Friday, February 4, 2022

And now we know

 It was all about the Olympics.

The pandemic.

All the hype and death came out of the need to hold the Olympics.

The mega money maker of all time.

And the political dream of any politician.

It can make or break a country.

In Japan, they lost their Prime Minister and their Princess as well as a few years of training before being allowed to put on a somber set of games. 

The Chinese were sitting pretty last night with their opening.

They did not even have to put up with stuffy shirt.

The American President actually bowed out.

Great, now they get to enjoy themselves.

They even caught the Russian President napping.

This is going to be a great set of games.

It does not really matter who wins or loses but who gets to put on the show.

They had to shut down their entire country to pull this off.

But they are now the winners in showmanship.

No matter what happens next, they are the experts in the area of the new mutant disease.

They aren't saying where it came from, yet.

But they are enjoying their expertise, after all they were the ones to find it first.

And if a few of the athletes won't be able to compete, too bad.

But their beautiful boy put on a show on ice and that is all they care to see their own win.

The show must go on, 

this is now their show to enjoy without reservations,

and remember it is the show that makes or breaks a man and his country.

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