Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Queen of diplomacy has died meanwhile Europe is preparing going to war

 Madeleine Albright was the first Secretary of State for the United States. 

While other countries had women in positions of power, the US has been reluctant to present women as capable to hold positions of power within their own government.

The First ladies were the ones leading the charge in overseas diplomacy, such as Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Jacqueline Kennedy.

Mrs. Albright broke the mold. And she did it with her own abilities. Her own unique ways of approach and then the world made it clear they had meet someone of dignity.

Hillary Clinton followed in her heels, attempting to make the same impression. She also successfully ran for President but did not receive the necessary electoral college to proceed.

What does the US have against women? They have always been necessary in America. Without them there would have been no America.

Many of them were heroes, such as Pocahontas and Sally Hemmings, paving the way of diplomacy and then being lost to history.

Britian had their first Iron lady in the form of Maggie Thatcher and Germany just lost their Angela Merkel who held court for 16 years, keeping her own country and others from going to war.

Whatever, contributions perceived by the world, Albright made a difference in the perceptions of the American press and the way the President was presented.

In more important ways, diplomacy became an important part of the way America and its President dealt with foreign powers.

Her reign as Queen spanned the old Soviet system and included many attempts to modernize other countries including Germany and Russia.

With her death, the powers are sojourning in Europe to discuss NATO's responsibilities.

The unthinkable has happened, Russia has gone to war against itself. 

Many can't believe Ukraine was ever separate from Mother Russia, but they felt their independence more important than allowing others to follow suit and separate themselves.

This is what we are being told, and it is still uncertain what has caused the situation which was probably building for a while. 

Why did Russia invade? According to the little bit we have gotten, it is due to the spy master's information. This is something we will never know for certain with the way that country in particular is stitched together.

We do know that the Ukrainians are targeting the highest-ranking military men, generals while their own people cry for mercy.

Nato is going to decide whether or not war crimes have been committed. 

Diplomacy is going to be needed not just because of the nuclear powers of both the large countries but because Russia is not going to go away. 

Isolating them behind another curtain is not the answer, so whatever sanctions that are used, it is not going to be useful unless the outcome includes a unified peaceful Europe.

This scrimmage as some have called it between the same people, will not unravel the country that has survived all other attacks for a millennium. 

For better or worse, Russia will be with America tomorrow and the day after and the day after that.

Diplomacy needs to be used in order to decide how far sanctions are going to be used and to just sit down and find out what is really going on over there besides mud slinging.

The Queen is being laid to rest just as her years of wisdom could be used the most, keeping the world from slinging more than injurious barbs at each other. 

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