Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Did someone say organized crime?

 J. Edgar Hoover is redecorating again according to the girl down the hall. There are sounds of furniture, heavy metal furniture being shoved around. His steam blows off, it gets loud down the hallway.

Never, never use those two words together. Organized crime. Worse the Brotherhood or the Mafia.

He does not believe in them; he might believe in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy but not that possibility.

To hs dying day, he said there was no such thing as an organized criminal family or group.

He was wrong according to the modern current FBI who just lost one of their killers, again.

They got Dominic back behind bars after just one-week, last time it was two years.

Wonder where he went or whom he got in contact. After all, he only had one more year.

It must have been important to jump his conditions and therefore must have either had a sick mother or someone else he just had to speak to before being easily being recaught. 


Then there are all those things going on in Mexico. 

Men being hung from telephone poles, all in a line like little birds. 

Severed Heads found on top of cars sitting outside certain types of buildings.

Entire busloads of college students going missing without any clue a decade later.

And those burials, hundreds of bodies are now being found in places such as Vera Cruz.

At least I did not get stuffed into the trunk of a car in Guadalajara as several American business types.


They say according to the experts and Coppola that the best and worst of the Mafia originate in Sicily.

Sicily was once French owned not Italian.

They all think of themselves as good Roman Catholic Italians. 

Italy City states were well known for fighting against each other.

Florence and Venice for instance had special rules.

The Medici came out of this system to bank roll Popes and control French Princes.

They claim they are Olive Oil connoisseurs but rake in dough by other means.

They were certainly the ones, Hoover ignored or was blind to them himself.

They have permeated every part of American society it is said by the experts.

Even more than the Communists groups.

They tell of not going back on your word nor being allowed leave once part of its group.

They are supposed to torture thier victims.

To leave them in strange places.

To get rid of them so noone knows they are gone.

Like Jimmy Hoffa, no ones knows where he is buried.

Unless it is that Highway overpass built after his death.

What would they do if they knew the original religious buildings in Sicily were temples?

We are talking about Jewish temple's or synagogues.

They were fleeing the Romans and hiding from those other people.

They built their communities on the water and used stained glass.

While their city on the hill was made into a shrine for a Muslim man.

They created a community of dark olive skinned Latin speaking people.

They were also known to have raged wars against their neighbors.

And to have to fend for themselves against other greedy and ruthless ones.

Who Knows? 


Another city by the water which was once a Jewish community.

They are listed as bandits. Perhaps the others were their Pirate companions.

They are listed as fleeing and hiding and suffering.

Death and starvation causes people to do things not normal.

Such as cannibalism.

Or organized crime.

Ukraine where Odessa is located became known in the modern post Soviet world as the mecca of Russian criminals.

The port was easy to use and all those free weapons left over from the Soviet system.

There's for the taking and all that money to earn while learning capitalism.

Democracy brings better governments and better criminals.

These criminals  have also been immortalized in the movies.

The God Father of Coppola.

Compared to John Wick, New York city s the largest Russian speaking community.

Or Eastern Promises, a London based MI 6 film with Viggo Mortensen.

Well, all those stories and now government experts claiming they do exist.

But where or where have they been hiding.

In the  middle, of this current skirmage between Russia and Ukraine.

There is no news of them, now messages, nothing.

Nothing at all about what they think of being bombed.

Did they flee with the rest to make new lives elsewhere?

Or did they shudder themselves into bomb shelters with enough to last a long while.

Or are they being quiet?

Maybe they are just right there where no one is looking.

Right in front of everyone.

Those images are very disturbing.

Hands tied behind their backs and shot.

Fingers broken and buried with her family.

A man bicycling along with no apparent reason to be killed.

Assassination's have been known to occur when no one is looking.

The best time to take care of the neighbors is when no one expects their demise.

Such as in the middle of a war. Or a riot in Los angles or Paris. 

Why are there so many civilian deaths?

How many criminals appreciate their hard work being blown up?

Or their victims running away?


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