Sunday, March 13, 2022

A Day at the Beach

The sun is out and shining.

The sounds of people having the enjoyment of their lives.

They are enjoying themselves.

They are alive.

And they want everyone to know it.

In the middle of the Pandemic, we were warned off the beaches and the trials.

We could not go anywhere except necessary trips to the grocery stores and the doctors.

Then they got permission to go outside again and found they had put on weight.

They all joined gyms or clubs and went on diets. 

It was not enough.

They wanted to live and breathe.

They wanted to be Californians again.

They wanted their beaches, their swimsuits and their watersports.

What they really wanted was to sit down and make others appreciate that they were in California.

California lifestyles are unique.

French Rivera lifestyle is also different.

And nothing is like Hawaii.

But there is a time and place for everything under the sun.

Pandemic was a time to stay at home.

Vaccinations and masks off meant the people could play again.

And then came the sudden catastrophe of the Ukraine and the Russians.

Everyone thinks they know what is going on but  no one knows why it happened.

Separatists and rebels are things of the past and so are strong arm measures.

What is going on is one country is complaint while another is being annoying.

Which is right will be determined when it is over and has been properly investigated.

We hope, when does one country have the right to cross over the border and when is it not wrong? 

I have not been to the beach in almost a year due to the difficulties of travel.

I grew up near the beach all my life but I am not a beach bumm.

I believe in nature and mediatiion to god.

Not lustfulness and carelessness.

I made the journey to Pacific beach on the new trolley extention.

It was not bad getting off and boarding a bus and traveling down the old highway.

Many came to us, just to have us drive them to the ocean.

It was an old familiar path and there it was the ocean blue.

I live just a few miles from the Marina but cant see anything all due to all the tall buildilngs.

Beautiful blue of the ocean.

I walked a short ways under the old pier on Grand Ave.

Crystal Pier was once a ball room out on the Pacific.

The train came to town and people trumped down to the pier not the beach to dance the night away.

Now it is a long pier with cottages upon it. 

I walked under it thinking of the times I got trapped as a child with the rise of the tide.

Once clear i went back up the stairs and made my bad leg worse.

To sit and drink coffee while reflecting over the beach and the rise of the ocean while considering what is on the other side.

Really, it is Asia where many have gone to fight.

But most of us think of Europe a little further.

And right now it is the conflict over a small piece of territory on the Black Sea.

A long fought for piece of property in that area of the world but not usually by ourselves.

One cup of coffee and a ten minute walk on a beach my parents once owned a house visited by others who had never been to the Pacific ocean.

I could even see the neighborhood and where we once played us children of a couple who were then destroyed by a saboteur named Jim.

Small boys with dreams of living with mom and dad in California instead being sent away over and over again.

A broken back and difficulty walking with a bad leg.

No one wants to see me anymore, no longer the sweet young thing.

Really, they just wanted to use my family with the old east coast connections.

And then there are all those little bastards who will never be real little princesses.

No matter who they speak to nor how many times they say it in their heads.

Despite every judge and doctor telling them otherwise, none of them want to speak the truth.

They are all lying about being adults and none of them can get off the drugs they are on.

Sad a day at the beach should not include another confrontation of the two hundred plus girls along who are lying about being my daughter when all the others wanted was a for me not to be chosen.

Of course,  I was the only one who studied or walked to school, passed my courses or attempted to work.

As I made my way home, having picked up a few food items, I was also sure I would be robbed.

These girls have all been trained to steal from me if I take myself out at all. If I spend money on myself.

I have been carjacked and had my suitcases stolen just because I wont feed them. I cant when I was never the one pregnant.

Nor will they acknowledge as adults that they are wrong. Instead, they continue molesting and abusing the same individual who did nothing at all to them. 

Just another day at the beach. To be robbed and raped for nothing at all, but the animosity of strangers. 

Waiting two weeks after my birthday, to go visit my favorite beach because of this war, was a challenge.

I had to get up early and travel downtown from the valley they set me inside.

I sat patiently at the newer pier waiting while the bicyclist lined up.

When the guy came out and handed out his tickets, I got in line and accepted my own free ticket.

They pay people to show up for the commuter ferry, by giving them a free ticket back!

The old fashioned feeling of a ferry and water under my feet. The waves gently shifting the boat as we have a short trip across the bay.

It was actually the old boat, that my own family once used when we collected the ferry money of a quarter for each trip.

And then a woman showed up with her babies and they had to breast feed at the hour of the morning and in the middle of a bunch of serious bicyclists.

Outside was the only other woman without a bicycle or a baby. Fresh air in our faces.

Once at the landing, I had to walk because the local bus no longer services until 10 AM.

But a sort walk is the other bus which services teh strand and I was all the way down to the only real resort of the area.

Coronado hotel on the Coronado Island!

Movies and commercials are made on its beaches.

It is one of the richest places to go and my family used to be able to afford it occasionally.

Now I am broke and getting free rides at an earlier than usual hour.

What a difference a day makes.

Everyone was in a high hum of delight and then some.

They were dressed nice not beach wear and seemed to be celebrating the news from overseas.

Getting my coffee from one of really nice extras was almost too difficult with the women making me feel my Anne Klien shoes were not good enough.

Making it to the actual beach where they are a few benches just to watch the sea at large.

All those years flown by and my family once more young and hopeful.

They even played it out for me, a woman and a girl were yelling for another girl.

Then the father began to yell until the men from the tables came down to find the girl who had drifted into a group of other children.

Just as my family, walking by with his hand firmly on the younger girl's hand and sweating the man reminded me of my father. While the woman waddled with him, very pronounced at maybe nine months pregnancy walking with the older girl.

My mother was always pregnant. My sister and I were born first and are the only girls in the family.

My mother had boys who disappeared as fast as they arrived and then she was pregnant again.

Those boys would come back and sit around me, waiting for me to remember them, I wasnt supposed to recall them at all. 

It was not allowed by Jim and his girlfriends who were planning World War three one day.

I was remembering my sister had been removed by one of the ladies who were refusing to leave my mother alone since she was a child and promised things because her mother was on the radio.

Her mother lost her job and career and so did my father because they were lying to her as these children are lying to me about being my daughters, all they want is a princess title.

It was pleasant to watch the three cruise ships stuck out at sea and waiting to be allowed to dock at a time of crisis.

Meanwhile a few yachts went by and there a number of millionaires with boats docked inside the bay.

Wonder if any of them are wanted? Most of them probably are free and clear.

They don't have to worry as they go to pay for a two-scoop ice cream from a real ice cream parlor why there are not enough bills in the wallet.

They don't get charged for things others decide are not theirs to have nor do they have to worry about going to their gym which is just the YMCA as to who is not going to want them in the same pool with them.

All those years my family were followed by crybabies now known as terrorists. All they wanted, was to know us and the replace us and they left us with nothing.

Just a day at eh beach for these imposters from Germany who came to destroy those who caused them to fail during the war.

Thier children are the best weapon. They just give in and they don't go away. They also refuse to be told no but continue to rob and rape.

Impossible situation. No where to go and no way out.

Now everyone wants to party.

They are enjoying the plight of the war in Russia.

These people are crazy, always anti-Russian not knowing they live in a Russian community.

The rich news guys are covering the news as if they have no money.

The refugees robbed all the cash from the ATMs.

Then they left town. Free rides out of town. Private jets to Israel.

A party of four tickets to Mexico City for a family who have nowhere else to go.

Everyone wants to come to America.

They believe they can live free and in other peoples homes.

I am both native American and a descendant of the first arrivals in San Diego as well as the old Russians who came by themselves and set up fishing villages and the French who simply walked around without setting up markers for their properties. 

I have had my fourth tooth explode.

My car accident included my face being crushed by the air bag. My jar was cracked or at least the teeth are coming out one by one on each side.

One more time, the dentist does not want me in their office nor the American Indian health center. even being denied my own ethnicity. While others walk in and get treated.

I decided to go to the third beach, Ocean beach where we used to play as well.

Originally called Wonderland, a beach amusement park just like San Fracisco's Playland.

Now, without the train, it is hard to get to and has been made over into an old hippie community when really it is just a bunch of scam artists.

It is also the location of one of the longest piers, opened by Governor Reagan before he  made President.

It was almost destroyed in the last big storm just as the amusement park was threatened with a few bad winters.

The surfers like this spot for the waves are just right, although Pacific beach is also a good spot.

There were actually people on the beach and surfers in the water.

I made my way down to the favorite breakfast spot from the past.

It was once the jailhouse and then a library.

But it has also been a breakfast spot. The right seat and one can eat and watch the surf unless a couple just hast to stand in your view.

My family often came here where they  had once been happy, a family of four children.

My father missed those days after he was booted out by Jim, his family, his children.

I finished my cup of coffee at the beach with my feet hanging off the wall.

Days ago my sister and I played together and got caught by mom. 

She told my sister I was her imaginary friend. Cute was my mother. 

I came back with a dog, the only one that I owned, not that anyone would leave him alone.

Memories and a day at the beach of my brothers playing in the sand or fishing off the pier.

When my father lost it all, he would just lay down and wait out his life, since there was nothing for him, after all those people came and took everything, leaving nothing for him. Just like now.

When did it all collapse?

Where did they all go?

Why were we so overindulged by bad people following us around?

Will the earth be blown up over a border dispute between two countries who have shared teh same language and religion for over a thousand years?

A Day at the beach, when America wants to celebrate the war in Russia. 

When they are happy to be through the Pandemic and not the ones dead.

Why should they mourn someone else's problems especially a guy they have been gunning for over something no one can explain?

He is not one of them nor someone they want, but another countries leader. And they don't like him.

It does not matter what his name is nor where he comes from. They don't like him.

Nor are they going to welcome him back at any time.

Good riddance. He may as well die, then survive.

No one in America wants him, not the news agencies, not the big movie stars, nor the little people on the street.

He only helped save the Western world when every other nation was trying to destroy us and them, but hey that was the past and there is a new generation on the red carpet, what do they care?

Oh well, what do they know about anything.

They have nothing to worry about except their neighbors, they just don't know that yet. 

Some day they might, like the woman lying dead in the street who worked at Silicon valley, the computer expert who can hack anything and any countries computers.


By the way, Honey, I know you are not coming home.

You left a long time ago and forgot we had gotten married.

I know you had a marriage license on me and watched me in my journalism days.

I did what I could to be a good wife, especially when you never wanted to live with me.

Why we got married is buried in the past, you were past your youth, and I was trying to get my crazy mother to respect me. 

She just moved in on you and stoled you from me, keeping you from being my husband. 

That little piece of paper always showed up when i wanted it not to and you would not sign anything to make it go away.

Now you have spent a decade in Espana with another woman.

Seven years is a common law marriage. You had to go Latina on me!

We never did live together but you were always there when I was little.

We grew up around each other and Ocean beach was one of the places you always showed up.

Well, I wont keep you from marrying the horse thief. 

I wont be able to come to the wedding, as I cant go to the Kingdom Hall.

Not anymore, after all those years of your complaints. 

But your little filly, has the same religion and I know it doesn't matter to you.

You are in love with her!

So marry her and allow me to have my life, what is left of it without my mother nor Jimmy.

Remember we meet in San Francisco, at the old Coffee house section on Geary street.

I wasn't allowed in the Catholic churches and had to attend the Russian Orthodox schools.

It was not a bad life nor do i regret it, except it included those lost boys, and him.

We were once a nice couple and friends for life.

Let's stay friends and not become enemies.

I was going to tell you I was alright and had found someone else.

The same guy you stoled me from all those years ago, resurfaced, now divorced.

A fifteen-year-old in love is trouble and he was forced to marry another.

While a seventeen-year-old was ripe for the taking and you managed to convince me you would protect me for life.

Instead we both got the rough side of life, and I am afraid none of the girls are in love with you but what you offer, now that you no longer live in a VW bus.

I hope you are happy at least for  awhile, i hope  she finds out what it means to be a real wife who stays at home and goes to church on Sundays with her aging mother.

I may have begun to speak to soon. 

An old coach from my days as an athlete who no longer cares for himself. 

As usual, Jimmy came out of nowhere and side whacked me before anything more than a cup of expresso exchanged hands.

Just once can this talker leave me alone but no  he "just wants" his way, well its not me he is going to own.

Not that anyone cares, nor will Jimmy ever understand it is not his business. 

Being stalked since I was a small child due to god knows what has never been pleasant. 

One day the bastard will die and his multiple wives will be surprised when the law moves in on them.

Meanwhile, a day at the beach is hard to find these days. 

I got a chance to visit three of my favorites this last week and was saddened by the experience.

I was also missing money, almost did not have enough for breakfast.

I would like to catch the thief; it happens every month.

Some day, life will go back to normal.....

Someday, there will not be a war on the other side of the world affecting my life.

Someday, Jimmy will be dead.

And then I will have my day at the beach!

Part time for others no more.

Those girls don't know who they are but they are not princesses but mental ward clients waiting to be checked in or should we send them to jail for impersonation?

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