Thursday, April 21, 2022

Dear Mr. Holt

Why did you interview a pair of criminals?

Or are you not aware that you were?

Meaghan and Harry appear to be on the lamb.

They have fled America after fleeing Britain.

And they have left their children behind.

It is called child endangerment and abandonment.

You say they are in the care of a nanny?

It is the law of the land to have their children under thier protective care.

Meanwhile, they are enjoying themselves in on a European holiday.

Really, the children could not go with them.

I understand they even went to visit the Queen of England.

Why did they not take thier children with them?

It is a matter of law.

Leaving your children behind is a no no.

After all, what if some tragedy should occur?

It is the parents' responsibility.

A phone call is not usually good enough.

I know, I lost my sister in this way.

And it was my parents anniversary night.

Understandable that they went out to supper.

But still not available.

Anyways, it is considered abandonment.

Even if they hire a nanny.

Mr. Harry might not be aware of this.

As he is not American.

Another thing, Grandparents law.

Grandparents have no responsibility.

In America, a Grandparent is not responsible.

It is called elder abuse when they are taken advantage or worse swindled.

In the case of abandonment, adoption is not always granted.

In America to grandparents.

They are not seen as good enough.

By the courts.

Look at they way Dora raised her daughter.

Spoiled rotten and nothing nice.

She looks all plastic and still cant do anything right.

She cant even apologize nicely.

She refused to go to Philips funeral.

And after calling the "black" issue into front view.

Who put her onto being African?

Clearly she is not.

Not even her children show any signs of the typical features.

What do you want to bet Lester

She has another real mommy

Somewhere else?

As for the Queen, 

She is being put out to pasture, 

look at those ponies they gave her.

Now Harry might be more accustomed to British law.

In Europe, Grandparents are held responsible.

That is why my grandfather Jack had custody of me.

I was born in route between Paris and San Francisco.

My mother was incapable of being an adult much less a parent.

She tried to dump me several times before my little blue form was abandoned.

This other guy keeps showing up claiming authority.

Born in Berlin, Jim hasn't a clue as to being an adult nor a parent.

He just does not want to be told no and he does not understand other peoples things are not his to own.

As for Elizabeth, she has authorities over the grandchildren.

In Royal houses, the Grandparents own the children and grandchildren.

They are the ones to make decisions for their future.

They foot the bills and the schools they attend.

They also are held accountable for when things go wrong.

As in the case of Andrew, who is again in trouble.

So, Harry fled with his wife a few years ago.

To America to get her out of the way of his royal house.

He is in trouble with his family.

He is also in trouble with the law.

Technically, he is now caught hiding his children from both his parents and the Queen.

This is considered a crime by the British courts.

He refused to bring them to the Queen.

Especially the new one for her inspection.

He wont allow his wife to be told what to do by his family.

He may as well, give up his title.

But then that is the only reason she married him.

Too bad, because he is a nice bloke.

He deserves better.

But as most men in America,

The African Queen is getting the male alpha in trouble.

Purueing matters that are not legal.

And possibly a show down.

That might end in a shootout.

His responsibility is to his family.

And yet he abandoned his children.

He is hiding them from his royal house.

He is refusing to allow them to be inspected.

Nor to have his wife corrected.

In the eyes of the British law and Royal houses.

He has committed a crime.

And an offense.

Everyone is being ultra nice.

To this pair of criminals.

They are both thieves at this point.

Benefitting financially from their crime.

As well, as actually endangering their children in America.

As well as refusing the proper authorities in Europe.

All for a fancy trip out of quarantine pandemic boring California.

Mr. Holt you should know better. 

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