorce child with no other place to go but the school officials who don't want to hear about the mentally ill one because it is nothing? 

Until the wake up one day and find their bank account is smaller than they had imagined or that the one girl has produced children that look like some of the boys who complained of being robbed in the middle of the night.

Or the career one has worked hard at suddenly has an influx of newbies who are younger, nor prettier nor smarter. They are stronger in that they are greedy and grabby. They also have social media and can take advantage of anything they see and misassign it on Facebook or whatever in order to make themselves look good.

There are those expecting pensions from not being hired but sliding into a job already assigned to someone else. The unexplained lack of unemployment benefits will just sit there until one die from exhaustion of waiting and waiting and standing in line patiently or someone else walks in at the same time use a phony id card with your name on it.

And there is this correct standoff situation. 

We have all been lied to or lead to believe the media is just this once going to tell us the truth.

The story as it is, as old Cronkite and his mouse Charlemagne used to rage war against the misinformation streaming off the streets and the local Ham radio guy.

We know we are in a Pandemic from all the images and the lack of the practice of medicine at the local clinics and emergency rooms. Unless you are going to die from this disease, please just go somewhere else, just not us, has been the behavior and attitude of overpaid nurses and others.

Everyone wanted Trump out of office and us out of Afghanistan.

Now Trump is gone to the dogs with civil lawsuits, something unheard of for any President and Afghanistan Taliban simply took back their country and in just 10 days.

The media were shocked and acted as if they had nowhere else to go, as if their world had come to an end.

Then the Olympics saved us all from the hardships of life. Japan had a bit of a hiccup in thiers and set two years later than normal but they got through them. But they lost a good leader in the process and their very own princess who married a lawyer and moved to New York City.

Well, no one can guarantee happiness for anyone certainly not a princess nor her father. Look what happened to Spain. This guy is under Francos's dictatorship but as the grandson believes he can get away with marrying a Princess from a neighboring country. 

Her father and brother were informed they no longer had a country. Greece folded overnight. Shortchanged, he married a Princess and got a pauper. Really, they had no money except what was provided, he had to ask for a house when she began having his kids.

Now he has abdicated and sought asylum in Arabia from his detractors in Spain. He has now paid taxs over being perceived as having too much money in his bank account. While both his Princess daughters married commoners, and both are now divorced. 

Meanwhile, his son who has become King got shortchanged by marrying a journalist, who is anorexic and spiteful towards her mother-in-law the former Queen. While his daughters, no son, are beautiful but don't give the appearance of being any smarter than their aunts. 

China wanted to welcome us t their country for the games. It was a god send, something to do to distract us from the constant annoyance in DC. Poor Hilary, who had so many bad days at the Whitehouse as the first lady and even got her panties photographed on trips abroad became everyone's Favorite first female lady president. It is too bad her advisors did not inform her that she really did not win the Presidency with the popular vote.

Instead, we have a return, of Biden the former Vice President with the first female VP as President of a chaotic nation full of woe and menace for everyone else. They feel shortchanged and want revenge for things such as having to wear a tiny little mask over their face. Or having to wait a little bit longer to get to see a movie or go to the park instead of staying home where they can enjoy everything, they have already bought but not used. 

While the media enjoyed over emphasizing their importance over world leaders, they were quietly playing a chess game. A chess game that has already been won.

They will not leave poor Putin alone about his known ability to perform for a woman in the Whitehouse. There is no reason to believe he kept Hilary from being President, after all he has known her since she was in Law School. They were both Law school students and the same age and the same types of social clubs, politics. Really, if he did not like her, he could have said so, but instead his wife dumped him, leaving him open to scandal.

The hype of the media of the former superspy having control of the internet is a little bit suspicious. They would not use their own devices if that were true. They would not be banking online much less ordering their favorite things to arrive in brown envelopes from Amazon if they really believed he had control of the internet.

They said he was sleeping at the games; it turns out he was waiting it out. President Biden chose in bad taste not to even send his second lady in command. And Ukraine decided to be a spoil sport and not attend at all.

These people have their own agenda which we cannot know about as we are Americans. We are not Europeans nor are we Russians, except for a few of us who once were given the impression our ancestors mattered during custom interviews. 

As it is, the hue and cry went up one more time for this guy who probably does not care what color underwear Hilary wears, nor what her hair looks like. Instead, he is worried about Chernobyl the nuclear plant which blew sky high decades ago and has never gone out. 

He is worried about a comic artist who was given the Presidency of a rogue nation which choice to say they were independent of their mother country. Zelensky actually appears to be a nice guy and alos a Law school graduate. He is however, not prepared for this job but seems to have been better at it than his predecessors who only wanted not to take orders from Gorbachev. 

Now his wife and daughters are in hiding and no one knows anything about his parents. His mother was an engineer for the former Soviet Union, and his father is currently the lead expert on Cybercrimes and Economics at the University. One wonders how he let his son's country become attacked by Cyber experts. Or is this just another show?

Where or where did this all begin?

The little nation that was a strong hold for anti-capitalist who believed in one-man controlling a nation and calling himself President. Now they are in shock with the retaking of a section that revolted.

We all know what America would do if Maine thought itself British or Texas Spanish. 

The media have decided they are now experts at this situation after spending twenty years covering nothing but the middle east. And then standing around in shock as it was retaken.

The only mistake Russia has ever made, was leaving AMerica in the first place. They were the first fur traders, and the first frontiersmen. Before there was Davy Crocket there was some guy named Nicolas or Kosmos or even Vladimir out in the forests with the native Americans. 

They got done, not clearing forests for massive urban centers but the way for more careless men to come along and claim the land belonged to them. There was a whole lot of sacrifices from that in the constant "killed by Indians" in their reports they made back to home base. 

Selling Alaska was not a choice but something they were strong armed to do, after all they had already lost much of Canada to these men who keep stepping on land mines.

The West coast was also stolen by a bunch of people claiming to be Latinos but were just pirates with no respect to any man nor government. They got shortchanged, and back at home the farmers were not satisfied. They decided to revolt along with the German industrialist to take over an innocent family held hostage. 

We all know the rest of the story. Or do we?

Bolsheviks might have been bad people. Nazis and Fascist were worse, and they were allowed to escape to South America and even reside inside the United States.

Now we all need to hear what our President has to say about this situation and the nation. He is giving his required State of the Union Adress. It is although not done yet, oddly, for the first time in a hundred years, it is late. 

Usually, the President provides the joint Senate with is thoughts and words in January. This year, it was not scheduled until March. Even the Superbowl was late this year. 

I feel short changed. It is as if everyone knew that this little exercise was going to take place except for the media and their adoring public. 

By next week, the show will be over. Putin will either have retaken his nations first capital of Kiev or the insurgents will declare themselves slaves and offer themselves to become American citizens. 

Really, those extra pennies at the bottom of my purse just are not making the correct amount of jingling, just now...

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