Monday, February 14, 2022

Now Sonny,

 About our fence line

You have been a little bit lax in keeping your end of it up.

I thought I would come in and help you with it.

Remember we were once a large happy family.

Kiev is my nations birthplace.

It was once our pride and joy.

You cannot have it for yourselves.

You have agreed to separate but you have taken too much.

Not even a little has been left for us at all, the real true Russ.

Where is the fence line today? 

It is in the way of our freedoms as well as yours.

We have always been your big brothers.

And you are my son.

Please, do not do this, send those wolves after me.

I am only after our own family inheritance and peace.

"Mr. Vladmir Putin to Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskiy."

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