Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Widow's Walk

 A widow's walk, also known as a widow's watch or roof walk, is a railed rooftop platform often with a small, enclosed cupola frequently found on 19th-century North American coastal houses. The name is said to come from the wives of mariners, who would watch for their spouses' return, often in vain as the ocean took the lives of the mariners, leaving the women widows.

A woman in widows weeds walks back and forth on her small platform awaiting news from afar of her husband's fate.

Even Scarlett Ohara heard of her husband's untimely death while attending to her social functions.

In America, the Mariners wives had small roof tops to view the sea to see if their ship was coming home.

Many husbands have no idea how hard it is to wait, and wait, and wait...

And yet, life goes on all around. 

Here we are again, the withdrawal of the Russian troops.

Are they or are they not going to do what they are being told to do?

Everyone knows they want to proceed.

Or are they just playing out war games?

Little Ukraine, so small and so old, and so very defenseless.

They were the original home of the Russians, 

the Rurik's being rich and powerful.

They even sent boats to the far side of the world to connect their growing empire. 

Known as the West coast of America but also the far east of the old Russia,

still waiting in bear chains to free of these miserable rats from everywhere else.

The Romanovs took over and created a city of mosques 

called Moscow and very much not Christian as their western neighbors.

Then Saint Petersburg was built upon without permission from the Scandinavia kings.

So there are three main cities known as tsarist Russia and all port cities. 

The Soviets built upon everyone's fears after Hitlers Choas collapsed.

Independence is what they so they want and yet what is it really about?

There are many old Americans who remember the Russians as friends

And the Germans as enemies.

Yet, the scuffle to get those liars and betrayers across the border lost true citizens.

Our lives hang in the balance over a border dispute.

We the American won the Mexican American war, and yet

conceded land to Mexico that was not occupied by Spanish people.

Indians and Mormons for the most part in the dead lands in between.

What do we have today?

Constant complaints that those who Spanish own everything of ours, especially in California where the French were first before the Spainards and behind the Russians. 

They say we don't have a democracy!

They are the communist who have been ruining their own country.

Even the Catholic church can't prevent a bus load of college kids from disappearing.

No one has made a confession to their whereabouts or demise.

Not in church and not in court.

When it is reported that a 79-year-old former accountant female who still wears her hair long and blond, wants to learn to use a rifle in order to shoot Putin when he crosses her border, it is enough. 

Ukraine has a fine President running it now, a former standup comic who turned white shirts overnight and seems to be a good guy.

Not like those other guys who do dealings under the table or gamble away their resources.

Putin is also no-show dog, but a hard-working former KGB agent abandoned by his wife and forced to never sleep in the same bed twice or so they used to say, when the media liked him.

Now everyone is afraid of everyone else. They are suspicious of their neighbor's making noise in the middle of the day, for making no noise at all in the middle of the night.

One has to be careful what one orders because it might come from China or Russia and then the homeland guards will be after you, and these are those who don't work for government but are too nosy and busy body to leave others alone.

Here we are in what Americans or Texans call a good old "Mexican standoff".

What is Putin up to anyways?

He has his troops massing obviously ahead of time, giving plenty of time to escape.

While the new guy Zelensky called wolf and asked for help.

Are they really at risk of being invaded by foreigners?

Or is it a neighborly scrobble?

Why is there so much interest?

They even sent in the French guy who is up for election. 

Who is benefitting from this mess?

The old complaint that we have another dictator is at hand, is he really trying to take over the world?

England has endured countless invasions, even altered their language accordingly.

English is not what it used to be called. Nor were they white and blue eyed, the originals.

The Monarchy has survived all of these things, including an invasion of Beetles.

But Kate Middleton is another thing, she has already gone around the world proclaiming herself empress of all that she stands upon. 

Poor Charles or is it Chuck?

I do hope this is not about the last guy to stand in Kiev, when it was still Russia

having lost his keys!

After all, missing keys are important, God only knows what they might unlock

or unleash, such as another nuclear disaster.

Meanwhile, the widow walks her lonely vigil, wondering if it was worth having her husband sent out on a ship to defend his country or to bring home enough merchandize to set them up for life.

Back and forth she goes, wandering in her mind about the other women on the other side and what they might be doing.

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