Monday, April 4, 2022

I understand you are throwing a party...

A party is what you feel is your style for these current events.

Of all the places to be at a time like this.

You were the one to follow when I was little.

You went everywhere, even all those stan countries and took a little girl with you.

Or were you trying to get rid of her for her mother or brother?

You seemed all the rage and you were good.

I mean really good; you made a difference in how others felt about things.

You of all the other hippies were going to make a difference in the world.

We could all feel safe when you were around.

And could you sing and play that guitar.

It was essential for the young to play the guitar, singing was a plus.

Jim never did learn to play the guitar. 

No one had the guts to tell him, he was just that mean.

I remember, he took my eyeballs out of their sockets when I was a toddler.

He sat there crowing about it and you came along and held me until you could figure out how to put them back in.

So, I trusted you wherever I was to do the right thing.

After all, you were not jimmy's friend but his foe.

Or at least I thought. 

There were days when things were good for my family and then there were those long dark days.

You came through time and again.

And yet, there was that whiff of what if.

I thought about it long and hard, until one day I was sent to Siberia.

No way home, so I decided the other guy you were caught stealing me away from might just do.

And like clockwork, along came my mother.

She dragged me all the way from Paris to Miami.

To sit on the couch until everyone went to bed just to tell me there was no place for me to stay.

She left Paris in a hurry when she had her first pangs.

She went into labor in the air. 

I was born in between Paris and San Francisco.

Always with no place to call home nor to put my feet down.

After my sister was born there was never a place or a bed for me. 

And the boys arrived one after the other, there was never going to be a place for me.

The couch was my bed and I held on to it as long as I could.

She was not quite right as they say, something about being born before the war started.

Never getting over having her way all the time during the war.

Only to have the old man come home to take his place in her mom's bed.

She could not handle it nor the discipline.

She decided to get rid of him and she did.

They got divorced, heartbroken by the sad stories she told them.

Only to remarry immediately. 

She had trouble then but learned how to handle others with her wicked stories.

My brothers were told I had wicked ways.

Anything I could do for them, she would destroy. 

Then came the day she refused to tell my father she was pregnant once again.

She just could not handle it and let him divorce her over some story about me.

I never did get the story since I was innocence.

But there you were again, having wasted your youth traveling the world.

Only to come home to your parents divorced.

And a few more brothers than you wanted. 

We agreed after all on a collaboration of a record. 

You took me to all the worst places to sing while I played my fiddle.

It made the charts and then got one of those music awards.

It also went platinum.

It was decided we would get married now that I was almost all grown up.

I could take care of the newest arrival and you could finish your college.

All those dreams seemed so simple and innocent.

We were true without planning to harm each other nor the world.

At my sweet sixteen I was told I had to wait a whole year while you finished up your education.

Instead, you ran off to get a new career but forgot to tell me.

Then we both ended up in Cabo at the same time one weekend.

Your father wanted us to get married to remind him of the old days, when both families were united.

My mother wanted you to bring me all the way back to California so she could congratulate us.

Her parents never did know what went wrong with their daughter.

By the time I was born she was already beyond reasoning.

She had a brain tumor and cancer. 

She did not want anyone to know it, but we all did, we just did not tell her.

As it was, it was bad of you marry me.

Worse to trust your mother-in-law, whom you had known since before I was born.

I know if I had not been born.

If you had not fallen for my  mother as a sweet kind lady.

Who would never forgive her daughter for being born first.

Just like her, but without her permission.

I did everything without her permission.

Eat, Breathe, Dream or even learn to do anything.

I was supposed to be a lifeless doll.

And nothing more.

You really, should not have married me.

But you did.

Our life together never to get off to a running start.

She did this and she did that.

You went off again for that new career.

I went back to finish school.

Which I had already completed.

I ended up with at least three high school diplomas.

She never could get over me going to school nor graduating.

As for college, I had too many credits in the end.

I got my own career in the end as well.

Lost the younger brothers my mother did not know how to tell, the truth.

They would not have been born if it had not been for me being born first.

She wished she had just kept her legs together during the delivery.

Not that she did not try but the doctors have their ways.

I came out all disfigured and discolored.

Sadly, I was put as aside on a little tray.

While they worked on the mother believing it was important to save here life.

I survived but she was long gone, and my grandfather got a surprise delivered to him.

On it went, our whole lives, her not wanting to believe I had been born to her.

Her not wanting to tell the others, they were the unlucky ones.

At least, I knew I was hated and unwanted.

Maybe, she never made up her mind about them.

Anyways, we drifted apart, even though we were in the same cities at the same time.

It got to the point, you with a new woman who claimed to have had your son.

That I was now your problem. 

You did not want me around you all the time.

It was getting on your nerves, or hers.

We tried several ways of getting out of each others way.

But somehow we always got back to the same point of no return.

If that piece of paper had not been signed by both of us.

Or if you had just annulled the marriage.

It would have kept us all happier.

Or would it?

She was going to die anyways. 

She was never going to give in to me at any time.

I am always going to hate Jimmy.

I did love you once.

We did have some good times.

We are no longer on speaking terms.

Once I was on stage, where my mother liked to put me.

Just so she could complain about it.

And you got on stage with me, drunk and carrying on.

You acted as if you wanted us to get back together.

Or at least feel as if it was old times.

I had no way of telling you what my  life had become with her parents both gone.

You might have been real for one moment.

Your lady had left, after the kid began to look like someone else.

You were sad and refused to acknowledge that your had blown it on the wrong kid.

You went off and made it big.

This time you were the celebrity.

All I had wanted was to be a good journalist as my grandmother had been.

Instead, I was sent everywhere but where I was appreciated.

All those tiny feet following me home.

With news that I had left them behind.

The same story of orphans or abandoned babies.

I must have amnesia, since I could not remember something, I had not done. 

Two hundred times, I appeared to have had a baby I could not even remember.

I thought it was just a rouse to get even with you for having married me after all.

My mother died and your mother locked me out.

I dropped down to size zero and had no where to go.

Jimmy had stolen everything already.

Then he sent me back over and over again to the same place.

No matter how many times i got away, he was there again getting even with  me.

He was not my mothers son nor my husband or daddy.

He was my stalker everyone liked except me.

Now he has everyone feeling a little bit unhappy about what they thought was going on.

No one seems to know what to do anymore, it was a problem they had not realized could not be resolved with my mother's death.

Finally, the worst thing happened.

A pandemic occurred.

I got stuck in a program despite being so well known once upon a time.

That you sue me for alimony or monthly support since I was doing good.

Even Jimmy can't get me out of this one.

Although he has tried and has shown up.

But until this thing is over, I am not going anywhere.

The question is what happens when it is over.

And you throwing a party, is it someone's birthday?

There was another disaster, a man went to war with his own people.

Or at least they are saying he is insane.

The Ukraine's and Russians have long been at war with each other.

This war is different than others.

If I was over there, well, those pictures are disturbing.

I bet there is more going on then it appears.

Now they are saying he has been sick with cancer. 

This whole last decade everyone has been yelling at him over Hilliaries panties.

He was well known to many in the sports world.

He became a susperspy.

And then wowed the world when he became President.

There was a time you would even have shaked his hand.

Now they just want to spit on him.

Someone should have guessed that something was wrong. 

Know everyone just wants this thing over with, but what is it about?

I almost died in an auto accident and tried to call you.

All the  wrong words came out and then the phone was taken over.

I have been hacked and controlled through the mail and the phone.

I have no way of getting through to anyone anymore.

I may as well divorce you for once and all.

After all, you were an Oscar nominee and got the whole world handed to you.

You went off to live in Espana with a younger woman.

An international film star. 

What am I?

Just the girl Friday of my god father, Peter Jennings.

I was supposed to be his replacement, nepotism was uttered once too often.

I worked my little self to a thin nervous wreck and a nervous breakdown perhaps.

Instead, David Hartman's look alike is sitting there in my promised seat.

While a not to funny girl is acting as if she is not going to get the message

Flaunting it every weekend, how easy it was for her.

You know, one can't step into someone else shoes.

You went off and spent a decade with another woman. 

That is a common law marriage in any ones book.

There is no way of stopping you from having your happiness.

I am not going to stop you from marrying her for real.

I you want.

But you will have to sign another paper.

This time, it is I who needs the alimony.

In California, it's half you know, of everything.

Since, Jimmy took everything from me.

I have nothing left to give.

All I wanted for Christmas was Jimmys head on a platter.

Instead, you throw a party for him.

I hope you two enjoy each other's company.

I am going to get him one of these days.

I may as well go off and find that other guy.

Who is probably is dying.

You know dying, as in, I won't get to him soon enough.

A life of woe, just for being born first to a woman who could not get over being the only one.

So, throw your party!

Get it over with!

Have a big holiday splash!

Get remarried while you are at it!

But don't forget, it is not Jimmys who gets half, but me!

I need a knife sharpener, for that tomahawk I am going to drive into Jims skull....

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Well, well why dont you

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