Friday, April 29, 2022

Did you hear Covd is over we can go back to the way it was before, business as usual

After two years of a Pandemic where in some cases entire countries were shut down such as China. And others went into a deep stay at home such as Russia and the United States.

We are all survivors of one of the worst diseases. After all they set up hospital tents in Central Park, there were so many hospitalized. Refrigerated trailers for all the extra dead people lined the streets, everywhere. 

In India, they were burning their people in city parks, or in some cases throwing them in the Sacred Delhi River. Never take a swim in that once again, no matter what they say about its curing powers.

Millions of individuals have died from a simple upper respittory disease, which literally takes the breath out of one. Many lived on respirators, I did that as a kid and did not want to repeat the exercise.

I was extra careful with my masks and hand sanitizer. I even got vaccinated as one of the first and boosted as soon as it was available. 

I was quarantined four times! And it was unusual to get it a second time. 

How many times did I get the measles? As many times as one of your siblings came down with it.

Well, they stayed away as usual, since my parents never did get over my little sister's death, a week before Christmas and on their anniversary. Their marriage did not last either after that.

But, hell, we all survived somehow in different parts of the world and with different names. I even was sent to both Mongolia and Siberia.

Mom never could handle reality and lived in a fantasy where things would be taken care of right, if she just wished them too. She did not have ruby shoes to snap.

Anyways, the whole world shut down for almost three years, the Olympics were put on hold and people were beginning to believe we had made it through.

The Middle Ages went through the Plague four times before they finally kicked it back. Hold your breath and cross your fingers, most we are saying.

We made it!

We made it!

We did not expect the world to turn upside down.

Out of nowhere, the two most peaceable countries went to war.

They are neighbors. They are relatives. They are basically the same country.

Ukraine was allowed to separate when the Soviet system came crashing down. 

Kiev is the oldest and first center of the great Rus. They wanted nothing more to do with Moscow.

And Moscow allowed them their freedom while they recreated themselves into a Federation.

Moscow and Saint Petersburg have kept the world from falling apart. They were the first to provide a vaccine for this terrible disease which also came out of China. 

They even made friends with China just so they could make sure they were aware of anything else that might be coming.

But no, little Donbass wants to go its own way. Home of the Scythians descendants and those Welsh colonists who were brought to industrialize the area just before Staling put his foot down. 

They were unhappy and just wanted to skip out into the sunshine with everyone else.

After all, we just had a terrible thing occur, why not now?

The new Jewish guy running the show in old Kiev, says NO!

They cant leave, we wont let them. They are ours to keep.

And in steps the big bad wolf brother from next door. 

Really, whom do you think is worse?

The old Russ, with the Jewish exiles who have survived everything?

The Odessa mafia are supposed to be worse than the Moscow Russian mafia which run around America scarring the Hell out of the Sicilians.

Well, well, the wolf held his breath and then blew and blew and blew. 

The neighbors keep complaining about the bombs and shootings. 

Meanwhile, three million of their people have fled to other countries including America.

They had money in hand, suitcases to pull and boarded first trains and then planes.

Good for them.

They made it out, there are many who did not.

And yet, Ukraine will not give in to the request. 

Everyone is now unhappy, the former best friend Russia, post Soviet system, is once more their enemy.

Did this not happen during the war? They were Allies fighting the Axis, and then they put up that wall.

Hmm, well Chernobyl was right smack in the middle of the fighting, it has not been stable since it blew its stack in the eighties just before the wall came down. 

A sing of the times was the nuclear reactor causing so much trouble and then the wall being brought down because everyone was sick and tired of being frightened and threatened.

We are back to where we started, they are both fully equipped they say with new weapons. 

Really bad ones, and they know how to use them they say.

They say they are also willing to use them on each!

Come on, bullies throwing stones at each other in the school yard.

That cloud that rose over Europe was larger than the one in Japan that ended the War. 

What now?

Just Nuke us all for god's sake, we did nothing but hide out in our abodes for the past couple of years and were just beginning to step out to smell the flowers and stick a toe in the sand or ocean. 

Hell no, we wont go! A not forgotten chant!

I hear, even Eisenhower did not want to give up the Sea of Azore at the end of the war and it became apparent with the demise of the Germans, someone else was going to move in.

American never do tell you know. 

The blabber mouths are the others.

We don't know we the hid everything at the end of the war, farmers are still finding bombs and stolen loot.

But those other guys, they always tell, and right now they are being tight lipped.

Go ahead, throw one of those special weapons at the other guy, and let us see what you guys are made of.....

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