Thursday, March 10, 2022

Dear American Astronaut, have you ever heard of Roanoke?

 To the American Astronaut, Mark Vand He, who is still cooperating with his Russian companions, he may not be coming home, and he may not want to come home.

He has apparently not heard there is a war between Ukraine and Russia, and he was supposed to have understood and made the decision to stop cooperating with his fellows on the Space Station.

I know it is a very small space but it is imperative to get along with the American agenda. 

No one is allowed to step aside, even I had a weird message on a bus today from an African man wearing a US Navy hat, go ahead lady. That is all he said, but he was looking right at me. I just want to know what I am being accused of having committed.

Anyways, you  might not know it yet, you really are not supposed to be eating, sleeping and breathing the same foul air as these guys who are part of the country making complaints very loudly on the ground.

I would really consider twice before getting into that little space rocket with them. It might not be a safe place you land, and you   might not be seeing America again very soon. 

Russia just arrested an American female sports star on her way back from one of those international games. 

Fair is fair. 

One could always hold out hope and if one side does go ahead of punch that little red button, you could then be the lone survivor way out their in space.

Would that make you the President?

If everyone in the Oval office gets wiped out and the Capital hill, as the last official government person on earth. Would you then qualify for the office of President? 

We will have to check the Constitution and see if it works out in your favor, if you refuse a ride with your little Russian friends. 

Remember Roanoke. 

Mr. White brought his own daughter and a group to this virgin land to establish a colony of English speakers. The very first child born in America was his own Grand daughter named Virginia. He was so happy and then they ran out of food.

He had to go home, only to find his Queen Elizabeth had gotten into a little skirmish with that Spanish man Philip. She had accepted his attentions and then decided not to accept his marriage proposal. 

She was not going to go live in Espana and become his little wife, She was the Queen of her own country.

Anyways, she had to face the most formidable known naval enemy on the western world. 

The Spanish Armada!

She did actually win against Philips little navy and in the fog. 

But it took two years before they could return to Roanoke and Mr. White was faced with not a single face of his group. Not his daughter nor his granddaughter. 

In fact, they say they never did find any trace of those English speakers. There are stories and clues but elusive evidence. 

He spent the rest of his life working on maps in a distance Scottish castle.

He might have had a small breakdown. 

I am sure you will survive, just not on Russian land, not any time soon and any where. 

A walk down a local beach showed that the Americans are enjoying themselves and almost partying at fancy resorts and really enjoying the discomfort of the guy who thought he would pull the plug on Hillary. 

Poor Hillary, she was so sure she was President. 

It is so sad, she would not have allowed this to happen.

She is really good at making problems go away. 

Well, she wont be able to make you go away. And you will not be forgotten. There are people on the ground in America who do know where you are, so you have nothing to worry about.

No Problemo.

Just hunker down a little bit and it will all be over soon. 

Or at least we all think so, it cant go on much longer. 

Meanwhile, the long slow march of that convoy... where did they say it got stuck? 

Hmm, well, at least Houston doesn't have to tell the guy the truth about what going on. 

There is like no way they are going to send anything out there to get him until this is over.

Oh! By the Way.

Did you hear?

They found the Endurance!

After 107 years!

Shackleton's ship was finally found and in almost one piece!

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