Thursday, April 28, 2022

City of York-Thumbs their nose at the Queens Jubilee

 What does it mean?

The City of York revoked 

"Freedom of the City"

What kind of message is this?

Is Prince Andrew now a serf or a servant?

Or is it the usual, we don't need you anymore!

Ancient times and modern 

Are not much different

In the areas of government and vices.

The Prince of the Kingdom is seen as above it all.

But did all children born to the Crown get to be considered free?

Andrew was the first child born to Queen Elizabeth.

She was the Princess royal and newly married.

With the first two children.

Then she became the Queen and had two more kids.

Does it make a difference?

Whether they are born before the Coronation?

Some seem to have the need to needle the last two.

Neither Andrew nor Edward have had it easy.

With Andrew it was always the girls.

The career military one of the bunches.

While Edward was the playboy.

The only one who did not enter the military.

Ad then he married Sophie, 

He may as well drop dead.

She is not anything a royal should marry

Those ultra-short skirts resulted in an overlarge daughter.

Certainly not the stuff of fairy tales.

Then there are Kate and Meghan.

Who wants them as in laws?

It is a sad fate of the upper class.

They don't have much choice in their spouses.

It is the offspring that are important to the treasury.

As for Andrew, 

He was given the freedom of the city

As a wedding gift.

It was not revoked after the divorce

But only after he got caught in the middle 

Of an old scandal.

It does not matter if it is true or not

This type of scandal always wounds

And it should have been avoided.

That is why, in the old days

Perverts or homosexual men

Were the preference of the advisors or secretaries.

Those close to a Prince who would not get caught

Getting the young man in trouble

Through association.

As it is said, it does not matter 

Whether or not he did or did not do

What they said.

At this point

With the Queen on her way out the door

Only who to cull out of the winner's circle.

Who will be King?

Charles or William?

It should be anyone else.

They both married badly

They did the right things in public

Are good parents.

But their women 

Are nothing to write home about.

Especially Kate.

Freedom of the City

Means a person who enters a city

Has the freedom not to be inscripted.

Forced into manual labor.

Or to march as a soldier to war.

A freeman was what many desired who immigrated to America.

In the past, each city was its own master.

They had the right to reflect foreigners

This included the royals.

Not that it might not have meant the end

Of a city if the Royal choose

To throw down the city or burn it to the ground.

But the reality,

Any man without an army

Was not allowed to walk around any city.

They needed protection

Even from the chief magistrate

Or City council.

In some places that is called the Sherriff 

Or Count or Jarl

Depending upon location.

The idea that royal princes

Might disappear into towers

Or the dungeons of a city

Is not far fetched

Just not something one talks 

About in modern times.

And yet,

How foolish have they been

Thinking they had the freedom

To work and walk about

Those with criminal minds

And worse vices.

The city of York is an old city

From pre conquest days

Thats 1066 A.D.

They evolved from defending against Romans

To inflicting harm on those silly enough

To enter their walls.

Once entered, a city might not be existed.

Even in Israel days

They were careful about their entrances.

Look what happened to that other boy.

Jesus was considered the son of god.

And yet they captured him and impaled him.

Now the Duke of York

Has to calculate

Whether or not if any of his kin

Are safe to enter the old 

Places of the Celts and Druids

As his family are still considered foreign invaders.

While his mother is keeping everyone guessing

As to who her heir will be

If she ever does die, so far no idea.

The local yonkles

Are not playing around.

They don't want to acknowledge the Crown.

And they have made it clear

What they feel about these foreigners.

Still not accepted in their cities. 

Good luck

Little Charlotte

Your life is the only one that matters.

Watch Anne

And see if you can get around 

The obstacle course set before you.

Unlike the boys 

Who almost never have a choice.

What is going to happen next, 

Now that the man of the house

Has stepped out.

Is anyone's guess,

God speed Phillip. 

And do try to at least keep your head attached, young Andrew...

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