Saturday, April 9, 2022

Ketanji, Ketanji, have you ever heard of an Indian Princess sitting in any government chair in Washington DC?

We are all really happy for you little miss happy "I have made it". 

You had a dream and you made it come true. 

You gave us all the impression you already had the job when you walked in.

And yet, you mention being a slave descendant and one generation.

We all know how hard grandpa or grandma worked to make ends meet in the Great Depression. 

How hard most parents strived to go to college and get a job much less a career.

And then there were the rest who had worked hard, strived, starved and had no place to go at all.

We are happy for your family, especially your mother who was not a stay-at-home mother. 

She went to school as your father did and then went to work as an educator.

Your father was a lawyer.

There are not many of our generation who can say that it was a dream many had.

And many did not make it, not even among those who were on the West coast where everything is easy.

Not everyone had the same opportunities despite all the advances.

Many meant to go to college and never did.

Many did go to college but never got a job offer accept at the local Walmart.

There are those who say you had a very special childhood.

You even married a doctor and had two children.

Not everyone is able to have children.

Some of us grow old never experiencing pregnancy.

Some of us don't marry the man of our dreams, much less a decent guy.

All we get are the weirdos, and wackos, and the really white guys.

AS for being a slave descendant.

Can you prove that?

I mean, being African does not mean automatically slave.

There were many who were not slaves, some who were free and some who did not arrive until it was all over.

Obama for instance, was born in Hawaii, but his father was Kenya, and has no slaves in his family.

Michelle does have one girl who says she was sold at a family farm, but the guy married her or at least acknowledge being the father of her son, does that qualify?

Really, if we must hear any more harmful talk that is going to cause any more harmful riots, lets get it straight.

There were a lot of problems with the Antebellum south and many of the women were raped.

I imagine, many of the white women would have liked to have shot those male rapists, especially the ones in their own families.

They did not have the right to do this, not only because of the male domination but because they were not the landowners, even if it was their daddy who had bought the farm.

Many of those white women did not appreciate having family from the other side. 

And as for the abolitionist, who raised hell to get the issue settled.

They really wanted the Africans to go back home where they came from.

They did not want nonwhites arriving in their communities either. 

They just did not believe in enslaving another human being.

Not being rude, but being real.

There is more than meets the eye in any issue.

Slavery has never been a nice issue.

It has also been around from Abel and Cain. 

Cain killed his brother and stooled away with a number of his sisters whom he enslaved to himself.

Every nation has done the enslaving, and in fact the Africans were sold by their own.

This does not make racism any easier to take nor accept.

We congratulate you and your family for having made it through thick and thin to arrive in DC.

The Supreme Court should be a better place for your presence. 

But help is needed by all, especially the one not represented at all and there are no plans to ever accommodate them.

Look around yourself and your new group.

Whom do you see missing?

There are men in various shapes and sizes.

There are now also women in various colors. 

Yet there is not one single Indian among them.

Poor Pocahontas!

She interfered in a decision made by her father the chief and his council.

She had a lousy life. 

Her lover ran off to the other side of the world, never to be seen again.

Her people became invaded by all sorts of ships and things never heard of before.

She was captured and held hostage by those friendly people from England. 

She was stuck inside Jamestown compound, and had to convert to Christianity.

And then to make peace, she went ahead and married a widowed man.

Her family were against it but she was all for it.

She wanted to know what it meant to be a married Christian woman.

Mr. Rolfe, was related to royalty and their life was not pleasant.

They had to pay for everything.

They lost at least one child but decided to take the one boy back to England.

Thier life on the farm was non too pleasant, no running water, electricity nor any other comforts not provided accept by those indentured servants brought over for seven years. 

They even had to be housed, clothed and feed!

Really, they made it all the way back to London, and meet the Queen!

I told, you she wanted to get married despite her father.

Her husband could introduce her to the Queen of England, a woman with no man to tell her what to do!

I wonder if she ever got satisfaction.

Her delight was short lived.

She caught that horrid thing, small pox.

They say the East Coast was already decimated by disease, which is why the Europeans were able to just park their boats and walk in without being meet by a bunch of villagers or warriors. 

They later gave out contagious blankets to families in the reservations.

Whole tribes were wiped out by this thing.

Small Pox.

Worse than Chicken Pox.

Pocahontas will go down in history for having stepped forward and challenged her own father a King.

She made it through all sort of hell to make it in her day.

Being presented to the Queen herself, the first Elizabeth, who had a really rough childhood with her mother being beheaded by her father King Henry 8th.

But she never made it home, she died of small pox in England and is buried there as well. 

She will not be remembered for having changed any laws, nor any ones opinion of her race. 

They barely had a leg forward with these invadors.

They were never again seen as the owners of the land.

Not even the residents of the land.

Instead, they were shooed outside the big houses and kept from entering church's and schools.

Eventually they would be hunted down in the west by the Buffalo Hunters.

Killed and massacred.

Not allowed to breed nor have their names written down.

Just numbers in modern times, they have registration numbers just as dogs or Jews.

Most people still think they are making up the story of having arrived her first.

They have been prevented from going to college and their jobs are usually either with the government or menial.

To imagine of going to DC and becoming anything at all.

It is a knowledge that they did exist prior to the arrival of the Europeans.

They were the first to extend a hand to the others and yet it was also bitten.

In case, you have not noticed, all the work done by you and yours we do applaud.

Don't get us wrong.

But the truth is, we the real people are still here. 

It is not that we  have no intention of leaving, it is that we have no place to go.

We cant go back to England, nor Africa.

Our ancestors arrived, they say not even by boat. 

Therefore, we have to accept our lives will only change when we are remembered.

The Iroquois system is what the first Fathers based the first government upon.

The ideas of a free system and a legal course of action towards those who did not comply especially with trade and war were set on their system.

The French and Indian wars, were different and meant to get the French into a position of power, and they almost made it.

If only they had not brought in a German Queen, they might have had all speaking French.

The Cherokees are the largest group and the most diverse.

They are still considered a nation within a nation.

They once had a female chief elected through popularity.

Now there have been about two dozen Native American elected to Congress.

A few of them were a little darker than normal and many of them speak Spanish.

It is a joke.

The Spainards were beat back by the Queen of England, so they set up down below.

They are still coming across attempting to claim United States is theirs to own.

They walk all over us native peoples.

They say we will never have a single President inside the white house from our peoples.

Honestly, they all have at least one ancestor, because the first arrivals were smart enough to marry the daughter's of the chiefs for their land rights.

If not the man sitting in the Oval office, his wife, such as the current guy whose first wife was killed in an auto accident. 

She had ancestors of my sort, her granddaughter will be getting married at the White House.

Should I mention that there was a time when there were those colored signs.

Do you know those did not apply to my people.

We could neither use the white bathrooms nor the other ones, designated by colored.

We are not colored. We are also not Hispanic.

We are considered a separate race, a fourth race. 

Some say we did not come off the Ark with everyone else but then the first son gets a double portion.

Noah has so many lines to him in a genealogy chart.

We are the ones, who led our people during the bad times, helped those in need during the difficult times.

We lead the surveyors to the West coast through Sacagawea, were immortalized through a poem, as Hiawatha, and made into statutes in many East Coast towns. 

We are not expected to take office but to go home with our degrees when we do get handed one and suck on it or put it in a drawer.

We are not encouraged to go and find a job.

We don't even get to have special medical treatments, our clinics are open to all, and everyone runs in for the free stuff.

We are still waiting our retribution for being hunted down when we survived genocide through diseases.

We are given the impression we are all part of a larger group who have laws.

We actually do expect those laws to apply to us.

It is a federal crime to pretend to be native American.

There are so many who have done this and of all colors that it is impossible for the government agencies to ever repay the money stolen, much less the lives lost to corruption and swindlers. 

We all hope your selection will include a fair choice for the rest of us. Some of us were once called Princesses but have no way of keeping white men from stealing our money nor Latina woman our identities.

We plead you will consider the laws fairly, both those such as your own uncle who need or want a second chance. 

Many of us are falsely charged with crimes we don't commit such as shoplifting or attempting to cash checks with our names on them.

You may not be my daughter but you must represent me and others such as myself.

You got to act like a Princess sitting their in Congress. 

Now you day will come to walk past the sit in of dummies who think they will make a change by quietly sitting at the feet of the law givers.

You have your own demons and dreams, let us see you excel and include the one you don't even know exist but are still there on the walls of museums and rooms of lower income housing which is all we have to understand is our portion. 

Can you act as a female chief of your own tribe from Africa and represent the rest of us females with different ethnic backgrounds not classified properly in the census?

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