Wednesday, April 13, 2022

What if the Nazi's knew about Normandy invasion?

 What is in history or always an issue of not know but maybe and if only.

In other words, there have always been issues with the past and whether or not something could have changed the course of history.

In fact, there are a lot of modernists who actually suspect the historians, fibbed.

You know they changed the outcomes or the contestants.

Just to make someone smelling like a rose or an onion.

What if the Nazis had known about Normandy?

What difference would it have made?

It might have altered alot of the modern Japan for instance and the current defrocked princess might not be seeking employment as an unpaid intern.

Then again, that is what most educated women did in the past, they played at being smart. They sat on committees, the ran libraries or museums, anything but politics.

Well, if Normandy had not occurred or had been meet with real resistance.

There might not have been a defeat of the Germans and the end of the war in Europe.

It would have meant the bomb sent to end the war in the Pacific, namely Japan would have instead of gone to the Berliners and the Munichers.

It might have meant we would never have been invaded by the Hippies from Germany pretending to be Americans sick of their own parents.

How much of America would be different if they had the Hippie and anti-war protestors had not come especially to peaceful San Francisco?

Does anyone go to San Francisco, anymore and not regret it? 

All those homeless and living on the streets without any hope and not the fault of the Mayor.

Anyways, the lab technicians said the bomb was ready but they were not sure how to use it.

The other guys were experimenting on it in the Pacific and other places so no one would know about it.

The Nazis knew about it. Believe it. They knew it was done, ready, coming to them if they did not take action.

They had helped create it after all, all those escaped Germans, including Einstein.

There is no doubt, even without evidence but just good sense in modern comprehension of espionage and the word on the street. 

Everyone knows your business, and there are no way of keeping a secret from your enemies.

Come on, they helped the good guys escape, kept the slimy ones busy.

What they thought would occur is uncertain.

But it became clear, the war was going to go on and on without end.

They had even attempted to assassinate the big guy himself.

Some still wonder how an art student who was never going to sell anything with a Jewish ethnic background could have come to anything. 

The guy was not even a good orator, but one who could walk up to a microphone and  keep the crowd busy.

He was not well enough liked to make him disappear, but a rude suicide with his mistress and a burnt out bungalow is not the same somehow of an admired ruler.

A dictator he might have been but not well enough liked. And he forgot to mention there was no room for growth in his organization.

Once they got into the special group at the top, that was all. 

He was never going to move aside, and he was crazy, wasn't he, to have a father who worked as an engineer of sewage before he was told to sit down at a civil servant desk and fake it. 

If the British thought they were not being watched, they we wrong. 

If they thought their pathetic attempt with the misinformation of a dead body found on a beach.

If they were not aware of how many times those fishermen were in fact informants. 

Really, the French resistance only survived because it was useful to the Nazis.

How else where they to keep everyone busy but to keep the idea up of sneaking around so they would know who was doing what.

There must have been a time and place when the Brits had control of their lives, but the constant bombarding's and the way Dezendorf was allowed to be desolated.

There was only one way out, either kill everyone themselves on the other side, which they did not seem to want to do or divert everyone's attention.

If they knew ahead of time, they could send their kids into areas where they would not be suspected.

They could escape to South America and Australia to live out retirement.

They could have hidden their own loot or kept the real owners from finding theirs for a long time.

Long enough for themselves to get rich and start small epicenters elsewhere of unrest. 

What was their mission?

To take over the world.

Maybe they did, in small ways, where know no one knows the difference.

They also got even with the others. 

Notice, that their Axis fellows suffered.

Mussolini was hung and his people disbanded, even today they hardly know anything except how to make pasta which is not even Italian.

And being Catholic, and Communists, and Criminals.

As for the Japan, he got the bomb dropped on him.

Two of them in fact.

He had to give up his god and his honor.

He and his family have had to live with the dishonor or being wrong but allowed to live and none of their descendants have ever been known to do anything until the exiled girl walked into the Metropolitan Art of Musem with an art degree.

Bles her little heart and her big head, she just might be the answer to the worlds problems.

Japan has suffered so many natural disasters, it is hard to imagine a life without also having been bombed.

What would the world have done, if Germany had not gotten rid of their two friends in a fashion that kept them from getting even with them.

They themselves helped themselves to both Communism and Capitalism. 

They gave the impression of loosing a war and needing all that aid and even giving a black eye to the Russians while they were at it. 

They still are, in fact giving the Russians, who they could not conquer a bad reputation. 

If not for the bomb what else would have squashed the would-be assailants of all the Monarchs and ruler of the world under a dictator who could not make up his mind about what color socks he wanted to wear nor whether or not he should get married. 

What were his ultimate plans? For the world? For himself? Or did he have a game plan?

Do not compare Putin to Hitler, because it is not the same type of war nor decisions. 

His war came out of contentions of the West accustomed to having their own way all the time, because they dropped the bomb on the Japanese. 

Maybe we should secretly realign the Space Station not for the over cluttered Pacific ocean but for the middle of Germany.

They could finally get what they deserve and wipe out another generation of cruel and incredibly stupid people who are still interbreeding with each other. 

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