Sunday, April 24, 2022

Baby Boy Blue

A fresh face in politics is what the French asked for

And they got Emmanuel.

His wife Bridget and him have entertained the crowds.

He was a good boy from a good family

Who excelled in his achievements? 

But wanted to be special.

His parents were doctors and educated.

He was trained to do desk work

Which is why it was a surprise to see him enter politics.

His goal was uncertain

Or was it?

He made it to Presidency 

And before anyone else.

He was the youngest

And now the longest since a long time.

His wife is an issue

Everyone skirts.

Those heels of hers.

He fell in love and married his Drama teacher.

She was married with kids.

He insisted he was in love.

So, she left her husband.

A very French thing to do.

No one really wants to discuss it.

They are seen on the beach holding hands

Out on the town in expensive outfits

And always be each other's side.

It is sweet.

We all hope.

In the end, he will go down as unique.

Watching him through the yellow vests,

The Newspaper shootings,

And the Corona virus. 

It was not fair,

He did not even have a chance

He even took on the  big bad wolf Putin.

All he did was make him angry

It seems

As he went marching anyways.

Not that it is a war anyone can describe.

He wants freedom for those seeking it.

And Zelensky does not want to give them their freedom.

It has been terrible to watch.

Both sides so close to each other 

And yet, they will never agree.

Nor be the same.

Not even on their shared holiday

Are they one completed people.

They took it for so long as separatists.

As sufferers from the Soviets.

Forced to be atheists.

They got t heir freedom

And their religion came calling.

Most of them returned as if it they had never been away.

There he is the other one.

Young and dashing.

So perfect in his Russian attitude.

Now he is seen as the bad enemy

No one would want at their gates.

And his wife, an airline hooker with so many connections.

Those kids don't look like him 

Nor does she hide the fact 

That she likes them handsome.

How many more do you think she has had?

Well, he is calmly counting the days

To his finish.

Zelensky, one feels sorry for

Win or loose, his people have scattered

How many will return?

How many died for nothing at all?

The world will never know what really went wrong

Between the strong man and the funny man.

As for the French

We saw the Notre Dame burn

The Eiffel tower welcome the Olympics.

The next few years will tell us 

What kind of man 

He really is, this young man.

Out of the Blue 

He came and delivered.

If not peace, respect.

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