Sunday, March 27, 2022

The sad fate of a Presidents son

Many Presidents have pasts and many of make themselves into millionaires after their term in office.

Most of them have royal connections as secret descendants, as well as Indian Chiefs which is unstated. 

It is the children's fate that is uncertain.

One never knows what to do with them,

treating the girls as royalty for four years?

Or marry them off to millionaires is the only thing to be done.

The sons on the other hand have only one of two options,

Either one themselves or suffer the fate of a loser.

Even the girls who marry senators have difficulty being remembered except at special observances.

The Nixon girls made covers and history.

They each married well and fell into oblivion.

Chelsea married a doctor and is enormously rich despite her parents' failures after the Oval office.

Malia has done nothing but make matters worse for herself, not a single thing.

Caroline Kennedy married the worst and came out as an ambassador herself.

Her children now have the same fate as her brother.

What will become of her son?

Will her run of President or die tragically?

Now Adams and Bush both followed in thier fathers footsteps.

They got elected Presidents and became names to be remembered.

But is that enough.

What happened to some of the others.

Ulysses Grant was a famous General who came out of nowhere.

He won the impossible war of brother against brother.

Not unlike Ukraine versus Russia.

He then took Washington by storm and sat in the Oval office.

Sadly, his ambitiousness got the best of him, his administration was beset with woes.

Not unlike many others in his seat, so many assume or take advantage.

He died in poverty, having just completed his memoirs.

Mark Twain of all people agreed to edit them and produce them at cost.

His widow became wealthy overnight.

Her sons also did well in finance and real estate.

They had the education and degrees to have decent careers as lawyers or something else.

Instead they headed to California with the Gold rush and did quite well for themselves.


Jesse and Ulysses Jr arrived in the southern most city of San Diego with gold in their pockets.

Where or how they got it is unknown.

They did try their hand at several things and gold pan handling may have been one of them.

As it was, they came into a town that had already been robbed several times.

The Russians and Japanese had fishing villages, with remnants still visible.

The Californians were rough gangsters who took over from the fine Spanish lords and criminal Mexicans.

There were so many claims to the lands of the south Baja and north Alta that the claims are still being heard in both Mexico City and Washington DC.

The original San Diegan's were not Spanish but a mixture of white ship jumpers or rich sons arriving to buy up whatever they could.

In the case, of the Grants, they got the biggest house in town, overlooking the bay. They bought it for 25 thousand gold coins.

Gold in hand, they set themselves up in San Diego. Jesse went up the hill to Balboa Park and enjoyed himself with real estate.

Ulysses tried various venues with city offices before he bought a hotel, tore it down and rebuilt it naming it after his father Ulysses Grant Sr. 

It is still standing and the largest downtown, and still used by Presidents such as Trump for the ballroom activities. 

San Diego became a former Spanish town overnight instead the European city it once was. 

Wyat Earp had been in town as city sheriff, before the OK corral shootout when he went back.

His family were wagon trainers' homesteaders to San Bernadino. His brothers preferred the Wild West. 

History sometimes writes itself and sometimes is rewritten by those who hold the keys to the records. 

In the end, their speculations caught up with them with the 1929 collapse and Great depression.

They both married first east coast women with Manhattan apartments and lifestyles.

In the case of Ulysses, he remarried a Californian woman, as Vallejo had done.

A descendant of Mexico City, and Montezuma, a native princess. 

Her ancestors read like a history book of Conquistadors and vanquished princesses.

They lived comfortably and resettled to Clear Water, the last town not to be dismantled as San Diego.

Now known as Chula Vista which is supposed to be mean beautiful view, but is not spoken of as a pretty city but one of poverty. 

He is only remembered for having built a hotel in California and nothing else. 

What is a presidents son to do?

He can run for President himself but might not be accepted nor appreciated.

He can marry a princess but where will he live?

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