Wednesday, March 30, 2022

What is in a smile? How much does a slap cost?

 Everyone is talking about it, the slap!

While Europe has become a war zone, America decided to host the Oscars with audience.

They were tired of the Pandemic.

It was tiresome to stay at home and not show off all that work on thier bodies and those expensive outfits.

It was just plain inconsiderate of everyone to expect them not to have a night off, to shine.

After all, that is what Hollywood is all about.

When the stars shine on the walkways of the ground floor of the productions who arrived in a city which almost never rains.

Important for camera crews in order to film those incredible stories.

Meanwhile, in Europe it has even been snowing on the fields while the tanks are being bogged down.

What do they want anyways, those two countries?

They want to have their way; one says his country is being torn in two.

The other says they were allowed to go free and independent.

Their own neighbors want the same thing, to go free and independent.

Ukraine should shut up and take it, let Donbas go. 

So, says, the Russians who just want peaceful negotiations.

They say the freedom seekers should be allowed their way, while eyeing those ports on their side of the board.

Who can blame them, they are a land locked country? 

They originated in Kiev with the whole river to use at their means.

Then they moved into the middle of nowhere for some reason.

Probably more centrally located for others and perhaps even a northern route existed around the Mongols.

The silk route was once of primary importance, now everything comes and goes through China via those ships, even the cars which were lost at sea on their sinking boat.

Those port cities are important to Russia, they have them in the North near the Artic, in the East near Japan, and in the west, wherever they can find them.

This opportunity of supporting a section which want to go independent and comes with port cities can be passed up.

It might not be the game plan nor the reason for the scrimmage between these two countries where people have a hard time telling who the enemy is, after all, even in America there are those who have one great-grandparent from Saint Petersburg and the other one from Kiev.

Who to vote for or worry about, it is a slap in the face, really to see their own people in such a position?

As for Hollywood, no one touches someone else.

And yet, there was a slap in the face.

Usually it is all smiles, everyone smiles, it costs all lot of money to make those films.

Money is spent on everything, especially the teeth. Those smiles cost more than one can imagine.

And yet there was a slap on the face.

Again, all that expense. 

Faces cost a lot of money as well, expensive procedures are done to make the faces look better and to keep age from creeping up on the important person.

Then there are those who come along with the star, the wives, the children and sometimes the parents.

They are worth money as well, although it is evident not as much time and money is spent on them.

There was even one woman with hair loss issues. It is not uncommon to see a woman with a shaved head.

But usually, they have a reason for shaving their head. A movie part or an illness such as Monaco's Charleene who had to go into treatment from her shaving her head for no apparent reason.

And there it was the slap in the face.

The best of the stars was present, and the awards were being presented despite the theatrics of some girls with no training for stage.

A professional step forward who knows what he is doing and spots the one thing that is going to irate.


A shaved head and on a female, he cracks a joke which is natural to him.

It was not received well, by the woman, and the man actually walked on stage and slapped the onstage entertainer. 

A slap on the face to one of his own and in front of a crowd.

The two gentlemen were both African ethnicity and should have handled their dispute elsewhere.

The main issue seemed to be his wife's name not being used by the other man.

A common enough mistake between those forced to associate due to ethnicity or religion or country of origin.

There it was, a slap out of nowhere, so unexpected.

And the crowd did nothing at all.

They just sat there and let the two men have it out.

The onstage entertainer had to proceed with his dialogue or monologue as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, the other couple were not even asked to leave the auditorium.

If it had been a white couple or a mixed race non-African couple, they would have been forced to vacate.

Instead, life went on and low and behold.

The slap turned into an apology.

The guy won the Oscar!

After all that, his getting out of his chair and going on stage over an insult to his wife.

(It turns out she claims female baldness, and just shaved it all off instead of paying for a wig.) 

He was left holding the trophy of a lifetime in his hand and crying for himself.

The slap that shook the world. 

As a white woman would be told in the same situation:

Now don't you feel silly!?

Wonder how the two men in Ukraine and Russia feel the same insults of a slap in the face, as one is taking a lot of verbal abuse and the other is frustrated because his country is being split in two and being bombed at the same time. 

Who should win? Or is there a winner in this situation? 

A slap which might alter the way the Oscars are presented and an apology which might not be accepted. 

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