Friday, April 8, 2022

Maybe he is guilty afterall?

 One reporter said America was the greatest country in the world.

To most, that means invincible.

Above any approach and not able to be defeated.

After all, we did defeat the British during the American Revolution in 1776.

Of course, they came back and burnt down most of the newly built Washington Dc, including the Presidents Mansion in 1812.

America even rained down hell on their own at the very thought of separating into separate country's during the Civil War.

They marched into Mexico City and took Grasshoppers hill better known as Chapultepec Castle, the only really royal palace in North America.

They drove off the Russians from the West coast, buying Alaska, the last remaining remnant of their past far reaching empire.

But this discussion of them not being able to hold a democratic election and get an honest result was disturbing. 

How and who could really control the way people vote electronically in modern times.

It is not like in the early days of the unions and gangster or mafia who ran the election booths.

We bank on our country having everything under control. 

We know we can cross the Street safely or at least mail a letter, send an email and vote.

We know the government agents will not allow certain things, such as the wrong guy getting into the Oval office. 

It was upsetting to hear, that a man on the other side of the world was controlling who got into the oval office.

It is not that it is impossible to electronically control many things, hacking is not unknown but a complete takeover of the very thing this country is built on the ability to vote for their man in office.

Then there was no real evidence but lots of chatter and talk about the inability to establish a true count of the votes but really it was over America not being satisfied with the winner.

They wanted the woman not the man.

Now we are hearing that the Secret Service was invaded, four of their members were put on suspension.

After two men were found being imposters, pretending to be government agents.

Living in the same apartment building, having taken over their entire surveillance system and giving out free rent apartments and other things to these guys who are supposed to above reproach.

One of the guys was even on the First ladies detail.

That means he knew everywhere she went, it also means it knew where he the President was most of the time, and could even listen in on their conversations.

It is like watching Macmillian and Wife, in their private moments. 


How could this happen. 

These guys are supposed to be above reproach, backchecked and never going to take a bribe.

They are going to protect the President and his family and their friends.

No one is going to get harmed nor offered up as a sacrifice.

One might as well hang ones ankle out for a rabid fox to bite.

Come on, what went wrong this time guys!

Really, one can not cross the street safely, not even when the light says it is okay for you to walk.

Where else are we supposed to go if we cant expect the government agents to keep from getting snared by scam artists and swindlers.

Wonder who they were? 

Terrorists with ties to some foreign government or group ready to strike at the heart of the nation?

Our very own first family?

Or we they mafia gangsters trying to get an edge, and hold the President hostage against some guy in prison at Guantanamo?

One guy did just get released after twenty years.

Hmm, one smells something fishy.

Reminds one of the first guy who was set up to take on the task of running a battle against the most powerful empire in the world, Britain.

Poor George. He was not even a first son nor a son of the first marriage.

Just the guy who almost died of some disease and went to the Bahamas to recover. 

Then he married a widow, did not even get first there either and raised her kids and grandchildren.

Never got any of his own.

Then he got caught  having had some special talents and was known for some sort of education.

Anyway, they asked him, the first congress in Philadelphia the task of being their Commander and Chief against the other guy, named George.

Washington did his job, his wife visited him and his valet assisted him not only in his dress but was a good shot himself. 

Meanwhile, there were these three guys.

They got caught attempting to assassinate or kidnap or messing the whole thing up.

They guy who stepped up was not even born here but an immigrant.

Probably have never heard of him.

He was the first real appointed Chief of the Body Guard of the Commander and Chief.

After George agreed to also become President, these guys moved with him and became known as the Secret Service or the guys who protect the President.

They are supposed to be really good and never ever get caught with even a single sniffle in the crowd.

Sigh, what is America supposed to do?

The FBI have been out and about, shut down a Russian based hacking group among other things.

Don't give up hope, there is light at the end.

The FBI always get their man they say and they have been busy.

It is supposed to have been the US Postal service which got caught in the middle of a scuffle in this case that got these guys caught.

They also don't like giving the mail to the wrong person, not that it does not happen.

Only the honest ones return mail that is not theirs, the rest of us are still waiting for missing letters.

Meanwhile, upsets in voting have happened since the beginning. 

One guy even tried to step ahead of his President, the Vice President noticed he had the same amount of votes and said he was the real guy and wanted to be made President instead. 

Congress had to decide which is what they were supposed to do with Hillary.

I do apologize to her. I wish she had changed the law to the popularity vote.

I am still uncertain who took advantage of whom at this point.

My favorite fall guy is Jimmy, he got into everyone's business in the seventies. 

Everyone hated him and wanted to get rid of him.

Then in the Eighties he became everyone's favorite guy to annoy me with.

I am still waiting for one of his convictions to take effect, the guy was even set to be executed.

I do hope we can trust the voting results in the end, after inspection and maybe there was just one guy with a military connection who was angry at women in general.

Maybe the mafia really are after the White House and want their way with Congress.

As for what's coming out through the news over there, still waiting to hear the end results.

Some of it sound like mafia or gangsters and some of it sounds like terrorists.

How can anyone tell the difference at this point, when no one trusts anyone or at least the guy at the top?

It only take one stolen tank, my grandfather used to say during World War II to end it all.

The idea of a village being taken out or a vendetta against certain groups by specific guys was their nightmare.

Too much nonmilitary expertise has been noticed in the reports.

But maybe his guys don't want to fight and are messing up on purpose.

No one is going to know until it is over and even then, historians will still debate what went wrong.

All we need to worry about, is complying with the laws such as traffic lights and not giving our neighbors the impression they can do anything they want and get away with it.

Someday they might come back and get even, it has not been unknown for camping trips or road trips to go really bad, from those who follow tourist home or neighbors making it their business to know when a family goes on a vacation. 

Maybe, if Hillary apologizes to Vladimir and offers him a handshake, he will feel better and tell his boys to go back home where they have no way of taking care of their families either.

Really, someone has to apologize or even will be taking advantage of their neighbor's, work colleagues, and guys form that other religion. 

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