Friday, February 18, 2022

Three little girls walked into an arena

 They sent three teenagers into the Olympic arena to do a man's job. Or in the old days, women were considered delicate and needed partners, who drifted them around the ice and then allowed them to practice on their own.

Now the girls have no partners but coaches and from the time they are three years old. They are expected to medal for the country and to do it without any favoritism on the part of the coaches nor get caught using drugs.

It is a near impossible job. After all, drugs have been used from the beginning of time. What type of tree did Eve use to seduce Adam? It says tree but some trees are small and the fruit of alot of trees are used such as the Coca plant is used for both chocolate and cocaine.

Many of the actresses are obvious cocaine addicts, they have no control over their public lives and have to be walked through their scenes, but the plastic surgery was expensive, therefore they get to keep their job for a while.

These girls were 15, 17 and 17. Teenagers, about the same age as the young boys sent into battle to be killed if they can't dodge the bullets.

In the past, most girls were under 21, which is the legal age in the Western countries. These three were not the youngest but the most inexperienced set yet.

Katarina Witt was a young girl expected to win, but who competed against the first African who went and got married ending her career before it started.

Nancy Karrigan who was no virgin, had to be sent back to compete against younger girls. And then wasn't gracious to the looser of the situation. 

There was a time some girls wait until their rivals are too old to do much harm to their record before giving up their spot on the team.

These three little girls were sent in without warning nor preparation's fresh faces and unfortunately, they did not do well on or off the ice.

Our 15-year-old, Camilla might have a heart condition and heart medication is not a crime. The crime was committed by the female announcer who passed her personal opinion on the situation without knowing the judges' reasons.

Mr. Putin should have her grandfather over for Russian Tea and discuss his heart condition and his pension to see if there was a reason for her treatment. 

Not that she deserved the medal just because she was the youngest as Oksana did not deserve her medal at all and her crying routine was not worthy of an Oscar either.

As for the threatening Alexandra, she literally was threatening just about everyone including the judges over not receiving first place. She said she would not go to the stand, this would not have been the first time, someone refused to get on the podium. 

Frankly she should have stayed home if she did not have the Olympic spirit of competition. This is not a beauty competition where the winner is already decided.

Hopefully, she won't fall into a crowd of motorcyclist or bar thugs due to her personality that was so evident.

Lastly, the little orphan Annie was also just not up to speed. Anna sat so lonely and left out with her little dog or was that a bear? It was so pathetic, just her and her mut against the world. 

One wanted to sniffle for her and hand her an Oscar instead of an Olympic medal. 

She did land her jumps; these jumps by the way were landed much earlier by many athletic women but were not allowed to be scored. 

The announcer had that wrong as well, they are not the first ones to land these difficult jumps, but they did lose their feminine ability to woo an audience. 

Let's hope, she is not saying she is someone else's missing baby such as a Presidents or a Prince, we have had enough of those types of corruption in the media to the point of no longer believing the female of being raped but of robbing not only a man but his nation.

The truth is far from what anyone is hearing now adays, that Charlemagne is no longer present to correct Mr. Cronkite. Mr. Holt where is your mouse?

Well, maybe Mr. Putin won't wake up with a really bad headache and forget his promises.

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