Wednesday, February 23, 2022

But Grandma,

 What big eyes you have!

What big ears you have!

What big teeth you have!

How you not heard the story of little red riding hood who went into the forest to feed her ailing grandmother and was caught and eaten by a big bad wolf pretending to be the grandmother?

Good thing a Hunter came along and killed the wolf, saving the young girl who had not been digested yet but swallowed whole.

Just as Jonah and the Whale who was thrown back into the sea after he asked for help. Of course, he had to go to the great city Nineveh and tell them they were about to be obliterated. 

In his case, the entire city took him seriously and repented of their sins, causing God to feel sorry his decision. God retracted his sentence of death and Jonah one more time ran away and pouted. 

Poor Jonah, he never did learn. His path was clear, do as one is told and leave the rest to God.

In Red riding hood case, she had no idea, the bad guy was lying in wait for her. The Hunter was a hero and probably ended up marrying her when she was old enough, although she might not have been a child at the time of her abduction. 

Hughesovka is no being fought over by men who seem not to care for its history nor its future. The only importance is another showdown between big countries. 

This time, they came close to blowing off steam by letting loose a few nuclear bombs while the Olympics was being played out, and everyone in past Greece knows this was to be done. No one went to battle while the games were played after all they might miss the halftime performances.

This little city on the Sea of Azov has little importance, except the avenue of landing to the bigger continent. Ukraine separated from the USSR as many had but was once an independent state as well. 

So, many people argue over history but there was a time when Hitler almost overran all of Europe to make it a mecca for only true Aryans, who were already gone a millennium prior. 

Anyways, it is more important that the sea is not to be taken by enemy forces than the invasion of hte country itself. Just as Soviet gave themselves a shield with the countries between France and themselves, these tiny little inlets of water are seen as primary resources.

They must be guarded, or a submarine might arrive with a fleet right behind it. After all, the Greece were marvels at arriving with their ships as if out of nowhere.

This little area was long forgotten. It could be where the ark was buried so near the Mount Arat. It is said the Scythians arose out of here and commanded for a long time their own empire. The Allans raged war from this little sea as did the Huns decimate much of Rome and its empire from here.

Not to be taken lightly, a tiny sea to protect and keep the other wolves away from. It is also the Crimea's nearest neighbor. Having been annexed with its tiny look out castle sitting just so precariously over the edge viewing the greater Black Sea in case of an unexpected attack. 

The victory goes to the smart one who makes sure his back door has no entrance. In this case, it is also a small industrial area which probably was once a fishing area. These people have come from many areas to find a life or have descended form warriors and are now survivors of what was known and feared as the soviet system.

There was once a man named John Hughes who came from Wales. There is a statue of him in the city of Donetsk, for he built the city and named it after himself, Hughesovka. He lived here and brought his men from Wales, immigrating not to America but Russia. It became a city of fifty thousand by the turn of the twentieth century.

It has been renamed many times, and stems from Cossak times as Alexsandrovsky, but is known as Yuzovka to all. This became for all intents and purposes an English colony with a British style of architecture and city plan. 

Hughes moved to Saint Petersburg as all good rich men were expected. His son married into the Count Tolstoy family. He died before the Bolshevik revolution as did his sons, except the last one who died in 1917 during the Great War.

The city was renamed for Stalin and allowed the English speakers to learn Russia and its ways or leave before it was too late. Between 1918 and 1924 it had independence but not recognition from the international community as a small country.

So much of Europe was carved up after the Great war, most people forget there were different nations and small municipalities. The Soviet system did as the Holy Roman empire of Germany and incorporated as many of the minor or those unable to defend for themselves.

The West may not have liked it but it proved a protector for a long time. Independence alters people perspectives and now these are which was part of the independent Ukraine wants its independence from them as well.

Only Putin and his Russia country have recognized them despite warnings. It is hard to tell who teh good guy is? The Ukrainian president who should not stand in the way of a portion of his country wanting freedom for themselves or the other guy willing to support the move.

The question everyone is asking, is Russia going to invade their own former area known as Ukraine. It was not independent but the original ruling city of the Russ. 

On the one hand, it was once theirs for the taking on the other hand they have been taking care of themselves successfully.

Or have they? 

Perhaps there is more than we know going on. Have they made the mistake of asking from the wrong people? It is probably a long-argued lesson history will be talking about. The new guy took over out of nowhere and with no experience because there was no one else to do the job.

Who is Volodymyr Zelensky?

He went to law school and then became a Standup Comic instead. His father Oleksander is still alive and a professor head of department of cybernetics and computing. While his mother was an Engineer and his grandfather Semyon was the lone survivor of the Holocaust as a Jew, his father and brothers dying. 

The hue and cry are over a takeover by land, instead of keeping the water safe for the landlocked mass Russia. There is an eminent attack but is it a takeover? Who is to blame and what are the objectives? 

After twenty years in Afghanistan, the media believe they are experts at politics. They were wrong about withdrawal without a backup force. But they did not know the Taliban was simply waiting out the Americans. 

All the Wise men could not save the Pharoah when Moses wanted to lead his people back to the promised land from whence, they had come. 

Perhaps, someone should wake up Queen Elizabeth from her daily naps and tell her that her former English Colony is under new management. It was part of the former Great Britian Empire of her great grandmother Empress Victoria's domain. 

Or has "Empress" Kate, already made a decision for her grandmother in law? As a former airline stewardess's bastard with too little knowledge of the world, even Eton could not teach.?

I wonder if she expects to be called her "Excellence" as in China when the Queen finally decides to die?

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