Saturday, March 19, 2022

It's the Spring Equinox but today the Eiffel tower is taller than yesterday

 Another year, another spring and 

well, well,

another war or is it a misunderstanding between neighbors?

Another way of reading the news, 

with everyone still name calling

instead of stating the facts.

Just the facts, please, maam.

Friday, I believe was his name, the FBI agent who visited people's homes every week with a new case.

Here we are with a new President still in his honeymoon stage, a Catholic

his tunning vice president, a woman with a Jewish husband.

And an old Russian orthodox guy who still thinks he is president.

Bad case of nerves is what some would say any leader would have at this point.

Mr. Putin is getting it from all sides about this war.

They would not leave him alone about Hillarie's panties being in a bind, 

and how unfair it was for him to decide against her and all that.

I know hacking occurs but have my doubts, he seriously cared whether or not it was Trump or not.

He lost his wife, and his youth. His daughters dont even visit him.

He spends his holidays alone by the fireside or off to the woods with his war buddies.

At least he does not have a cat as in the Bond movies to really make him the bad guy.

Finally, he gets to go to the big show and show his support at the Rally 

only to have him cut off by some musician guy.

What the Hell! 

This guy just got nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, guys, 

stand down and give him his time at the mike.

Oh, and that little guy who thought he would get a law degree and then go off and be a comic.

Look mom no hands!

He decided to perform on the piano with his pants down and hands up.

It sounded good, and it was censored.

He got to be on dancing with the stars, and he meet a real beauty.

He married himself a writer or reporter.

He now has two kids and a new job.

His Soviet engineer mother must be proud.

He got elected as President of Ukraine instead of appointed by the Communist party.

And his father is a professor at the University.

Well, he is done quite well for himself, 

kind of like seeing JFK, Jr. getting his law degree

and then publishing a magazine as a spoof on politics.

He finally got married but then his plane went down with his wife.

Sad farewell. 

They never did find his body.

Here we are another year older, and my grandmothers Hazels birthday 

coincides with the Spring Equinox, not Saint Patricks day.

Trips to the beach are required or at least a visit to the gardens.

Paris was her destination of choice for March or April.

But everyhting has been shut down for almost two years.

Due to the Pandemic and she lived through the Spanish Influenza.

They are in the middle of elections.

That other little guy with the schoolteacher wife,

he isn't giving in and is going to run again.

He had everything go wrong, 

shootings at news agencies, 

Syrian refugees showing up at the border,

protests in the streets disturbing the peace and traffic.

A nasty virus shutting down the museums and even the outdoor cafes for a whole year.

He even allowed the Notre Dame to be set on fire and almost burn down!

He was seen welcoming the crowd from Japan for the Olympics in 2024

from the Eiffel tower.

The Eiffel tower has decided to grow twenty feet taller, with a new antenna attachment.

One never knows what is going to happen next. 

Another Spring is upon us, and the Druids have been busy.

Let's wait see, who gets elected next and how this is all going to work out. 

Hopefully for the best!

And another Spring will be upon us

for yet another renewal of hope and spirit.

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