Saturday, February 12, 2022

Now Papa

Now, Papa!

 We can't have your running around Europe annoying the neighbor's.

So said Mr. Macron to Mr. Putin.

Really, Little Emmanuel is almost the exact double of Vladimir.

In about twenty to thirty years, he will be just the same.

Right now, he is the darling Prince of Europe, a young handsome and smart man.

He married the woman he wanted and does not care who says what about her.

He shows compassion to those he choices and harshness towards those who deserve it.

There was once an olympic athlete who was a hopeful.

A hopeful at what, no one knew but he was Russia's answer to the West.

Can you imagine him going through the night show interviews and the talent contests?

Anyways, he decided on the number one Moscow KJB school.

Adn then married a pregnant airline stewardess who did not even have his baby.

The pictures of him and his adopted family are adorable.

Today he is retired from the KGB.

Divorced from the multi attached female who now has a toy boy.

And he has dogs, lots of dogs along with his own private plane and a few houses.

He does what he wants and when he wants.

Macron is on his way; he is also smart and well qualified to lead a country.

The Western nations thought of sending him in to teach an old dog a trick.

His reelection should be easy.

Maybe Biden should be watching him more than Putin?

Anyways, he did his job and with defiance, he refused his cvd test!

Move over Putin.

And don't pull any more, fast ones.

Although there are a few of us still waiting for an answer to our question....

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